OAuth Authorization Code Flow with PKCE on stateless backend - oauth-2.0

I'm currently working on a solution where I need to authorize with a OAuth provider that is using Authorization Code with PKCE. I am trying to authorize from my stateless API backend (PHP Laravel shouldn't be relevant though).
The issue I am facing is PCKE sends a code challenge created from a unique hashed code verifier. This works fine until the callback url is hit and I attempt to get the token from the OAuth provider.
When I make a request to get the token I need to send the previous code verifier in order to validate the request and receive the access token.
This lead onto my issue, due to my api backend being stateless I have no way of storing the initial code verifier in session so I can't send it when making a request to the token URL. I have got it working by just hardcoding the code verifier to a known value but this defeats the point.
My question is, is there anyway to use the OAuth Authorization Code Flow with PKCE on a stateless backend?

If you want to keep the described configuration - your PHP backend is an OAuth2 client, I would use the state auth request parameter (RFC) as a key for saving the code_verifier. The state parameter will be returned to you with an auth code.
So you generate random (different) values for state and code_verifier and save them as a key-value pair in a database (or somewhere else). When a response from the OAuth2 server comes, try to find the code_verifier by the state value received from the OAuth2 server.
You can also use your Vue.js frontend as an OAuth2 client, which is stateful, and send an access token to your backend whenever necessary.
Access tokens use to be short lived, so if you need to make more than one request, you will need to take care of generating new ones using a refresh token. Consider that when deciding where to keep the OAuth2 tokens.


OAuth authorization code flow security question (authorization code intercepted by a hacker)

Something I can't wrap my head around.
As I understand the authorization code flow is supposed to be more secured than the implicit flow, because the tokens are not directly sent to the client from the authorization server, but rather retrieved by your backend.
So the flow is basically:
Browser gets the authorization code (as a URL parameter of sort).
Sends it to a public backend endpoint.
The backend sends the code + client secret to the authorization server, retrieves the tokens and stores them in the client's cookie/local storage for further use.
In this flow all the tutorials describe the authorization code as useless to the hacker, why is that? Can't a hacker use Postman or some other client and access your (public) API directly, make it go through step 3 and thus retrieve the tokens just the same?
What am I missing here?
The code is used exactly once. In many scenarios that an attacker might get access to the code, it's already been exchanged for an access token and therefore useless.
The authorization_code is a one-time token.
Authorization Code aka auth code is used publicly so that the client can establish a secure back channel between him and the authorization server so that he can exchange it with the access token without the use of a browser.
The auth code is public and can be intercepted via a proxy since it appears in the query of the redirect_uri and is used via the browser (which is considered insecure). The access token depends on the auth_code (public) and the client_secret (private) for the exchange. Without the client_secret an attacker can get the access token with brute-forcing this way through.
Summary: even if the attacker knows the authcode he can do anything without the client_secret given to the client at registration (or dynamically) and assumed to be secured.

OpenID connect access token to authenticate my own REST api

If I authenticate with OpenID connect, I can authenticate my SPA ok.
How do I use the obtained access token now to access my own REST resources?
It's a simple question, but I don't find satisfactory answers.
A prominent answer I always find is 'use oidc when you don't have a backend'.
Now that makes me wonder if ever a webapp was created that didn't need a backend.
Oidc is almost always the answer when the question of storing a refresh token in the client pops up (like in 'use oidc, it's a better architecture and ditch the refresh token') but it doesn't really explain anything.
So when the user logs in with, say Google, he obtains an identity and an access token (to ensure that the user is who he claims he is).
So how do you use this to authenticate at your own REST service?
The only real way I see it as stateless is by sending another request at the server to the provider on every request to the REST api, to match the identity to the validity of the access token there.
If not, we fall back to the good 'ol session vs jwt discussion, which doesn't quite seem to click with the oidc because now we're duplicating authentication logic.
And the good 'ol refresh token in the browser is generally promoted as a bad idea, although you can keep access tokens in the browser session storage (according to the js oidc client library), autorefresh them with the provider and that's fine then (-.-).
I'm running again circles.
Anybody can lay this out for me and please break the loop?
Your SPA (frontend) needs to add an authorization header with access token to each API request. Frontend should implement the authorization code flow + PKCE (implicit flow is not recommended anymore) + it needs to refresh access token.
Your API (backend) needs to implement OIDC (or you can use "oidc auth" proxy in front of backend) - it just validates access token, eventually returns 401 (Unauthorized) for request with invalid/expired/... token. This token validation is stateless, because it needs only public key(s) to verify token signature + current timestamp. Public keys are usually downloaded when backends is starting from OIDC discovery URL, so they doesn't need to be redownloaded during every backend request.
BTW: refresh token in the browser is bad idea, because refresh token is equivalent of your own credentials

OAuth 2.0 on REST API with Third party provider

I`m new to OAuth 2.0 and am trying to develop a application using a third party OAuth provider with Authorization Code grant flow as ny Authorization Server and Spring Security.
This provider gives me two endpoints /authorize and /token and those two, after the user authorizes its access, will return a access token.
So far, I have secured the "/" endpoint, so the application redirect the user to the authorization page and then, in the callback endpoint, store the token so it can be validated by a filter in each request.
But, as the application is mainly a set of REST API's, we want to be able to test it using Postman, with that said, on Postman, I am getting the token by setting the Authorization as OAuth 2.0 and requesting the token directly from the third party endpoints but, as Postman have its own callback URI, my application doesn`t store the token generated.
So, my two questions on this are:
Using /callback endpoint to store the token and validating it before each request by a filter is the common way of doing it?
To use Postman, should I create an endpoint for storing the token generated outside the application context or should I create an Authorization Server of my own as an additional layer on top of this third party AS?
Since your application is a set of REST API's, you need to make it as a Resource Server (in terms of OAuth2).
Resource Server doesn't perform authentication itself, it only validates a token from Authorization header (Resource Server in a nutshell).
You can find an example in Spring Security samples: oauth2resourceserver
I eventually come to the conclusion that I was using Postman wrong the whole time.
So, by the end, we got the Token saved on the database when the user logs in and, then, return it to the caller, whether it is the Front-end application, or Postman itself.
Then, in every call to the API's, the caller should include the token as Authorization on the header and a Filter on Spring will check the token against the Database.

oAuth2.0 access token confusion

I am following this tutorial about OAuth2.0 https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/authentication
It looks quite clear how OAuth2.0 works. But I have a bit confusion at the access token part.
After obtaining an access token for a user, your application can use
that token to submit authorized API requests on that user's behalf.
The API supports two ways to specify an access token: Specify the
access token as the value of the access_token query parameter:
if someone acquired this access token during the url transferring they can access this protected resource right?
How the server know if the request is coming from the client initially requested the access token?
after reading this post Are HTTPS headers encrypted? my confusion is cleared. I thought query string is not encrypted during transmission in the network.
Generally I think the consensus is that OAuth 2.0 is a server side technology and all access tokens and communication should be transmitted using SSL as the bearer tokens need to be kept as secure as possible.
Also, you need to know that there are 2 types of flows in OAuth 2.0
i) Implicit grant flow - This is the flow where the user logs in to the service provider and his browser gets the access token. Say you have X.com and Log in via Facebook. Once the user keys in his FB credentials, the access token is sent to his browser.
ii) Authorization Code flow - In this flow (consider the above situation again), facebook will pass an authorization code to the user's browser. If anyone, somehow, intercepts the authorization code there is nothing he can do. An authorization code can be exchanged for an access when passed with valid client credentials. So, when the user logs in, his browser gets an authorization code which is passed to your server at X.com. from there you would hit the code-token exchange endpoint provided by FB and get the access token returned to your server!
Authorization code flow adds another layer of security, where the access token is visible only to the client + server and not to the user agent. And as you figured out yourself, the token is passed via HTTPS.

DotNetOpenAuth manual handling of authorized token

So I've got OpenID+OAuth hybrid working with DotNetOpenAuth when connecting to google. It gives me back a Authorized token so I need to exchange it for an access token.
I seem to be coming in about midway through a normal OAuth workflow in DotNetOpenAuth. I also seem to be missing somethings that DotNetOpenAuth wants like the the token secret and verifier. However according to the graph here I shouldn't need them.
Any ideas how to easily swap the auth token for an access token with DotNetOpenAuth?
Since you're talking about the OpenID+OAuth hybrid I expect you're writing a web app (as opposed to an installed app). DotNetOpenAuth should only be asking you for a verifier code if you're using the DesktopConsumer class, which is inappropriate for you. Use the WebConsumer class instead and the verifier will be taken care of for you. Swapping the request token for an access token will be automatic as you call the simple methods on WebConsumer, I hope.
As for the token secret, all token secrets are managed by your implementation of ITokenManager, which will save and retrieve token secrets on demand within your database.
