Not able to set default value from a variable in OutlinedTextField - android-jetpack-compose

I am working on android app with Compose, I have a form that user fills and it gets added to a list, if the user taps on item again in the list I need to show the form again with data filled in.
Following is my code:
var name by remember { mutableStateOf( ?: "") }
value = name,
onValueChange = { name = it },
label = { Text("Item") },
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
But instead of setting the value from variable it shows empty value. If I hardcode the name in mutbaleStateOf it works. mutableStateOf is not accepting default value from a variable.
I expect to fill the textfield with item information, please suggest what can I do to fill the textfield with data from a variable as each item int the list will have different data.


Change textfield to double with button click

Im trying to use a textfield to take a string and then when the save button is clicked, it saves that value typed as a double using CoreData. But it keeps giving an error stating that "Value of optional type 'Double?' must be unwrapped to a value of type 'Double'" Any ideas?
hoursSlept is the variable the textfield is bonded to
newSleep is the variable for the struct SleepModel (my sleep type)
Im taking the textfield value and trying to force into a double using Double() with a new variable. But it keeps giving the error.
Button(action: {
var hoursSleptDouble = Double(hoursSlept)
newSleep!.hoursSlept = hoursSleptDouble
if newSleep != nil {
coreDataViewModel.saveRecord(sleepModel: newSleep!) {
.frame(height: 44)
.overlay(Text("Add Entry").foregroundColor(Color.white).bold())
Based on someones advise I switched the code up a bit. I initialized the sleepModel inside of a function which is called when the button is pushed. Then inside that function I create the doubles from the user input textfields. That way there are no optionals!

Vaadin TextField's value not available in shortcut listener

I want to read a Vaadin Flow TextField's value when the user presses the Enter key. I can add a ShortcutListener to listen for the keypress, but the value of the TextField is null in the listener even though the TextField is not empty:
TextField textField = new TextField();
Shortcuts.addShortcutListener(UI.getCurrent(), () -> {
String text = texttextField.getValue();
// text doesn't contain the latest text
}, Key.ENTER);
Why is this happening and how can I read the value that the user has entered when the keypress listener is triggered?
The behavior boils down to browser events. While the user may have entered some text into the input element, the value of the TextField is not updated to the server until there's a ValueChange event - even the vaadin-text-field element in the browser doesn't "know" of the text (the value property has not been updated) when the enter keypress event occurs. By default, the value of the text field is only updated when the input loses focus. You can work around the issue by explicitly toggling a blur of the TextField:
// member field in class
boolean shortcutFired = false;
// ...
Shortcuts.addShortcutListener(UI.getCurrent(), () -> {
shortcutFired = true;
}, Key.ENTER);
and listening to the value change event instead of the shortcut listener:
textField.addValueChangeListener(e -> {
if( shortcutFired ) {
String value = e.getValue();
// do something with the value
shortcutFired = false;
This approach doesn't work too well if you need to keep track of multiple fields; in that case, you might want to make the TextFields update their values to the server more eagerly by setting their ValueChangeMode to ValueChangeMode.EAGER. The downside of this approach is that it increases the amount of traffic between the browser and the network, as every keypress will trigger a server request.

SAPUI5 Table Cell Custom Control Binding

I was wondering if someone could shed some light on the issue I am having. I can't seem to get the data model updated when I use my custom input control in a cell. When using the standard sap.m.Input, updates to the data model are performed properly.
Here is the Plunker:
I have overrriden the getter for the 'value' properly to get the data from the entry field. Debugging in Chrome shows that this function is not called which I believe is the reason the data model is not updated.
getValue: function() {
var me = this;
var ef = sap.ui.getCore().byId(me.sId + '-ef');
return ef.getProperty('value');
Basically, there is a table with two rows and four columns. The first column uses my custom input. The second column has a custom button with an aggregation (additionalParameters) containing the bound data used in the first column. The third column uses a standard sap.m.Input and lastly the fourth column is again a custom button with the 'additionalParameters' aggregation bound to the data in the third column. When any of the buttons are pressed it fires an event which in turn updates the 'Sample' input field.
So, when I type something in the first column, tab out and press the respective 'PB1' button, only the original data from the model appears in the 'Sample' input field. If I type something in the third column, tab out of the field and press the respective 'PB2' button, the 'Sample' input field is properly set by the newly entered data implying the data model has been updated.
I can get the value from the Input no problem. Maybe I can clarify. The 'MyCustomInput' in cell 1 has 'value' bound to 'list>colOne'. The 'MyCustomButton' in cell 2 has the 'text' of the first item in aggregation 'additionalParameters' bound to the same 'list>colOne'. Any text entered into MyCustomInput does not update the model and thus does not update the 'additionalParameters' item. If I do the exact same thing but use a standard Input instead of MyCustomInput it works. As can be seen with the Input in Cell 3 and the button in Cell 4.
Thank you
May be you can provide more information. We have a simple example here,js,output and it works on with getValue and setValue
sap.ui.define(['sap/m/Input', 'sap/m/Button', 'sap/m/VBox'],
function(Input, Button, VBox) {
Input.extend('MyInput', {
value: 'abc',
renderer: {},
getValue: function() {
return this.value;
setValue: function(v) {
this.value = v;
var oInput = new MyInput();
var oBox = new VBox({
items: [
new Button({
text: 'Test',
press: function() {

Customize SmartGwt ListGrid dynamically for passwords

I have a com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGrid for my configurations screen.
I have 3 ListGridFields name, value, isHidden.
I want to use PasswordItem if isHidden is true, and TextItem if isidden is false.
How can I customize the grid?
I tried with setEditorCustomizer, but it only works when I am editing a cell. In view mode I am able to see the text.
I don't think there's a way to do what you want (show the PasswordItem editor when visualizing the ListGrid's fields). As you already found out, setEditorCustomizer works only when in editing mode.
But you can mask the field values. Here is how to do it:
// very important for not having to set all fields all over again
// when the target field is customized
// customize the isHidden field to make it respond to changes and
// hide/show the password field accordingly
ListGridField isHidden = new ListGridField("isHiddenFieldName");
isHidden.addChangedHandler(new ChangedHandler() {
public void onChanged(ChangedEvent event) {
// the name of this field has to match the name of the field you
// want to hide (as defined in your data source descriptor,
// ListGridField definition, etc).
ListGridField passwordField = new ListGridField("passwordFieldName");
if ((Boolean) event.getValue() == true) {
passwordField.setCellFormatter(new CellFormatter() {
public String format(Object value, ListGridRecord record, int rowNum, int colNum) {
return ((String) value).replaceAll(".", "*");
// you need to re-add here the isHidden field for the ChangeHandler to
// be present when recreating the ListGrid
listGrid.setFields(isHidden, passwordField);
// add the customized field to the listGrid, so that we can have the
// desired ChangeHandler for the isHidden field
Bear in mind that if you hide the value (or use a PassowrdItem), an 'expert' user could see the value, simply because the server is sending the value to the client.
If you actually have a security constraint, you may use DataSourceField.viewRequires, which accepts velocity expressions. radiogroup get selected items value

I have an Ext.Net Radiogroup and I have to get the selected value and then send that as a parameter to a controller action. Here is the Directevents I am attempting to use, but it doesnt' seem to work (I get null each time). Does anyone know how to get the value of the selected item?
.DirectEvents(de =>
de.Change.Url = Url.Action("GetItems");
de.Change.ExtraParams.Add(new Ext.Net.Parameter
Name = "Id",
Value = "App.myRadio.getValue() == null ? '0' : App.myRadio.getValue()",
Mode = ParameterMode.Raw
To get an array of all the selected checkboxes/radio buttons on a radio group, you can do:
This returns a list of all checkboxes and radio buttons that are selected on the radio group. If you only have radio buttons inside the radio group, it should return an array with just one item.
You can then get the value of the radio button like this:
App.myRadio.getChecked().length != 1 ? '0' : App.myRadio.getChecked()[0].getValue();
But this will always return a true-ish value (true, 'true', '1' or 'on') for a radio button. If you want the value on the label for that radio button, instead use the following:
Hope this helps!
