Get access to telegram api from docker compose through proxy - docker

We have a server where we run different services in docker containers. The server is on the corporate network and does not have Internet access. We use a proxy to access the Internet. We collect images locally, where we have access to the Internet through a proxy, and then docker pull to our repository
Actually the question is: how to launch two new services using a docker compose that would have access to the Internet using a proxy?
Accordingly, simply trying to connect to a proxy in the code did not help, it failed to connect.
Passing the connection string to the proxy as an environment variable on startup didn't help either.


Why can I access a service with "IP:port" but not using "domain:port"?

I am using docker to start a service in my server. The thing is that I can have access to that service by searching in my Mozilla "IP:port" but not by searching "domain:port". Why?
I am using a docker service. I've got HTTPS for my domain and HTTP for the docker service, maybe that is the problem. I cannot reach domain:serviceport ("secure connection failed") but I can reach ip:serviceport.

Routing all net traffic from a k8s container through another in the same pod

I'm using GKE for deployments.
Edit: I need to access a customer's API endpoint which is only accessible when using their VPN. So far I can run a container which connects to this VPN and I can cURL the endpoint successfully.
For the above, I have configured a Debian docker image which successfully connects to a VPN (specifically, using Kerio Control VPN) when deployed. Whenever I make a net request from this container, it runs through the VPN connection, as expected.
I have another image which runs a .NET Core program which makes necessary HTTP requests.
From this guide I know it is possible to run a container's traffic through another using pure docker. Specifically using the --net=container:something option (trimmed the example):
docker run \
--name=jackett \
--net=container:vpncontainer \
However, I have to use Kubernetes for this deployment so I think it would be good to use a 2-container pod. I want to keep the VPN connection logic and the program separated.
How can I achieve this?
Each container in pod have shared network resources. If you run vpn client in one container them all containers in this pod will have access to network via vpn.
Based on your comment I think I can advise you two methods.
Private GKE Cluster with CloudNAT
In this setup, you should you use Private GKE cluster with CloudNAT for external communication. You would need to to use manual externalIP.
This scenario is using specific externalIP for VPN connection, but it's required from your customer to whitelist access for this IP.
Site to site VPN using CloudVPN
You can configure your VPN to forward packets to your cluster. For details you should check other Stackoverflow threads:
Google Container Engine and VPN
Why can't I access my Kubernetes service via its IP?
I'm using a similar approach. I have a Django app for whose static files to be served files I need nginx. I want the app to be accessible through VPN for which I'm using OpenVPN.
Both the nginx container and the django container are in the same pod. My limited understanding is that it would be enough to run VPN in the background in the nginx container and it should successfully route requests to the backend using localhost because they're in the same pod.
But this doesn't seem to be working. I get a 504 Time-Out in the browser and the nginx logs confirm that the upstream timed out. Have you done anything extra to make this work in your case?

Jhipster - unable to Use a Gateway app when deploying everything on docker host except the Gateway itself, Mixed Docker and locally deployment

I have some JHipster Spring Microservice and gateway projects. I deployed all of them on a host using docker except the gateway. I started the gateway on another host.
I use Keycloak for OAuth authentication.
Everything works fine when i deploy all of the microservices and databases and Gateways as docker containers on a docker network using docker-compose.
But it doesn't work when i just deploy everything on docker except the gateway.i mean if the gateway resides outside of docker-created network. the motivation for this action is that I just want my UI programmer to up and run the gateway on his own PC, and use microservices which are deployed on server host. Just for ease of UI development in need to up and run this sole gateway using gradle bootRun -Pprod.
I used a technique to assign a separate IP to each container on my docker network. This technique is called Docker MacVLan networking. so that every container in the host have a separate IP address in physical network and each of these containers are visible on other hosts in the network.
the problem is that in normal docker deployment (when gateway is deployed in a docker network in same host) everything works fine. but in my scenario after successful login, every microservice return error 401.
in microservice it says this error:
o.s.s.oauth2.client.OAuth2RestTemplate : Setting request Accept header to [application/json, application/x-jackson-smile, application/cbor, application/*+json]
o.s.s.oauth2.client.OAuth2RestTemplate : GET request for "http://keycloak:9080/auth/realms/jhipster/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo" resulted in 401 (Unauthorized); invoking error handler
n.m.b.s.o.CachedUserInfoTokenServices : Could not fetch user details: class, Unable to obtain a new access token for resource 'null'. The provider manager is not configured to support it.
p.a.OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter : Authentication request failed: error="invalid_token", error_description="token string here"
it says that your token is invalid. the same mechanism just works when everything is deployed in same host in docker. is it for the Keycloak that prevents the token to validate for external hosts? i personally doubt that , because it didn't prevent me from logging into gateway successfully. and i just checked keycloak. its up by the command -b
Please help me up and run a gateway just by gradle bootRun -Pprod.
In summary I could rephrase my question to: i just want the UI Developer be able to test his angular/spring-gateway project in it's own PC while other services are deployed in powerful server using docker (authentication using Keycloak). and it is not possible to deploy those other services on UI developers own PC. how to do it in JHipster?
add server.use-forward-headers=true to your config when using the gateway

2 seperate docker stacks can't communicate over 172.x network

In order to debug and setup a pair of docker stacks (one is a client and other a server along with their own private services they each require) using docker compose, I'm running them locally to make sure they're functioning correctly.
They will eventually be communicating across the internet with a nginx server on the server side to act as a reverse proxy. But for now, i'm specifying the client use the address of the server container.
I'm able to curl/ping both the client container and server container from the host machine, but running an interactive session and trying to curl the server's address just times out.
I feel the 172.x is being used incorrectly here. Is their some obvious issue with what I've described so far? What is the better approach for what I'm trying to do.
Seems that after doing some searching, I am in a similar situation to this question: Communicating between Docker containers in different networks on the same host.
I've decided to use docker network connect to connect the client to the server's network for my purposes.

How to tunnel to into the private network of my docker containers on Bluemix?

I have some docker containers running on Bluemix using private IP addresses. I would now like to setup a tunnel from my laptop (running linux) to access the private network on Bluemix.
I had first created a container running an ssh-server. Using ssh -D I was able to setup a SOCKS5 proxy connection. This worked fine with Chrome but not all applications support a SOCKS proxy.
(google-chrome --proxy-server=socks5://localhost:<tunnel port>)
So I tried to create a container with an OpenVPN server. Unfortunately this does not work on Bluemix as the containers are not running privileged and thus can not create a tun device.
Bluemix also has a VPN and a Secure Gateway service, which sound promising but so far I could not figure out how to get those working.
Does anybody know if it is possible to make the private docker network available locally and how to connect to that?
Generally speaking containers should be used to implement services available to external applications (an APIs service, or a runtime, or a dbms, or something like that).
According to this, what you could achieve is a set of services available for you on different containers, and a single container working as SSH tunnel gateway, making your local environment connected to it using SSH and defining a set of local and remote SSH ports forwarding, with different policies according to the service/port and the IP of the service.
It should work for all the services, and you haven't to use a socks proxy to forward requests to different hosts: using remote SSH forwarding your SSH endpoint will redirect your requests to the right service inside the local/private lan.
I found that this guide describes correctly how to work with local&remote port forwarding.
About the OpenVPN solution, as you already know it is not possible to use software requiring privileged mode on containers, because it couldn't be allowed on Bluemix due to security reasons: if you wish to have this kind of solution I strongly suggest you to use OpenVPN on a VM on Bluemix UK region (still beta but an architecture expected to be the final architecture as soon as VM service will become GA service)
I think that these options are the ones available on Bluemix to achieve what you describe without using the VPN service suggested by #bill-wentworth
