Borders misaligned after expanding a JQueryUI toggle on Chrome only - jquery-ui

I have a bunch of controls that start off hidden. When the Options button is clicked, the controls are displayed in a drop down box with a border. On Chrome, when the box is expanded, it looks like the left hand border is pushing the right hand border out of alignment with the button.
The drop down look like this:
See for the code for this example.
If I remove the left hand border, the right hand border falls into place
See for the example without the left hand border.
I am not able to reproduce this problem in Firefox or IE.
Has anyone else ever seen anything like this before?

Is this acceptable? The CSS I added is in #controls-title and .options-dropdown-expanded. I basically set a left padding on the title bar that gets removed when the dropdown is expanded so that the left border doesn't shift the title bar to the right when it appears. I also set a -2px right margin when the dropdown is expanded so that the right border pops in rather than jutting out.


Strange empty grey box appears when touching View near top of my screen

A button near the top of my View is no longer clickable when I have Views with lots of padding or spacers on my page. When I reduce the padding, I am able to click the button, but only the bottom half of its image (80p tall). The top half still gives me the weird box that shows up.
It seems that the more padding / spacing I have, the further up my button goes on the screen (which is desirable), however, the button cannot be clicked above a certain y coordinate of my screen.
Has anyone seen this before? What does this empty box mean? My only guess is that its the NavigationView interfering with getting the touch, as a similar grey box occurs if I hold the back button down without releasing it.

iOS re-order control overlay cell

When having a black background ListView in iOS and setting the edit property to true, shows the re-order control (white horizontal lines icon) in the right hand side as it should. It also shows the delete icon on the left side of the cell and then shifts the contents to the right.
The problem is this; the re-order icon overlays the white text of the cell and you can not see the icon. I know we can't change the background of the re-order control. What am I missing that the content view is not resized but shifted during the re-order?
So as it turns out, the content view label was auto sizing to the entire width of the row. After removing this, the label resizes appropriately.

UITextView text being centered left instead of being top left when Nav bar is put in View Controller

So i am having a little bit of an issue with auto layout. I am inserting a TextView into my VC and everything is normal..cursor and text start in top left hand corner. As soon as a nav bar is put into the VC, the text in the textview will lower to center on the left hand side, so basically it is just dropping it. I cant figure out what i am doing wrong, or a way to fix this. Any possible solutions? Thanks!

highstock mouseover out the left border of chart but there is still a bar data

When mouse over out the left border of chart, there is still a bar to show, why?
First picture there is a bar outside of the chart. It looks strange:
Second picture is the real first bar:
I want this behavior: When mouse at outside of chart I don't want to show any bar.
Can anyone help? Thanks.
Unfortunately tt is not possible, you can only disable mousetracking or hover option.

Best method to scroll a ScrollPane by mouse hover location in actionscript?

When mouse nears top edge of scrollpane, it scrolls up until it reaches the top only interrupted if the mouse leaves the top edge area.
Same for bottom edge.
You need to make a symbol that you can write AS code on that is invisible (set alpha to 0) and lies in the area you want to have the desired behavior to occur.
make sure its a button symbol
on the mouseover for your hidden symbol you tell your pane to scroll.
on the mouseout for your hidden symbol you tell your pane to stop scrolling.
Keep your hidden symbols on a higher layer than your scroll pane.
