How do I learn which AEM CoralUI version I am using? - adobe-exprience-manager

This CoralUI documentation page has a migration guide from earlier versions of CoralUI.
How do I learn which Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) CoralUI version I am using?

I think I can see it by going into CRXDE package manager and using the browser search (not the Search packages field) for coral:


Does spring-data-elasticsearch support search_after?

We are using spring-data-elasticsearch version 4.1.3 currently. We need to use ES deep paging and it's search_after feature. Looking at the spring-data-elasticsearch NativeSearchQueryBuilder javadoc, it does not look like ES search_after is supported. I might not look at the right place or there is a way to incorporate search_after into the query builder that I don't know. Any guidance is appreciated.
Currently this is not supported, there is an issue to have this implemented.
Edit 25.09.2022:
Support for the Point In Time API is contained since version 5.0M6 and is either available now from the milestone releases or with the release of version 5 in November 2022.

Is there Highcharts v5 reference available somewhere? [duplicate]

Does anyone know if the HighCharts 2.* API documentation is still available online anywhere since the release of HighCharts 3? I have not upgraded yet and I could really use access to the API doc for version 2.3.5. In particular, I'd like access to the exporting module documentation from HighCharts 2.3.5.
Unfortunately previous documentation are not available, but in current docs in paramters description you can notice version (right side), which is compability with this option.
Highcharts now includes an API folder when downloading a deprecated version But the API folder is only on version 5 and up.

How to Configure SonarQube for delphi?

I want to configure SonarQube so it can analyze Delphi project too, and when I search online I saw there used to be a delphi plugin for SonarQube. But when I look at the plugins with the latest build it doesn't show the delphi plugin.
Is the plugin still available in an other way?
Or is it possible to configure SonarQube for delphi without the plugin?
As of G. Ann response was actually discontinued puglin for Sonar, but searching the internet, and recently (3 days) the developer Fabricio Columbus made it happen!
We tested and is running the current version of Sonar:
Compatible with SonarQube 4.5.x and SonarQube 5.1.2
PS: Translated from Portuguese to English by Google Translate.
To analyze the files of language X, you need a plugin for language X that recognize's X's structure, syntax &etc. Without that you can't derive metrics (LOC, complexity, &etc.) or recognize bad code (i.e. raise issues for antipatterns.) So to answer your second question first, you won't be able to analyze Delphi code without some kind of Delphi plugin.
The Delphi plugin was deprecated quite a while ago because it seemed to suffer from a lack of interest all around & didn't evolve to maintain compatibility with the platform as it evolved.
If you look, you can find downloads of the old plugin, but to use it, you'd have to retrogress to a quite old version of the platform, & I don't recommend that. I'm not sure how far back you'd have to go - you could crack open the jar and get that from the pom - but it looks like the last mailing list activity on this plugin was Feb. 2012. So again, I don't recommend going this route.

Model Dependency Diagram not available in RubyMine 5.4.2 using LinuxMint

I am using RubyMine 5.4.2 on Linux_Mint 16. I cannot find Model Dependency Model Diagram option in it. But it is mentioned in its documentation.
What I have tried
I tried commands Ctrl+ALt+U and CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+U (NOT WORKED)
There is also NO option available in settings for Diagrams too.
I am working on an ROR application. I am new to this language and I need this feature. Anybody who may have encountered same problem in Ubuntu or in any other flavor of Linux, can give me a suggestion how to solve this problem?
Check plugins "Ruby UML Support Integration" and "UML Support" in Preferences > Plugins list. They should be enabled.

Can homebrew update a formula and can it manage multiple versions?

I currently have Scala installed and see that Scala 2.9.1 was released fairly recently. I want to upgrade. However, from what I'm seeing, I don't think homebrew supports upgrading formulae.
I see that "Multiple Version Support" is on the homebrew wishlist, but I wonder if this is up-to-date and/or much of an indication of future priorities for the project. I did a quick look at tickets in the ticket tracker but didn't see anything that jumped out at me.
In my case, I'm going to just install the new version and update my environment variables. That will work I suppose. But I feel like a package manager should help me clean up old versions if I want it to.
Related links from the mailing list archives:
I missed how to "brew upgrade outdated" or similar
Making upgrades work properly
No to both (automatic updating and multiple version management) per
