Unable to generate iOS app archive of Flutter app, Always facing some module missing issue - ios

I'm facing a few issues when generating an iOS archive on my Mac Mini M1. In one project, it gives me an error for "camera avfoundation" and in another project, it gives "cloud_firestor," as mentioned in the following screenshots. But it's working fine on a MacBook Pro with an Intel chip. I am using the same code base on both the machines.
XCode Error:
Using this package:
camera: ^0.10.0+1
Another project :
Using the following packages for another project:
firebase_core: ^2.3.0
firebase_auth: ^4.1.5
firebase_storage: ^11.0.6
cloud_firestore: ^4.1.0
Xcode version : 14.2 (Same on both machines)
OS version: 12.5 (Same on both machines)
Xcode Info : Open using Rosetta
Anyone facing this kind of issue when generating archive from Flutter project?
I tried almost all the related solution found on StackOverflow and Github. But no luck so far.
Uninstalled and reinstalled pods
Removed pod cache
Regenerated & reconfigure iOS project
Installed Rosetta related stuff


Building ReactNative 0.59.10 on XCode 12.5 ignoring Pod

I am trying to compile and build the ReactNative project for IOS. I am now using XCode version 12.5 which is the latest at the moment. My ReactNative version is 0.59.10. Before I was compiling and building my project on XCode version 11.x and it was working fine. Then I installed the latest XCode version, 12.5. Then I deleted the node_modules folder and run the "npm install" again. When I opened the IOS project in the XCode and tried to build it, it is giving me the following error.
node_modules/react-native/React/../third-party/folly-2018.10.22.00/folly/dynamic.h:63:10: fatal error: 'boost/operators.hpp' file not found
#include <boost/operators.hpp>
When I built the project in the older version of XCode, it works fine. I looked up the solution online and it seems that that is because maybe the project is not using Podfile or Pods. In ReactNative version 0.59.10, it is not using Podfile or Pods to manage the dependencies. How can I build the project? Is upgrading the ReactNative only option? Is there any other solution?

Flutter iOS App on an iOS Simulator running on an M1 Mac

Is there an issue with Flutter iOS apps on an iOS simulator (iPhone 12 Pro Max) running on an M1 Mac with Big Sur 11.2.2 and Flutter 1.22.6 ?
You see, my Flutter iOS app (using multiple Flutter plugins) was developed on an Intel-based Mac running Catalina (10.15.7) and Flutter 1.22.5 and it works, but when I moved to an M1 based Mac running Big Sur and Flutter 1.22.6, I’m having the Cocoapod’s error:
[!] Automatically assigning platform `iOS` with version `9.0` on target `Runner` because no platform was specified. Please specify a platform for this target in your Podfile.
Note that on this M1 mac, 'flutter doctor' is successful and I can create the Flutter test app and run it on an iOS simulator so I think its setup properly.
I have also tried the solutions suggested with past posts having this symptom to no avail. I have tried the following:
1- I uncommented the line 'platform :ios, '9.0'' in my pods file.
2- I ran the following CLI commands in the terminal:
flutter clean
rm -Rf ios/Pods
rm -Rf ios/.symlinks
rm -Rf ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework
rm -Rf ios/Flutter/Flutter.podspec
cd ios
pod install
cd ..
flutter build ios
The result of trying both suggestions above is the same 'Error running pod install' error with no other error messages mentioned.
The only thing I can think of at this point is that there is a problem with the Flutter plugins I am using when running in an iOS simulator on an M1. Again, these plugins work on an Intel-based Mac running Catalina. If so, unfortunately, the error doesn’t tell me which one. The plugins that I use are:
sdk: flutter
provider: ^4.1.3
sqflite: ^1.3.2+1
googleapis: ^0.56.1
googleapis_auth: ^0.2.12
http: ^0.12.2
url_launcher: ^5.7.2
flutter_secure_storage: ^3.3.5
tuple: ^1.0.3
image_picker: ^0.6.7+12
intl: ^0.16.1
fraction: ^1.2.1
archive: ^2.0.13
path_provider: ^1.6.24
path: ^1.7.0
image_cropper: ^1.3.1
flutter_image_compress: ^0.7.0
All help / suggestions greatly appreciated.
It's not yet supported (Coming in this PR)
Flutter has disabled running on simulators running on ARM architecture. They've done this because a flutter dependency (iOS engine Flutter.framework) didn't have arm64 slices. There is an open pull request to add support for iOS simulator on M1 macs (arm64): https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/85059
I initially tried to get this working for myself, but the issue is Generated.xcconfig contains code which disables arm64 architecture for the simulator, and this file is generated by Flutter internally. Once you manually change this, it still fails. If you tried to build with Xcode, you might get this error message during the linking process:
Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_ClassName
and lots more. I'd recommend building with Xcode if you don't see enough logs or information to debug the build process.
Automatically assigning platform is not an error
Automatically assigning platform iOS is not actually an error, it's just telling you its defaulted to iOS platform. It then failed, so in this case, you should've provided more error information.
I also faced this issue.
Update iOS version to 10.0 in the podfile.
It worked for me.

Not able to create IOS build from Xcode using Flutter code?

I am using Windows for Flutter app development and it is working fine for android ,I want to know how can I create IOS build from XCode now.? Does it required to do full flutter setup with Xcode on Mac or I can build it with Xcode only ? Apology for my terrible english.
To build an iOS project you have to install XCode on your MAC with flutter and dart Installations, and if you don't have MAC you can run your code from any browser from flutlab.io
You need XCode + Flutter installation on a Mac to create iOS build.
XCode alone will not work. You will have to clone your project into the Mac & then open the project in Xcode to create the build.
Xcode only works on Mac. And yes you have to do a full flutter setup with Xcode on Mac which is not so difficult, you will find many flutter setup with Xcode video in youtube.

Vuforia DataSet exists but fails to load on iOS devices

I made an AR app using the Vuforia SDK in Unity. Everything works fine when deployed to Android. when I deploy to iOS devices, like the iPhone 5s, the DataSet with my marker exists, but fails to load and activate.
Dataset _______ could not be loaded and cannot be activated.
I've been searching the Vuforia forums (i.e. this: https://developer.vuforia.com/forum/ios/dataset-exists-fails-load-and-activate), but nothing helped. I have a proper path, I built the project on a Mac, I don't miss the PostProcessBuildPlayer script in my project.
I did have problems building the app in XCode tho. I used the advice found here (http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/linker-error-on-xcode6-1-1-undefined-symbols-for-architecture-armv7-unitykeyboard_gettext.309464/), in Redons last reply, to solve the problem - I manually re-added needed libraries to the XCode project and added Security.framework in "Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries". Is this relevant?
I'm working on Unity 5.2.1 and XCode 6.3
How do I fix this issue?
What worked for me was that I manually added the following compiler directive to the ARCamera's LoadDatabaseBehaviour script under the AddOSSpecificExternalDatasetSearchDirs function:
AddExternalDatasetSearchDir(Application.dataPath + "/Raw/QCAR/");
This is an iOS specific fix that explicitly points to the Streaming Assets folder in the iOS build itself.
My versions & info:
Unity version: 5.3.0f4
Vuforia version: 5.0.6
OSX version: 10.11.2 (El Capitan)
Xcode version: 7.2 (7C68)
iOS device: iPad mini 3
iOS version: 9.1

xcode 3.2.6 and iOS 4.3 SDK installation problem on Mac OSX Lion

I recently brought a new Mac mini running Max OSX 10.7(Lion)
I downloaded the iOS SDK 4.3 and Xcode 3.2.6.dmg from here
The download is successful and i was able to install it without any problem.
In /DEVELOPER/APPLICATIONS folder i only find
performance tools and utilities folders.
Can anybody help me in properly installing xcode on Lion?
mount xcode326.dmg, open terminal, type following 2 commands:
open "/Volumes/Xcode and iOS SDK/Xcode and iOS SDK.mpkg"
xcode should install successfully.
