Can anyone help me to decrypt this lua script please? [duplicate] - lua

This question already has answers here:
How do I de-obfuscate a Lua script?
(1 answer)
How to decrypt a LuaT script
(1 answer)
Closed 6 days ago.
key=[[BREWDERS]];daqygetdfwjaujeztnpg='om jangan decrypt aku :((';iwlmhsvusvwdzlsscxsy='Obfuscator Ini Milik Brew';lewlkryqwglknxjbpuik='Kamu Nyari Load?';qdihziypozkkdpvldghj='Saya Tak Ragu Ingin Nembak Gay People';fbdbaaaavzcnaldnwutr="Soeharto is first indonesian president. Jokowi is seventh indonesian's president, Itadori Yuuji is one of main character in Jujutsu Kaisen Anime, Kento Nanami is Side Character On Jujutsu Kaisen Anime. Lava is 1 of the most dangerous liquid in the world (cap)";tzvunlybwgdvouqggsdd={ 1,128,3,155,204,245,225,212,128,153,275,141,138,154,138,132,136,136,248,214,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,168,247,192,129,292,192,197,186,220,199,212,220,197,238,227,242,249,240,244,175,175,239,226,230,245,243,227,225,244,229,228,175,175,229,238,227,174,236,245,225,261,264,128,128,183,323,139,128,128,128,267,128,128,129,139,129,128,130,142,129,130,131,267,129,128,132,270,129,131,133,147,130,128,180,210,128,128,128,257,258,181,256,129,131,183,256,257,131,176,256,129,260,177,256,257,260,147,256,129,261,184,256,257,133,178,256,129,134,184,256,257,134,186,256,129,135,178,256,257,135,185,256,129,264,185,256,257,264,147,256,129,265,144,256,257,137,163,256,129,138,162,256,257,266,169,256,129,267,144,256,257,267,149,256,129,268,144,256,257,268,179,256,129,269,185,256,257,269,185,256,129,270,183,256,257,142,185,256,129,271,156,256,257,143,151,256,129,144,151,256,257,272,184,256,129,145,178,256,257,273,182,256,129,274,185,256,257,274,184,256,129,147,188,256,257,275,150,256,129,148,177,256,257,148,183,256,129,149,151,256,257,149,187,256,129,150,177,256,257,150,188,256,129,279,184,256,257,151,183,256,129,152,151,256,257,280,184,256,129,153,176,256,257,153,187,256,129,282,144,256,257,154,148,256,129,155,148,256,206,130,178,128,257,258,147,256,129,131,148,256,206,130,130,178,324,129,130,128,196,129,128,128,324,128,128,128,196,128,128,129,199,128,129,128,262,132,262,240,227,225,236,236,132,261,236,239,225,228,132,263,243,244,242,233,238,231,132,261,227,232,225,242,132,262,244,225,226,236,229,132,263,245,238,240,225,227,235,257,128,128,128,256,323,130,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,129,256,256,257,261,223,197,206,214};local nau = 'load'; function lfotrfhbndihgaqphwah(...) local gydedjydutxkojhuynvy='';for xffmcqnpszhothmdjebp=1, #tzvunlybwgdvouqggsdd do if xffmcqnpszhothmdjebp>3 then gydedjydutxkojhuynvy=gydedjydutxkojhuynvy.._ENV['\115\116\114\105\110\103']['\99\104\97\114']((tzvunlybwgdvouqggsdd[xffmcqnpszhothmdjebp]-tzvunlybwgdvouqggsdd[2]));end end;local tolan = 'loadstring';_ENV[_ENV['\115\116\114\105\110\103']['\99\104\97\114'](iwlmhsvusvwdzlsscxsy:lower():sub(18,18):byte(),daqygetdfwjaujeztnpg:lower():sub(1,1):byte(),qdihziypozkkdpvldghj:lower():sub(-9,-9):byte(),fbdbaaaavzcnaldnwutr:lower():sub(21,21):byte())](gydedjydutxkojhuynvy)(); end;lfotrfhbndihgaqphwah(tzvunlybwgdvouqggsdd);
Thanks to someone who decrypt it


Get uint64_t out of __m128 intrinsic? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
C++ SSE Intrinsics: Storing results in variables [closed]
(1 answer)
print a __m128i variable
(4 answers)
SSE: Difference between _mm_load/store vs. using direct pointer access
(3 answers)
How to extract bytes from an SSE2 __m128i structure?
(1 answer)
Is `reinterpret_cast`ing between hardware SIMD vector pointer and the corresponding type an undefined behavior?
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I can use _mm_set_epi64 to store two uint64_ts into a __m128 intrinsic. But hunting around, I see various ways to get the values back out: There's reinterpret_cast (and it's evil twin C-style casts), it's sibling union { __m128; uint64[2]; }; and memcpy, there's accessing fields of __m128. There's __m128i _mm_load_si128(__m128i *p);, but I'm not seeing a _mm_get_* function. Am I missing something? If there's a _mm_set_epi64 then there must be a non-cast way to get the uint64_ts back out, right? (Otherwise why would they bother providing _mm_set_epi64?)
I see Get member of __m128 by index? but the "correct answer" has a broken link and implies there's a load function, but all the loads I see map __m128 to __m128. Shouldn't there be a void _mm_get_epi64(__m128, uint64_t* outbuf)?

convert to currency using Swift [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to properly format currency on ios
(8 answers)
How to input currency format on a text field (from right to left) using Swift?
(9 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have a values like that: 100, 1220, 10015 basically last 2 digits are cents and I need to convert to dollar (currency) format similar to:
1.00, 12.20, 100.15
Can somebody suggest a quick implementation?
var a = 1011
var b = Double(a) / 100

WinDbg callstack hexadecimal offset [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to understand the call stack of Visual Studio?
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
what does the hexadecimal value (with the +) behind the function name stands for ?
00 012ff668 7795aa24 ntdll_778f0000!LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0x726
01 012ff8a0 77956e84 ntdll_778f0000!WinSqmSetDWORD64+0x14e4
02 012ff8f4 77956cd0 ntdll_778f0000!LdrInitializeThunk+0x1c4
03 012ff8fc 00000000 ntdll_778f0000!LdrInitializeThunk+0x10
These numbers indicate offset from the nearest resolved function entry. The higher number WinSqmSetDWORD64+0x14e4 indicates you have symbol loading issues and Windbg used the export table to get the function name and generated the large offset based on the function names it got from the export table.

Table elements executing a function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Search for an item in a Lua list
(12 answers)
Lua find a key from a value
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have this table:
maps = {4707191, 4747722, 1702169, 3994471, 4708958, 4008546, 4323335, 4516043, 4612295, 3469987, 4337892, 238378, 3088188, 329627, 3526384, 433483}
How can I make a script so if 1702169 (for example) is picked from the table, it prints ''That's the number''?
The easiest way to do what (i think) you want is with pairs() function. This is a stateless iterator which you can read more about here:
If you simply want to scan through the entire table and see if it contains a value, then you can use this simple code:
local maps = {4707191, 4747722, 1702169, 3994471, 4708958, 4008546, 4323335, 4516043, 4612295, 3469987, 4337892, 238378, 3088188, 329627, 3526384, 433483}
local picked = 1702169
for i, v in pairs(maps) do
if v == picked then
print("That's the number")
The above code will iterate through the whole table where i is the key and v is the value of the table[key]=value pairs.
I am slightly unclear about your end goal, but you could create this into a function and/or modify it to your actual needs. Feel free to update your original post with more information and I can provide you with a more specific answer.

How to calculate logarithm in iOS? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I calculate a logarithm in iOS? [duplicate]
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I need to calculate Log (base 10) and Log (base e – Naperian/Natural).
I am now assuming that Log (base 10) is:
double log10 ( double );
And am I correct to assume that Log (base e – Naperian/Natural) is just:
double log ( double );
Check man 3 log for man page. In iOS 6 there is also vecLib which has logarithmic functions.
