Does spring-data-elasticsearch support search_after? - spring-data-elasticsearch

We are using spring-data-elasticsearch version 4.1.3 currently. We need to use ES deep paging and it's search_after feature. Looking at the spring-data-elasticsearch NativeSearchQueryBuilder javadoc, it does not look like ES search_after is supported. I might not look at the right place or there is a way to incorporate search_after into the query builder that I don't know. Any guidance is appreciated.

Currently this is not supported, there is an issue to have this implemented.
Edit 25.09.2022:
Support for the Point In Time API is contained since version 5.0M6 and is either available now from the milestone releases or with the release of version 5 in November 2022.


How do I learn which AEM CoralUI version I am using?

This CoralUI documentation page has a migration guide from earlier versions of CoralUI.
How do I learn which Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) CoralUI version I am using?
I think I can see it by going into CRXDE package manager and using the browser search (not the Search packages field) for coral:

Informix database versioning

I'm trying to figure out IBM Informix database versioning, or release naming conventions. I'm trying to map out the differences between minor versions and fixpacks.
According to IBM's own documentation, the convention is:
But I'm looking at Informix version 12.10 documentation and the list of "what's new in " looks more like a list of new features rather than bug fixes.
So what's the difference between a minor version and a fixpack??
IBM documentation is godawful and no amount of keyword googling helped me.

Apache Jena Core - What happend to Reifier interface in version 2.10?

I was in the process of trying to update my Jena code to a more recent version (currently using 2.6.4). I wanted to use 2.11 but I realized that the Reifier interface is gone in that version. Why was it deprecated and is there an alternative that I can use?
After looking around. I found the answer.

Where can I find up to date StructureMap documentation? seems to have very old examples that use deprecated members.
Is there a place where I can find up to date StructureMap doco ?
I seem to have found some of the newest documentation for version 3.1 at
It looks like it has most of the basic information is there. Some of the other pages don't seem to be fleshed out yet. But it still looks very helpful.
There is no new development. Latest version on NuGet is 2.6.4. So all these examples are the best you can get right now.
We are using it for some years, and because principles are the same, it is (as a concept) still up to date...

Create Grails documentation - gdoc

When I take a look at the great looking Grails Reference Documentation ( and compare it with my lousy gdoc documentation, I wonder what makes the difference?
is it just a different style sheet?
or do they use another tool?
How do I get these great looks for my own project without having too much to do?
The easy way to get the new look is to upgrade to 2.0M1 which uses the new look and feel. Peter Ledbrook created the current 1.3.7 docs with the new approach but I'm not sure how easy it'd be to do for a regular Grails application. And there are obviously many reasons to upgrade to 2.0.
You might want to wait a day or so - we're planning on releasing M2 this week. But upgrading from M1 to M2 will be trivial. The real work will be upgrading from 1.3 to 2.0, which isn't that bad.
They use the same exact documentation building tool. It's clearly customized CSS but nothing else. You can read more about it in the reference documentation itself.
Since Grails 1.2, the documentation engine that powers the creation of this documentation is available to your Grails projects.
From the documentation itself.
