Here is the folder structure I have.
Workspace folder: D:\Node\MyNode\
When Jenkins build runs on a node, the files from scm gets downloaded to the following folder: D:\Node\MyNode\xx_development
I need to do cd to the folder "xx_development" and this name xx can change for different strasms (RTC) but "_development" remains same.
how can I do cd to a folder with (*development) using a pipeline script?
Edit: I am using windows Nodes for Jenkins.
To change the current directory to the folder with the pattern *_development, you can use the following script:
For Windows:
def folder = bat(returnStdout: true, script: 'dir /b /ad | findstr "_development"').trim()
bat "cd ${folder}"
dir /b /ad | findstr "_development" --> lists all directories in the current folder and filters them by the pattern _development.
/b --> to list only the directory names.
/ad --> to list only directories.
findstr --> to filter the output by the pattern _development.
The second line changes the current directory to the directory stored in the Folder variable.
For Linux:
def Folder = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'ls -d */ | grep "_development"').trim()
sh "cd ${Folder}"
ls -d */ | grep "_development" --> lists all directories in the folder and filters by the pattern _development.
trim() --> If there are any leading or trailing whitespaces, they are removed using this command.
The second line changes the current directory to the folder stored in the Folder variable.
I have a file file.txt with filenames ending with *.sha256, including the full paths of each file. This is a toy example:
Each line has a different path/file. The *.sha256 files have checksums.
I want to run the command "sha256sum -c" on each of these *.sha256 files and write the output to an output_file.txt. However, this command only accepts the name of the .sha256 file, not the name including its full path. I have tried the following:
while read in; do
sha256sum -c "$in" >> output_file.txt
done < file.txt
but I get:
"sha256sum: WARNING: 1 listed file could not be read"
which is due to the path included in the command.
Any suggestion is welcome
while read in
thedir=$(dirname "$in")
thefile=$(basename "$in")
cd "$thedir"
sha256sum -c "$thefile" >>output_file.txt
done < file.txt
Modify your code to extract the directory and file parts of your in variable.
i try to capture 2 file types using ant glob and “findFiles” in a Jenkinsfile
in my dir i have :
when i do :
files = findFiles(glob: '**/*.[ipa|plist]')
files = findFiles(glob: '**/*.ipa|*.plist')
I'm getting none, but when i do :
files = findFiles(glob: '**/*.ipa')
I do getting the xxx.ipa file .
im using jenkins findfiles which using ant glob to capture files by pattern
The problem is that glob is not a regex but Ant Style pattern.
So you either have to capture files separately or you could use a shell script with grep or find instead, e.g.:
def files = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'find . -name "*.ipa" -o -name "*.plist"')
I have a directory with many files that all end in "_all.txt". I want to delete all lines in each of these files containing either a "*" or a "-" and send them to files ending in "_all_cleaned.txt".
Right now I am using a for loop as follows:
for file in *_all.txt;
filename=$(echo $file | cut -d '_' -f 1)
grep -vwE "(*|-)" ${file}> "${filename}_all_cleaned.txt"
I would like to be able to do this in parallel using GNU parallel so that the command will be executed on each file on a different compute node instead of waiting for one node to do all in a row.
How can I incorporate
If the files are in the login dir on the servers (i.e. the dir you get by ssh server1 pwd):
parallel -Sserver1,server2 'grep -vwE "(*|-)" {} > {=s/.txt$/_cleaned.txt=}' ::: *.txt
If it is the same dir relative to $HOME (e.g. /home/me/my/dir):
parallel --wd . -Sserver1,server2 'grep -vwE "(*|-)" {} > {=s/.txt$/_cleaned.txt=}' ::: *.txt
If it is /different/dir:
parallel --wd /different/dir -Sserver1,server2 'grep -vwE "(*|-)" {} > {=s/.txt$/_cleaned.txt=}' ::: *.txt
I work on a Maven project that need to copy mode than 10 GB of artifacts in a target repository from a maven local repository (after downloaded them).
In some cases (e.g. for tests), I'd like to replace this copy by a symlink creation in order to save few minutes.
My question is: Is there a way to ask to plugin maven-dependency-plugin goal copy-dependencies to create a symlink OR is there any maven plugin that can do it.
The copy-dependencies goal cannot, to my knowledge, do this out of the box. However, you can use a shell script:
mkdir -p "$outputDir"
mvn dependency:resolve |
grep ':\(compile\|runtime\)' | sed 's/\[INFO\] *//' |
while read gav
case "$gav" in
*:*:*:*:*:*) # G:A:P:C:V:S
g="${gav%%:*}"; remain="${gav#*:}"
a="${remain%%:*}"; remain="${remain#*:}"
p="${remain%%:*}"; remain="${remain#*:}"
c="${remain%%:*}"; remain="${remain#*:}"
*:*:*:*:*) # G:A:P:V:S
g="${gav%%:*}"; remain="${gav#*:}"
a="${remain%%:*}"; remain="${remain#*:}"
p="${remain%%:*}"; remain="${remain#*:}"
g=$(echo "$g" | sed 's/\./\//g')
test -n "$c" && artName="$a-$v-$c" || artName="$a-$v"
ln -s "$HOME/.m2/repository/$g/$a/$v/$artName.$p" "$outputDir"
I have compressed text files in the following folder structure:
~/A/1/1.faa.tgz #each tgz file has dozens of faa text files
I would like to extract the faa files (text) from each tgz file and then join them using the subfoldername (1,2 and 3) to create a single text file for each subfolder.
My attempt was the following, but the files were extracted in the folder where I ran the script:
for FILE in ~/A/*/*.faa.tgz; do
tar -vzxf "$FILE"
After extracting the faa files I would use "cat" to join them (for example, using cat *.faa > .txt.
Thanks in advance.
To extract:
for FILE in ~/A/*/*.faa.tgz; do
echo "$FILE"
mkdir "`basename "$FILE"`"
tar -vzxf "$FILE" -C "`basename "$FILE"`"
To join:
for dir in ~/A/*/; do
cd "$dir"
file=( *.faa )
cat "${file[#]}" > "${PWD##*/}.txt"