Why is the size of the app in the AppStore half the size of the build in Xcode? - ios

Developing an application, release branch, when published in the App Store weighs 100MB after installation. The same branch if you build it locally from Xcode weighs 200MB. Sometimes a similar result is observed in TestFlight. Question, are there any specifics of building an application in the App Store, which results in a difference of half the weight?
I am a tester, and I do not understand the details, but it is important to solve the problem, please advise me in what direction to look for a solution.
Googled and talked to the developer. I need a hint in which direction to think.

2 reasons:
Debug builds contains more information than release builds.
In release mode, usually we upload universal IPA to the appstore. Which will include data for all variants (Different iPhones, iPad, mac). You will only download thinned version of the app which will be less in space.
Read more at: Reducing your app’s size


How to reduce my ipa build size?

I have exported IPA build from Xcode 9.1 and my file size is 168 MB.
I have enabled and disabled bit code feature from build options in Xcode 9.1, But there is no change in IPA build file size it remains same as 168 MB. I am weird about this.
I will appreciate if anyone can help with this.
I really don't understand the concept of App Thinning.
I guess code size is your smallest problem, therefor you don't see much of a change. If you want to have a smaller .ipa, you need to reduce your media files.
"App thinning" is something that happens on Apple site: Simply speaking, if a user downloads your app on a say iPhone, apple kicks out all stuff that does not match to your device, e.g. images for different resolutions than your phone. Therefore, your .ipa still contains all the data, but just the download for the end user is smaller.

Text size in iOS Xcode target is larger than the other target

I need some help with my application.
I have two targets for my iOS application.
One for Enterprise Deployment (Enterprise In House Dist)
One for App Store Deployment (Distribution)
These two can't be on the same app store account so we have two Apple Accounts. (It's dumb I know... thanks Apple!)
Anyway, as far as I can tell, the build settings are all the same.... HOWEVER
The text for the Distribution Target is larger. It seems like the whole layout is a little different having a tendency towards larger assets. (See Images Below)
This causes layout issues in our application
I've verified that it isn't related to any iOS Device settings, because it's different on the same device.
I'm completely stumped and dumbfounded. Please help! Any suggestions? I need the distribution target to have the same size assets as the In House Dev target.
Distribution (Store) Build:
In House Dev Build (Enterprise Apple Account):
There was not a Launch Screen file in one of the Targets. I don't know why this would impact the whole application, but it does.
UPDATE - Some customers are seeing this, but we don't know why.
This is also caused by display zoom, which can be turned on in iOS on device setup, or in Settings -> "Display & Brightness", "Display Zoom".
It literally changes the resolution to be lower. If you screenshot the screen, the resolution will be lower than the advertised resolution.

App File Size is 2.5x larger when installing with Fabric

I am trying to figure out why my apps file size is so large when I install a beta build with Fabric Beta (created by Twitter).
When archiving the build and checking the app size I see that it is about 194MB, however, when I build and install the app for debugging on device, the storage space that is taken up is ~85MB.
When I install the app via Fabric Beta, the app is ~194MB on device.
Would anyone be able to explain what is going on here. Is there an issue with Fabric that is not optimizing the build?
Old question, but worth clarifying I think real quick:
1 comment said:
Most likely the ipa for uploading has arm6 and arm7 binaries in it. As long as you have bitcode turned on then App thinning will only push down the parts that an individual device needs.
And this is true, and then this follow up comment from original question author
I see. And is there any way to confirm this for a client? Because Fabric has been the only platform we have been using. Will I see the correct file size with iTunes Test Flight?
The answer to that is yes. Test flight, since basically the closest you can get to the App Store without actually getting reviewed (although TestFlight requires Beta App Review, but this is usually pretty quick.
TestFlight should handle the proper app thinning and send you only the app binary sized for your device.

iOS app size differnce between testflight and Apple store

iOS app build size drastically, when i build and testflight its 9Mb, but when it was approved by Apple in Apple store its showing 14Mb, Can any one tell/help me, How can this is possible? Just wanted to understand the scene behind it.
NOTE : There is no change in the resource files in both the builds.

My app is now in the Apple App Store but crashes during the splash screen

My application is in the Apple App Store but when downloaded it crashes after the splash screen.
I thought the week long approval process was to ensure the quality of the app.
Version 1.0 of my app does run but I hear there is no way to roll it back. For now I have changed the availability date to the future so that people do not download it. When will it be taken out of the search results?
The approval process is not for QA testing. (Of course, they will reject an app if it crashes while testing they are other for things, such as violation of various SDK rules, HIG guidelines, etc.) A developer has to test and QA your apps themselves on the OS versions and the iOS device types for which they submit the app as appropriate for, and under stress conditions as well. A developer also needs to make very certain that the build they submit is identical (except for certificate signing) to the builds they have tested. (It is a common mistake to have different Build Settings or source files selected between the Release and Distribution builds.)
Check to see if a bad preference setting is the culprit.
Or if it worked only for you, then it may be the lack of a preference setting. You may have created a good preference before the bug was introduced.
Was taken out of search results by the end of the day.
