Retrieve a list of folders in SharePoint using Microsoft Graph - microsoft-graph-api

I’m using the graph api from a c# app to access SharePoint. I need to get a list of all folders and sub folders. I have tried getting the drive item and then iterating through the children looking for folders and then recursively working through the list but it’s too slow.
I have also tried this end point{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items?$expand=fields&$filter=fields/ContentType eq 'Folder'
With this header
Prefer: HonorNonIndexedQueriesWarningMayFailRandomly
But it returned that the query would consume too many resources.
Is there a way to
A. Get the folders more efficiently or
B. Do a search to return folders or
C. Only list folders in the children endpoint

You can call this endpoint to get all files and folders in the specific library:{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items?$expand=driveItem


Can I Use the Microsoft Graph API to get the id of folder within a sharepoint document library?

Is it possible to use the microsoft graph api to get the id of a folder within a sharepoint document library? If so, how?
I can see in the documentation that I can get the path of a folder and/or file, and make queries based on this path. But what I would like is to get an id, so if the folder and/or file ever changes name, I can still query that specific folder and/or file. Is this possible?
Specifically, I am creating an internal dashboard for my employees. We have a Folder in a sharepoint document library called "Contacts". Within this "Contacts" folder we have n number of subfolders such as "John Doe," "Jane Doe," etc. If an employee is viewing the information for John Doe within our internal employee dashboard, I'd like to display the any child folders and/or files of John Doe.
Again, all I can find in the graph api documentation is how to query based on the relative path. I'd like to be able to use the API to get an id for any folder and/or file, as well as to return any child objects of any folder using the id (and not the relative path). How can I do this?
Yes it is possible. You should use the below query{siteid}/drives/{document libraryid}/items/{folderid}/children.
If you want to get the folder id use this call{siteid}/drives/{document libraryid}/root/children and get the id of the folder

Is it possible to search for files within a directory in OneDrive using the Graph API

The official Graph API documentation states that it is possible to:
search within a folder hierarchy
However, the entire drive is searched when we perform a folder scoped search like the following:'file')?select=name,webUrl,driveId
This has been discussed here [2] but either this has changed in the last year or did not work in the first place.
Is this a bug or intended behaviour? Can we scope the search to a single directory?
[2] How to search an item in specific folder in one drive?

Microsoft Graph API SharePoint Files Search

I try to search for files on SharePoint Document Library (e.g. the default 'root'). I created a few test-files by uploading them or create new Office files online and made some search-requests, e.g.'{query}') and until yesterday everything worked fine.
Now I started to edit files on SharePoint or created/uploaded new ones and with this edited or new files, I have the problem that I get no result when I search for them. "old" files, I created when I started I find although, as long as I don't edit them.
To get access I registered an App inside the AAD and gave it the needed permissions (
Sites.Read.All, Sites.ReadWrite.All, Files.Read.All, Files.ReadWrite.All
and a direct access to a specific file with{item-id}/ works also well.
Search will read data from indexed data, but crawling and re-indexing of a library need to take some time. So you the code return null for the new files:'{query}')
The following code get the library data directly but not based on the indexed data, so it works well.{item-id}/

Discard hidden folders with Outlook REST Api

When retrieving folders list with Outlook REST API (beta endpoint)
I get the complete list of folders. But I also get some hidden/ignored folders that are not displayed in usual Outlook clients. I would like to ignore such folders as well.
I tried to forge a request using SingleExtendedProperty and PigTagAttributeHidden$select=Id,DisplayName,ParentFolderId,ChildFolderCount,UnreadItemCount,TotalItemCount,SingleValueExtendedProperties&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=(PropertyId eq 'Boolean 0x10F4'))
In the results this property is always marked as false even for these "ignored" folders.
Is there another way or fix to achieve this?
I went through the folders reported, and none of them were hidden. Basically they fell into two categories:
System folders like Sync Issues and Conflicts. These aren't hidden, but OWA doesn't show them in it's folder view. OWA handles these specially. The suggestion for a REST app that wants to also handle these specially and not show them is to check the WellKnownName property. All of these have a constant value for that property, so they can be selectively filtered.
Add-in folders. These were created by a module extension add-in. They actually reside in a folder structure like:
/WebExtAddIns (Hidden)
|__/{GUID id of addin} (Hidden)
|__/{Name of module extension tab} (Visible)
The REST API includes the {Name of module extension tab} folder because it's marked visible, even though it's parent folder is hidden. I've reported this to our developers and we are investigating improving this scenario. In the meantime, you can filter these out by making sure that the ParentFolderId matches either the Id of another folder in the folder results OR the ParentFolderId of the Inbox folder.

How to iterate through Folders and sub folders of a Sharepoint Document Library using web references

I am trying to access Folder names from Document Libraray using web services in C#.
I am to get the first level folder names using getlistitems.
Howvever i am not able to get sub folders and documents.
Can any body help me with this.
Use SiteData's EnumerateFolder method
