Resizeable Antd drawer component - antd

Regarding this existing answer A resizable `antd` Drawer?
this explains if the drawer placement is "right".
But if the placement is "left" or "bottom" or "top" how the handleMouseMove function logic changes?
Please share the handleMouseMove function logic in ResizableDrawer.jsx if the drawer
placement is "left"
placement is "bottom"
placement is "top"
Tried the Drawer placement to left and changed some logic but not works fine.


Angular2 Material Toolbar auto hide, How?

I'd like to auto hide the top md-toolbar when the mouse left the toolbar, and display it when move mouse to the top. How to do that in material2?

How to control Two chart of highstock with scroll bar

I would like to write a external scroll bar to control two chart or other things for highstock.
And I would like to ask how to control the scroll bar for the chart.
I saw the API, it do not provide a event for it.
I think it can be two solution.
Control the navigator or scroll bar to make it move left to right in two chart together.
Control the date of rangeSelector
Please help.
You can control charts by setExtremes() function.

jquery ui - Strange scrollbar behaviour when dragging items from draggable to sortable

If you click and drag an item from draggable list to the sortable list, the browser's scrollbar will grow or shrink depending on how far right your cursor goes.
If you drag off the end of the window, the window will scroll off to the right.
Not sure, why is this happening!
Anybody has any ideas?
specify a containment option in which your element can be dragged around

Borders misaligned after expanding a JQueryUI toggle on Chrome only

I have a bunch of controls that start off hidden. When the Options button is clicked, the controls are displayed in a drop down box with a border. On Chrome, when the box is expanded, it looks like the left hand border is pushing the right hand border out of alignment with the button.
The drop down look like this:
See for the code for this example.
If I remove the left hand border, the right hand border falls into place
See for the example without the left hand border.
I am not able to reproduce this problem in Firefox or IE.
Has anyone else ever seen anything like this before?
Is this acceptable? The CSS I added is in #controls-title and .options-dropdown-expanded. I basically set a left padding on the title bar that gets removed when the dropdown is expanded so that the left border doesn't shift the title bar to the right when it appears. I also set a -2px right margin when the dropdown is expanded so that the right border pops in rather than jutting out.

How to ownerdraw the scroll buttons in a scrollable Tmenu (or Tpopupmenu)?

By setting a MIM_MAXHEIGHT with SetMenuInfo, I can control the max height of a [popup]menu. When the menu appears, if it needs more height than MIM_MAXHEIGHT, it will have 2 scrollbuttons (one at the top, the second at the bottom)
I do draw myself the menuitems to theme them with various flavours.
But my OnDrawItem or OnMeasureItem are never called for drawing the scrollbuttons.
So my question is : How to ownerdraw the scroll buttons in a scrollable Tmenu (or Tpopupmenu)? Is it even possible?
Looking at the MSDN documentaiton, I don't think you can not owerdraw those buttons, as they are not part of the menu items, but of the menu itself.
The menu itself only has very few flags you can define; the only modify the background.
This link describes (an English translation of) how to to this.
Or this link on the Embarcadero forum.
What is possible is to set a background color to the menu (MIM_BACKGROUND) and giving to the hbrBack member a Tbrush.handle with a predefined color.
that is not perfect but often, themes use a single color to backgroud the menuitems. By this way, the scroll buttons will be colored with the background color
