SplayTreeSet contains duplicate values - dart

I have a SplayTreeSet of the objects ChatRoomListModel. I'd like to order my set based on the objects DateTime createTime value.
I'm not sure where I'm going wrong because there's duplicate items being added item.
I later down the line perform a _latestMessages.add(newMessage) and it's not actually calling the overloads and there's duplicates being added.
I tested by using _latestMessage.contains(newMessageButSameChatRoomId), it returns false.
When I perform _latestMessage.toSet() every duplicate goes away.
How can I get SplayTreeSet to use my overloading equals?
ObservableSet<ChatRoomListModel> _latestMessages = ObservableSet.splayTreeSetFrom(
compare: (a, b) => b.compareTo(a),
The ChatRoomListModel model has the following methods and overloads:
int compareTo(ChatRoomListModel other){
return messagesModel.createTime.compareTo(other.messagesModel.createTime);
ChatRoomListModel copyWith({
String? firstName,
String? otherUserId,
MessagesModel? messagesModel,
}) {
return ChatRoomListModel(
firstName: firstName ?? this.firstName,
otherUserId: otherUserId ?? this.otherUserId,
messagesModel: messagesModel ?? this.messagesModel,
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
other is ChatRoomListModel &&
runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
messagesModel.chatRoomId == other.messagesModel.chatRoomId;
int get hashCode => messagesModel.chatRoomId.hashCode;

Your issue is that you have two completely different notions of what it means for two ChatRoomListModel objects to be "equal". You provide both compareTo and operator == implementations, but they consider different sets of properties, so compareTo can return 0 when operator == returns false, which is confusing at best. SplayTreeMap considers only compareTo, not operator ==. From the SplayTreeSet documentation:
Elements of the set are compared using the compare function passed in the constructor, both for ordering and for equality. If the set contains only an object a, then set.contains(b) will return true if and only if compare(a, b) == 0, and the value of a == b is not even checked.
I'm presuming what you call "duplicates" are elements that have equal chatRoomIds but that have different creation times, and creation times are the only things that your SplayTreeSet cares about.
If your goal is to maintain only the latest message per chatRoomId, you need to maintain a data structure that uses the chatRoomId (a String) as a key. The natural collection for that would be a Map<String, ChatRoomListModel>. (Since the ChatRoomListModel knows its own chatRoomId, it also could just be a HashSet with explicit equals and hashCode callbacks.)
If you additionally want to keep messages in chronological order, you either will need to explicitly sort them afterward or maintain a separate data structure that keeps them in chronological order. You could continue using a SplayTreeSet for that. Basically before you add any entry to the SplayTreeSet, check the Map first to see if an existing entry for that chatRoomId.
I don't fully understand your data structures, but here's an example that you presumably can adapt:
import 'dart:collection';
class Message {
Message(this.creationTime, {required this.chatRoomId, required this.text});
final DateTime creationTime;
final String chatRoomId;
final String text;
String toString() => '$creationTime: [$chatRoomId] $text';
class Messages {
final _latestMessages = <String, Message>{};
final _orderedMessages = SplayTreeSet<Message>((message1, message2) {
var result = message1.creationTime.compareTo(message2.creationTime);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
result = message1.chatRoomId.compareTo(message2.chatRoomId);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
return message1.text.compareTo(message2.text);
void add(Message message) {
var existingMessage = _latestMessages[message.chatRoomId];
if (existingMessage != null &&
message.creationTime.compareTo(existingMessage.creationTime) < 0) {
// An existing message exists with a later creation date. Ignore the
// incoming message.
_latestMessages[message.chatRoomId] = message;
void printAll() => _orderedMessages.forEach(print);
void main() {
var messages = Messages();
DateTime(2023, 1, 1),
chatRoomId: 'foo',
text: 'Hello foo!',
DateTime(2023, 1, 2),
chatRoomId: 'bar',
text: 'Goodbye bar!',
DateTime(2023, 1, 2),
chatRoomId: 'foo',
text: 'Goodbye foo!',
DateTime(2023, 1, 1),
chatRoomId: 'bar',
text: 'Hello bar!',


Searching a List of objects for a particular object in dart using "where"

I would like to obtain an object from a List based on a specific search criteria of its member variable
this is the code I am using
class foo
int _a;
List<foo> lst = new List<foo>();
foo f = new foo(12);
List<foo> result = lst.where( (foo m) {
return m._a == 12;
I am getting the error and not sure how to resolve this
Uncaught exception:
TypeError: Instance of 'WhereIterable<foo>': type 'WhereIterable<foo>' is not a subtype of type 'List<foo>'
I am trying to search for an object whose member variable a == 12. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong ?
The Iterable.where method returns an iterable of all the members which satisfy your test, not just one, and it's a lazily computed iterable, not a list. You can use lst.where(test).toList() to create a list, but that's overkill if you only need the first element.
You can use lst.firstWhere(test) instead to only return the first element, or you can use lst.where(test).first to do effectively the same thing.
In either case, the code will throw if there is no element matched by the test.
To avoid throwing, you can use var result = lst.firstWhere(test, orElse: () => null) so you get null if there is no such element.
Another alternative is
foo result;
int index = lst.indexWhere(test);
if (index >= 0) result = lst[index];
The answer is simple. Iterable.where returns an Iterable, not a List. AFAIK this is because _WhereIterable does its computations lazily.
If you really need to return a List, call lst.where(...).toList().
Otherwise, you can set result to be an Iterable<foo>, instead of a List<foo>.
or you can go crazy and do this:
bool checkIfProductNotFound(Map<String, Object> trendingProduct) {
bool isNotFound = this
.where((element) => element["id"] == trendingProduct["id"])
return isNotFound ;

search in maps dart2 , same as list.indexOf?

I Use this sample for search in Map but not work :|:
var xmenList = ['4','xmen','4xmen','test'];
var xmenObj = {
'first': '4',
'second': 'xmen',
'fifth': '4xmen',
'author': 'test'
print(xmenList.indexOf('4xmen')); // 2
print(xmenObj.indexOf('4xmen')); // ?
but I have error TypeError: xmenObj.indexOf$1 is not a function on last code line.
Pelease help me to search in map object simple way same as indexOf.
I found the answer:
print(xmenObj.values.toList().indexOf('4xmen')); // 2
or this:
var ind = xmenObj.values.toList().indexOf('4xmen') ;
print(xmenObj.keys.toList()[ind]); // fifth
Maps are not indexable by integers, so there is no operation corresponding to indexOf. If you see lists as specialized maps where the keys are always consecutive integers, then the corresponding operation should find the key for a given value.
Maps are not built for that, so iterating through all the keys and values is the only way to get that result.
I'd do that as:
K keyForValue<K, V>(Map<K, V> map, V value) {
for (var entry in map.entries) {
if (entry.value == value) return key;
return null;
The entries getter is introduced in Dart 2. If you don't have that, then using the map.values.toList().indexOf(value) to get the iteration position, and then map.keys.elementAt(thatIndex) to get the corresponding key.
If you really only want the numerical index, then you can skip that last step.
It's not amazingly efficient (you allocate a new list and copy all the values). Another approach is:
int indexOfValue<V>(Map<Object, V> map, V value) {
int i = 0;
for (var mapValue in map.values) {
if (mapValue == value) return i;
return -1;
You can search using .where(...) if you want to find all that match or firstWhere if you assume there can only be one or you only want the first
var found = xmenObj.keys.firstWhere(
(k) => xmenObj[k] == '4xmen', orElse: () => null);

Dart Cannot find a value in the map even through the keys are equal

I have a map that has a complex object as a key
Map<TimeseriesNode , MyObject> myMap = {};
TimeseriesNode class has implemented hashCode and == operator
class TimeseriesNode {
String product;
String model;
String element;
String locationName;
String locationSuffix;
TimeseriesNode.create(this.product, this.model, this.element, this.locationName, this.locationSuffix);
int get hashCode {
return hashObjects([product, model, element, locationName, locationSuffix]);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is! TimeseriesNode) return false;
TimeseriesNode key = other;
return (key.element == element
&& key.locationName == locationName
&& key.locationSuffix == locationSuffix
&& key.model == model
&& key.product == product);
(method hashObjects comes from import "package:quiver/core.dart";)
One part of my application creates the keys and adds them to the map.
Another part of the application creates a new TimeseriesNode (which is equal to the original key) and then uses this instance to query the map.
MyObject obj = myMap[ node];
Oddly the map returns null. I have done some debugging and found that myMap[node] calls the following code in the dart:collection-patch_compact_hash code
V operator [](Object key) {
var v = _getValueOrData(key);
return identical(_data, v) ? null : v;
When I inspect v, I can see 'v' is the object that was originally added to the map, but the code returns null.
If I put a break point on my equals method, it is never called.
What is going on?
The fields you use to calculate the hashcode should be immutable (final). I guess you change one of these fields after you inserted the element into the map. This results in the map not finding the instance by hashcode and therefore doesn't reach the state where it does the equals check.

Groovy removeAll closure not removing objects in Set

I'm using data binding with parent/child relationships in Grails 2.3.7 and am having trouble with deletes. The form has many optional children, and to keep the database tidy I'd like to purge blank (null) values. I've found some nice articles which suggest using removeAll to filter my entries but I can't get remove or removeAll to work!
For example... (Parent has 10 children, 5 are blank)
def update(Parent parent) {
parent.children.getClass() // returns org.hibernate.collection.PersistentSet
parent.children.size() // returns 10
parent.children.findAll{ it.value == null }.size() // returns 5
parent.children.removeAll{ it.value == null } // returns TRUE
parent.children.size() // Still returns 10!!!
I've read PersistentSet is finicky about equals() and hashCode() being implemented manually, which I've done in every domain class. What baffles me is how removeAll can return true, indicating the Collection has changed, yet it hasn't. I've been stuck on this for a couple days now so any tips would be appreciated. Thanks.
I've been experimenting with the Child hashcode and that seems to be the culprit. If I make a bare-bones hashcode based on the id (bad practice) then removeAll works, but if I include the value it stops working again. For example...
// Sample 1: Works with removeAll
int hashCode() {
int hash1 = id.hashCode()
return hash1
// Sample 2: Doesn't work with removeAll
int hashCode() {
int hash1 = id.hashCode()
int hash2 = value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode()
return hash1 + hash2
// Sample Domain classes (thanks Burt)
class Parent {
static hasMany = [children: Child]
class Child {
String name
String value
static constraints = {
value nullable: true
This behavior is explained by the data binding step updating data, making it dirty. (ie: child.value.isDirty() == true) Here's how I understand it.
First Grails data binding fetches the Parent and children, and the hashcode of each Child is calculated. Next, data updates are applied which makes child.value dirty (if it changed) but the Set's hashcodes remain unchanged. When removeAll finds a match it builds a hashCode with the dirty data, but that hashcode is NOT found in the Set so it can't remove it. Essentially removeAll will only work if ALL of my hashCode variables are clean.
So if the data must be clean to remove it, one solution is to save it twice. Like this...
// Parent Controller
def update(Parent parent) {
parent.children.removeAll{ it.value == null } // Removes CLEAN children with no value
parent.refresh() // parent.children is now clean
parent.children.removeAll{ it.value == null } // Removes (formerly dirty) children
parent.save(flush:true) // Success!
This works though it's not ideal. First I must allow null values in the database, though they only exist briefly and I don't want them. And second it's kinda inefficient to do two saves. Surely there must be a better way?
hashCode and equals weirdness aren't an issue here - there are no contains calls or something similar that would use the hashCode value and potentially miss the actual data. If you look at the implementation of removeAll you can see that it uses an Iterator to call your closure on every instance and remove any where the closure result is truthy, and return true if at least one was removed. Using this Parent class
class Parent {
static hasMany = [children: Child]
and this Child
class Child {
String name
String value
static constraints = {
value nullable: true
and this code to create test instances:
def parent = new Parent()
5.times {
parent.addToChildren(name: 'c' + it)
5.times {
parent.addToChildren(name: 'c2' + it, value: 'asd')
it prints 5 for the final size(). So there's probably something else affecting this. You shouldn't have to, but you can create your own removeAll that does the same thing, and if you throw in some println calls you might figure out what's up:
boolean removeAll(collection, Closure remove) {
boolean atLeastOne = false
Iterator iter = collection.iterator()
while (iter.hasNext()) {
def c = iter.next()
if (remove(c)) {
atLeastOne = true
Invoke this as
println removeAll(parent.children) { it.value == null }

ASP.Net MVC : Get query values with no key

I have URL: http://site.com/page.aspx?update
how do I check if that update value is present?
HttpValueCollection treats that as an entity with null key. I have tried:
var noKeyValues = Request.QueryString.GetValues(null);
if (noKeyValues != null && noKeyValues.Any(v=>v==update)) ...
but it gives me a frowny line, because GetValues' argument is decorated with [NotNull].
so I end up doing:
var queryValuesWithNoKey =
Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Select((key, index) => new { key, value = Request.QueryString.GetValues(index) }).Where(
item => item.key == null).Select(item => item.value).SingleOrDefault();
if (queryValuesWithNoKey != null && queryValuesWithNoKey.Any(v => v.ToLower() == "update")) live = true;
not the most elegant workaround. Is there a better way to get key-less value from query string?
You can use
to retrieve a comma separated list of keys with no values. For instance, if your url is:
then the above will return
In your case, you could just do something like:
if(Request.QueryString[null] == "update")
// it's an update
if that's the only key you would use
Request.QueryString.ToString() to get the "update" value
I know I'm late to the party, but this a function that I use for this kind of task.
internal static bool HasQueryStringKey(HttpRequestBase request, string key)
// If there isn't a value, ASP will not recognize variable / key names.
string[] qsParts = request.QueryString.ToString().Split('&');
int qsLen = qsParts.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < qsLen; i++)
string[] bits = qsParts[i].Split('=');
if (bits[0].Equals(key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return true;
return false;
You may need to update it so that it is case sensitive, or uses different arguments depending on your purposes, but this has always worked well for me.
