Discard hidden folders with Outlook REST Api - office365api

When retrieving folders list with Outlook REST API (beta endpoint)
I get the complete list of folders. But I also get some hidden/ignored folders that are not displayed in usual Outlook clients. I would like to ignore such folders as well.
I tried to forge a request using SingleExtendedProperty and PigTagAttributeHidden
https://outlook.office365.com/api/beta/me/MailFolders?$select=Id,DisplayName,ParentFolderId,ChildFolderCount,UnreadItemCount,TotalItemCount,SingleValueExtendedProperties&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=(PropertyId eq 'Boolean 0x10F4'))
In the results this property is always marked as false even for these "ignored" folders.
Is there another way or fix to achieve this?

I went through the folders reported, and none of them were hidden. Basically they fell into two categories:
System folders like Sync Issues and Conflicts. These aren't hidden, but OWA doesn't show them in it's folder view. OWA handles these specially. The suggestion for a REST app that wants to also handle these specially and not show them is to check the WellKnownName property. All of these have a constant value for that property, so they can be selectively filtered.
Add-in folders. These were created by a module extension add-in. They actually reside in a folder structure like:
/WebExtAddIns (Hidden)
|__/{GUID id of addin} (Hidden)
|__/{Name of module extension tab} (Visible)
The REST API includes the {Name of module extension tab} folder because it's marked visible, even though it's parent folder is hidden. I've reported this to our developers and we are investigating improving this scenario. In the meantime, you can filter these out by making sure that the ParentFolderId matches either the Id of another folder in the folder results OR the ParentFolderId of the Inbox folder.


Queue for transfer doesn't include contents within folder

In my Umbraco cloud instance I can't see option to include contents within any child folder while using option "Queue for transfer". I can do this with home folder(top folder). See below screenshot.
Not sure if this is a temporary bug in cloud instance or there is any option I am missing. Can any one suggest if there is any option to transfer, content in chunk for child folders?
So, further chasing the issue with Umbraco cloud support, I found that it is a know issue with Umbraco cloud and for document type configured to show as list view. The work around for this issue is to disable the list view for document type.

How do I get informed about deleted/moved IMAP folder

Using IMAP, how can I figure out if a mailbox has been moved or deleted by another client?
The LIST command simply does not list a deleted mailbox any more.
Exactly. You have to remember what folders you know about. Next time you do a LIST, any that are missing have been deleted.
Additionally, you should be tracking every folder's UIDVALIDITY value. If it changes, that folder is not the same one you know about. It may have been renumbered, deleted and recreated, or deleted and replaced by a renamed folder.
In either case, you should dump any cached information you know about that folder.
There is not, in general, any way to track folders that have been renamed by another client. You can only detect that a folder is missing and there is a folder with a new name. IMAP simply does not provide enough information to correlate them. Tracking messages and folders across moves does not appear to have been a design goal of IMAP.

More than one collection not working anymore in Google Drive?

We use extensively (from an application) in the Document List API the fact than a file / document can be assigned to more than one collection, in order to work in a similar way that labels. Has this been deprecated? At least from the web user interface, only one folder can be assigned to one file.
Working fine here and multiple collections can be successfully assigned.
Right click a file, Choose "Organise" and check the box next to each collection you want the document to be a part of.

Make a document library that with links to filesystem

I want to make a "master" list or document library on our sharepoint site of links that point to various documents on across our different sites but also ones located in the filesystem eg. \someshare\somefile
I would like have to have the ability to sort these links in folders. I know I can use a list and set the group by columns, but that only gives me a folder structure that is 2 levels deep.
The "Link to Document" content type that can be added to a docoument library works fine for point to documents in sharepoint, but it requres that the url starts with http or https. Is there any way to add a link to a document library that will point to files located on a network share? Note: Due to some large file sizes uploading these files to sharepoint is not an option.
Thanks in advance.
For anyone who has this same problem I found an excellent and simple solution here: http://os.com/blog/linking-to-file-shares-from-sharepoint-document-libraries
Basically it involves modifying one of your layout files to accept file:// at the start of a link.
That link has dissapeared so here is the fix:
Find the file newlink.aspx on your Sharepoint web server(s). Located here by default: Drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\newlink.aspx
Whenever making any changes to layout files I recommend creating a backup of the just in case.
Add the following function to the script section:
function HasValidUrlPrefix_Override(url)
var urlLower=url.toLowerCase();
if (-1==urlLower.search(“^http://”) && -1==urlLower.search(“^https://”) && -1==urlLower.search(“^file://”))
return false;
return true;
Now you have you to change the ValidateInput() and TestDir() functions to call the function you just added. Change every instance of HasValidUrlPrefix(folderUrl) to HasValidUrlPrefix_Override(folderUrl). There should be 2 instances to change. On my original unedited file they were lines 43 and 62.
Save the changes and run iisreset.

Sharepoint's "New Folder" doesn't ask for a required field

I am using Web Part Connections to filter documents in a documents library in SharePoint. To do this, there's a column that is required, which I've named "related contact." Here's my problem: When I go add a New Folder (instead of just a document) SharePoint only asks me for a title for the Folder. The "related contact" column (which is required for the documents) doesn't even appear. Since the info on that column is empty, web part connections doesn't see the folder at all. Is there any way to make the Folder ask for another field at the time of creation?
Did you try creating a new folder content type with those required fields and trying to use that (and perhaps turn off the standard folders)?
Perhaps this page will help you: SharePoint folders and metadata.
Folders are one-dimensional. They are virtual containers for your documents, but aren't objects in your library that contain actual metadata.
Instead of using folders, I would recommend adding a column to your library that would mimic the names of the folders. From there, you can sort/filter/group/query the contents of that library. If users are sticklers for the folder structure, you could create a View that groups the documents by that new column, which would give you the appearance of folders.
