How to measure CPU memory bandwidth in C RTOS? - memory

I am working on an ARMv7 Embedded system, which uses an RTOS in the cortex-A7 SOC(2 cores, 256KB L2 Cache).
Now I want to measure the memory bandwidth of the CPU in this system, so I wrote following functions to do the measurement.
The function allocates 32MB memory and does memory reading in 10 loops. And measure the time of the reading, to get the memory reading bandwidth.. (I know there is dcache involved in it so the measurement is not precise).
#define T_MEM_SIZE 0x2000000
static void print_summary(char *tst, uint64_t ticks)
uint64_t msz = T_MEM_SIZE/1000000;
float msec = (float)ticks/24000;
printf("%s: %.2f MB/Sec\n", tst, 1000 * msz/msec);
static void memrd_cache(void)
int *mptr = malloc(T_MEM_SIZE);
register uint32_t i = 0;
register int va = 0;
uint32_t s, e, diff = 0, maxdiff = 0;
uint16_t loop = 0;
if (mptr == NULL)
while (loop++ < 10) {
s = read_cntpct();
for (i = 0; i < T_MEM_SIZE/sizeof(int); i++) {
va = mptr[i];
e = read_cntpct();
diff = e - s;
if (diff > maxdiff) {
maxdiff = diff;
print_summary("memrd", maxdiff);
Below is the measurement of reading, which tries to remove the caching effect of Dcache.
It fills 4Bytes in each cache line (CPU may fill the cacheline), until the 256KB L2 cache is full and be flushed/reloaded, so I think the Dcache effect should be minimized. (I may be wrong, correct me please).
#define CLINE_SIZE 16 // 16 * 4B
static void memrd_nocache(void)
int *mptr = malloc(T_MEM_SIZE);
register uint32_t col = 0, ln = 0;
register int va = 0;
uint32_t s, e, diff = 0, maxdiff = 0;
uint16_t loop = 0;
if (mptr == NULL)
while (loop++ < 10) {
s = read_cntpct();
for (col = 0; col < CLINE_SIZE; col++) {
for (ln = 0; ln < T_MEM_SIZE/(CLINE_SIZE*sizeof(int)); ln++) {
va = *(mptr + ln * CLINE_SIZE + col);
e = read_cntpct();
diff = e - s;
if (diff > maxdiff) {
maxdiff = diff;
print_summary("memrd_nocache", maxdiff);
After running these 2 functions, I found the bandwith is about,
memrd: 1973.04 MB/Sec
memrd_nocache: 1960.67 MB/Sec
The CPU is running at 1GHz, with DDR3 on dieļ¼Œ the two testing has the similar data!? It is a big surprise to me.
I had worked with lmbench in Linux ARM server, but I don't think it can be ran in this embedded system.
So I want to get a software tool to measure the memory bandwidth in this embedded system, get one from community or do it by myself.


Kiss fft does not work after giving it more than 32 samples

I am trying to take data from an accelerometer and apply Kiss FFT to the samples. I'm using a Freescale Kinetis FRDM-K22F board. I want to use 64 samples, but when I run the program I get an error saying "kiss fft usage error: improper alloc" I started turning down the sample size and saw that the FFT does work with 32 samples, but giving it 33 samples the program just stops and returns no errors. Giving it any more samples gives similar results.
I played around with how I set up the FFT and followed a few websites and forum posts:
KissFFT output of kiss_fftr
Kiss FFT on a dsPIC33
From what I can see, I haven't done anything different from what the above websites and forums have done. I've included my code below. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
void Sample_RUN()
int size = 64;
kiss_fft_scalar zero;
kiss_fft_cpx fft_in[size];
kiss_fft_cpx fft_out[size];
kiss_fftr_cfg fft = kiss_fftr_alloc(size*2 ,0 ,NULL,NULL);
signed short samples[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
fft_in[i].r = zero;
fft_in[i].i = zero;
fft_out[i].r = zero;
fft_out[i].i = zero;
printf("Data Collection Begins \r\n");
for(int j = 0; j < size; j++)
dr_status = My_I2C_ReadByte(STATUS_REG);
dr_status = (dr_status & 0x04);
if (dr_status == 0x04)
AccelData[0] = My_I2C_ReadByte(OUT_X_MSB_REG);
AccelData[1] = My_I2C_ReadByte(OUT_X_LSB_REG);
AccelData[2] = My_I2C_ReadByte(OUT_Y_MSB_REG);
AccelData[3] = My_I2C_ReadByte(OUT_Y_LSB_REG);
AccelData[4] = My_I2C_ReadByte(OUT_Z_MSB_REG);
AccelData[5] = My_I2C_ReadByte(OUT_Z_LSB_REG);
// 14-bit accelerometer data
Xout_Accel_14_bit = ((signed short) (AccelData[0]<<8 | AccelData[1])) >> 2; // Compute 16-bit X-axis acceleration output value
Yout_Accel_14_bit = ((signed short) (AccelData[2]<<8 | AccelData[3])) >> 2; // Compute 16-bit Y-axis acceleration output value
Zout_Accel_14_bit = ((signed short) (AccelData[4]<<8 | AccelData[5])) >> 2; // Compute 16-bit Z-axis acceleration output value
mag_accel = sqrt(pow(Xout_Accel_14_bit, 2) + pow(Yout_Accel_14_bit, 2) + pow(Zout_Accel_14_bit, 2) );
printf("%d \r\n", mag_accel);
samples[j] = mag_accel;
} // end if
} // end infinite for
} // end for
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
fft_in[j].r = samples[j];
fft_in[j].i = zero;
fft_out[j].r = zero;
fft_out[j].i = zero;
printf("Executing FFT\r\n");
kiss_fftr(fft, (kiss_fft_scalar*) fft_in, fft_out);
printf("Printing FFT Outputs\r\n");
for(int j = 0; j < size; j++)
printf("%d \r\n", fft_out[j].r);
} // end Sample_RUN
Sounds like you are running out of memory. I am not familiar with that chip, but perhaps you should be using the last arguments of kiss_fft_alloc so you can skip heap allocation.

CUDA: __syncthreads() before shared memory operation?

I'm in the rather poor situation of not being able to use the CUDA debugger. I'm getting some strange results from usage of __syncthreads in an application with a single shared array (deltas). The following piece of code is performed in a loop:
__syncthreads(); //if I comment this out, things get funny
deltas[lex_index_block] = intensity - mean;
__syncthreads(); //this line doesnt seem to matter regardless if the first sync is commented out or not
//after sync: do something with the values of delta written in this threads and other threads of this block
Basically, I have code with overlapping blocks (required due to the nature of the algorithm). The program does compile and run but somehow I get systematically wrong values in the areas of vertical overlap. This is very confusing to me as I thought that the correct way to sync is to sync after the threads have performed my write to the shared memory.
This is the whole function:
//XC without repetitions
template <int blocksize, int order>
__global__ void __xc(unsigned short* raw_input_data, int num_frames, int width, int height,
float * raw_sofi_data, int block_size, int order_deprecated){
//we make a distinction between real pixels and virtual pixels
//real pixels are pixels that exist in the original data
//overlap correction: every new block has a margin of 3 threads doing less work (only computing deltas)
int x_corrected = global_x() - blockIdx.x * 3;
int y_corrected = global_y() - blockIdx.y * 3;
//if the thread is responsible for any real pixel
if (x_corrected < width && y_corrected < height){
// __shared__ float deltas[blocksize];
__shared__ float deltas[blocksize];
//the outer pixels of a block do not update SOFI values as they do not have sufficient information available
//they are used only to compute mean and delta
//also, pixels at the global edge have to be thrown away (as there is not sufficient data to interpolate)
bool within_inner_block =
threadIdx.x > 0
&& threadIdx.y > 0
&& threadIdx.x < blockDim.x - 2
&& threadIdx.y < blockDim.y - 2
//global edge
&& x_corrected > 0
&& y_corrected > 0
&& x_corrected < width - 1
&& y_corrected < height - 1
//init virtual pixels
float virtual_pixels[order * order];
if (within_inner_block){
for (int i = 0; i < order * order; ++i) {
virtual_pixels[i] = 0;
float mean = 0;
float intensity;
int lex_index_block = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y * blockDim.x;
//main loop
for (int frame_idx = 0; frame_idx < num_frames; ++frame_idx) {
//shared memory read and computation of mean/delta
intensity = raw_input_data[lex_index_3D(x_corrected,y_corrected, frame_idx, width, height)];
__syncthreads(); //if I comment this out, things break
deltas[lex_index_block] = intensity - mean;
__syncthreads(); //this doesnt seem to matter
mean = deltas[lex_index_block]/(float)(frame_idx+1);
//if the thread is responsible for correlated pixels, i.e. not at the border of the original frame
if (within_inner_block){
virtual_pixels[0] += deltas[lex_index_2D(
threadIdx.y + 1,
threadIdx.y - 1,
virtual_pixels[1] += deltas[lex_index_2D(
threadIdx.x + 1,
virtual_pixels[2] += deltas[lex_index_2D(
threadIdx.y + 1,
virtual_pixels[3] += deltas[lex_index_2D(
// xc_update<order>(virtual_pixels, delta2, mean);
if (within_inner_block){
for (int virtual_idx = 0; virtual_idx < order*order; ++virtual_idx) {
raw_sofi_data[lex_index_2D(x_corrected*order + virtual_idx % order,
y_corrected*order + (int)floorf(virtual_idx / order),
From what I can see, there could be a hazard in your application between loop iterations. The write to deltas[lex_index_block] for loop iteration frame_idx+1 could be mapped to the same location as the read of deltas[lex_index_2D(threadIdx.x, threadIdx.y -1, blockDim.x)] in a different thread at iteration frame_idx. The two accesses are unordered and the result is nondeterministic. Try running the app with cuda-memcheck --tool racecheck.

using HLSL to invisibly stress a graphics card - How to stress the memory?

I've been developing for a bit an invisible (read: doesn't produce any visual output) stressor to test the capabilities of my graphics card (and as a exploration of DirectCompute in general, with which I'm pretty new). I've got the following code right now that I'm pretty proud of:
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> BufferOut : register(u0);
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void CSMain( uint3 DTid : SV_DispatchThreadID )
uint total = 0;
float p = 0;
while(p++ < 40.0){
float s= 4.0;
float M= pow(2.0,p) - 1.0;
for(uint i=0; i <= p - 2; i++)
s=((s*s) - 2) % M;
if(s < 1.0) total++;
BufferOut[DTid.x] = total;
This runs the Lucas Lehmer Test for the first 40 powers of two. When I dispatch this code in a timed loop and look at my graphics cards stats using GPU-Z, my GPU load shoots to 99% for the duration. I'm pretty happy with this, but I also notice that the heat generation from a fully loaded out GPU is actually pretty minimal (I'm getting about a 5 to 10 degree Celsius jump, nowhere near the heat jump I get when running, say, Borderlands 2). My thought is that most of my heat comes from memory accesses, so I would need to include consistent memory accesses across the run. My initial code looked like this:
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> BufferOut : register(u0);
groupshared float4 memory_buffer[1024];
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void CSMain( uint3 DTid : SV_DispatchThreadID )
uint total = 0;
float p = 0;
while(p++ < 40.0){
[fastop] // to lower compile times - Code efficiency is strangely not what Im looking for right now.
for(uint i = 0; i < 1024; ++i)
float s= 4.0;
float M= pow(2.0,p) - 1.0;
for(uint i=0; i <= p - 2; i++)
s=((s*s) - 2) % M;
if(s < 1.0) total++;
BufferOut[DTid.x] = total;
Read a lot of non-coherent samples in large textures. Try both DXT1 compressed and non-compressed values. And use render to texture. And MRT. All will beat on the GPU memory systems.

Cuda-memcheck not reporting out of bounds shared memory access

I am runnig the follwoing code using shared memory:
__global__ void computeAddShared(int *in , int *out, int sizeInput){
//not made parameters gidata and godata to emphasize that parameters get copy of address and are different from pointers in host code
extern __shared__ float temp[];
int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int ltid = threadIdx.x;
temp[ltid] = 0;
while(tid < sizeInput){
temp[ltid] += in[tid];
tid+=gridDim.x * blockDim.x; // to handle array of any size
int offset = 1;
while(offset < blockDim.x){
if(ltid % (offset * 2) == 0){
temp[ltid] = temp[ltid] + temp[ltid + offset];
if(ltid == 0){
out[blockIdx.x] = temp[0];
int main(){
int size = 16; // size of present input array. Changes after every loop iteration
int cidata[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
/*FILE *f;
f = fopen("invertedList.txt" , "w");
a[0] = 1 + (rand() % 8);
fprintf(f, "%d,",a[0]);
for( int i = 1 ; i< N; i++){
a[i] = a[i-1] + (rand() % 8) + 1;
fprintf(f, "%d,",a[i]);
int* gidata;
int* godata;
cudaMalloc((void**)&gidata, size* sizeof(int));
cudaMemcpy(gidata,cidata, size * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
int TPB = 4;
int blocks = 10; //to get things kicked off
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
while(blocks != 1 ){
if(size < TPB){
TPB = size; // size is 2^sth
blocks = (size+ TPB -1 ) / TPB;
cudaMalloc((void**)&godata, blocks * sizeof(int));
computeAddShared<<<blocks, TPB,TPB>>>(gidata, godata,size);
gidata = godata;
size = blocks;
//printf("The error by cuda is %s",cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError()));
cudaEventRecord(stop, 0);
float elapsedTime;
cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsedTime , start, stop);
printf("time is %f ms", elapsedTime);
int *output = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
cudaMemcpy(output, gidata, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
//Cant free either earlier as both point to same location
cudaError_t chk = cudaFree(godata);
printf("First chk also printed error. Maybe error in my logic\n");
printf("The error by threadsyn is %s", cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError()));
printf("The sum of the array is %d\n", output[0]);
return 0;
Clearly, the first while loop in computeAddShared is causing out of bounds error because I am allocating 4 bytes to shared memory. Why does cudamemcheck not catch this. Below is the output of cuda-memcheck
time is 12.334816 msThe error by threadsyn is no errorThe sum of the array is 13
========= ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors
Shared memory allocation granularity. The Hardware undoubtedly has a page size for allocations (probably the same as the L1 cache line side). With only 4 threads per block, there will "accidentally" be enough shared memory in a single page to let you code work. If you used a sensible number of threads block (ie. a round multiple of the warp size) the error would be detected because there would not be enough allocated memory.

CUDA memory limitations

If I try to send to my CUDA device a struct wich is heavier than the size of memory available, will CUDA give me any kind of warning or error?
I'm asking that because my GPU has 1024 MBytes (1073414144 bytes) Total amount of global memory, but I don't know how I should handle and eventual problem.
That's my code:
#define VECSIZE 2250000
#define WIDTH 1500
#define HEIGHT 1500
// Matrices are stored in row-major order:
// M(row, col) = *(M.elements + row * M.width + col)
struct Matrix
int width;
int height;
int* elements;
int main()
Matrix M;
M.width = WIDTH;
M.height = HEIGHT;
M.elements = (int *) calloc(VECSIZE,sizeof(int));
int row, col;
// define Matrix M
// Matrix generator:
for (int i = 0; i < M.height; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < M.width; j++)
row = i;
col = j;
if (i == j)
M.elements[row * M.width + col] = INFINITY;
M.elements[row * M.width + col] = (rand() % 2); // because 'rand() % 1' just does not seems to work ta all.
if (M.elements[row * M.width + col] == 0) // can't have zero weight.
M.elements[row * M.width + col] = INFINITY;
else if (M.elements[row * M.width + col] == 2)
M.elements[row * M.width + col] = 1;
// Declare & send device Matrix to Device.
Matrix d_M;
d_M.width = M.width;
d_M.height = M.height;
size_t size = M.width * M.height * sizeof(int);
cudaMalloc(&d_M.elements, size);
cudaMemcpy(d_M.elements, M.elements, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
int *d_k= (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_k, sizeof (int));
int *d_width=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_width, sizeof(int));
unsigned int *width=(unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
width[0] = M.width;
cudaMemcpy(d_width, width, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
int *d_height=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_height, sizeof(int));
unsigned int *height=(unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
height[0] = M.height;
cudaMemcpy(d_height, height, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
et cetera .. */
While you may not currently be sending enough data to the GPU to max out it's memory, when you do, your cudaMalloc will return the error code cudaErrorMemoryAllocation which as per the cuda api docs, signals that the memory allocation failed. I note that in your example code you are not checking the return values of the cuda calls. These return codes need to be checked to make sure your program is running correctly. The cuda api does not throw exceptions: you must check the return codes. See this article for info on checking the errors and getting meaningful messages about the errors
If you are using cutil.h, then it provides two very useful macros:
CUDA_SAFE_CALL (used while issuing functions like cudaMalloc, cudaMemcpy etc.)
CUT_CHECK_ERROR (used after executing a kernel to check for errors in kernel execution).
They take care of the errors, if any, by using the error checking mechanism detailed in the article provided by flipchart.
