I am using jetpack compose with the navigation compose library to navigate from one screen to the next. Usually you would have a ViewModel that would take care of user interactions (e.g.: viewModel.addItem()). In order to fulfill the addItem command i would like to show another screen via navController.navigate(). The ViewModel itself is injected into the Composable via hiltNavGraphViewModel().
Now the question is: How could i inject the NavController into the ViewModel via hilt?
class ScreenViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val navController: NavController // where does it come from?
) : ViewModel() {
fun addItem() {
The NavController is created via the rememberNavController() method up in the composable hirarchy. I also do not want to pass the controller down the composable hierarchy or use a CompositionLocal. The preferred approach would be to have the controller available in the ViewModel.
if you want to inject it to viewmodel, you should create navigation controller using application context, install it in application (singleton) component and mark it as singleton:
object NavigationModule {
fun provideNavController(#ApplicationContext context: Context) = NavHostController(context).apply {
but in my opinion this is not good practise
In my view model, I have two properties:
private val databaseDao = QuestionDatabase.getDatabase(context).questionDao()
val allQuestions: LiveData<List<Question>> = databaseDao.getAllQuestions()
I have observers set on "allQuestions" in my fragment and I'm noticing the observer is being called when I rotate the device. Even though the View Model is only being created once (can tell via a log statement in init()), the observer methods are still being called.
Why is this? I would think the point is to have persistency in the View Model. Ideally, I want the database questions to be only loaded once, regardless of rotation.
This happens because LiveData is lifecycle aware.
And When you rotate the screen you UI Controller [Activity/Fragment] goes through various lifecycle states and lifecycle callbacks.
And since LiveData is lifecycle aware, it updates the detail accordingly.
I have tried to explain this with following points:
When the UI Controller is offscreen, Live Data performs no updates.
When the UI Controller is back on screen, it gets current data.
(Because of this property you are getting above behavior)
When UI controller is destroyed, it performs cleanup on its own.
When new UI Controller starts observing live data, it gets current data.
add this check inside observer
if(lifecycle.currentState == Lifecycle.State.RESUMED){
I have the same issue, after reading the jetpack guideline doc, I solve it. Just like what #SVK mentioned, after the rotation of the screen, activity/fragment were re-created.
Base on the solution,
class SingleLiveEvent<T> : MutableLiveData<T>() {
val TAG: String = "SingleLiveEvent"
private val mPending = AtomicBoolean(false)
override fun observe(owner: LifecycleOwner, observer: Observer<in T>) {
if (hasActiveObservers()) {
Log.w(TAG, "Multiple observers registered but only one will be notified of changes.")
// Observe the internal MutableLiveData
super.observe(owner, Observer<T> { t ->
if (mPending.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
override fun observeForever(observer: Observer<in T>) {
if (hasActiveObservers()) {
Log.w(TAG, "Multiple observers registered but only one will be notified of changes.")
// Observe the internal MutableLiveData
super.observeForever { t ->
if (mPending.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
override fun setValue(#Nullable t: T?) {
* Used for cases where T is Void, to make calls cleaner.
fun call() {
value = null
I'm looking to create an EnvironmentObject that can be accessed by the View Model (not just the view).
The Environment object tracks the application session data, e.g. loggedIn, access token etc, this data will be passed into the view models (or service classes where needed) to allow calling of an API to pass data from this EnvironmentObjects.
I have tried to pass in the session object to the initialiser of the view model class from the view but get an error.
how can I access/pass the EnvironmentObject into the view model using SwiftUI?
You can do it like this:
struct YourView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var settings: UserSettings
#ObservedObject var viewModel = YourViewModel()
var body: some View {
VStack {
.onAppear {
For the ViewModel:
class YourViewModel: ObservableObject {
var settings: UserSettings?
func setup(_ settings: UserSettings) {
self.settings = settings
You shouldn't. It's a common misconception that SwiftUI works best with MVVM. MVVM has no place in SwiftUI. You are asking that if you can shove a rectangle to fit a triangle shape. It wouldn't fit.
Let's start with some facts and work step by step:
ViewModel is a model in MVVM.
MVVM does not take value types (e.g.; no such thing in Java) into consideration.
A value type model (model without state) is considered safer than reference type model (model with state) in the sense of immutability.
Now, MVVM requires you to set up a model in such way that whenever it changes, it updates the view in some pre-determined way. This is known as binding.
Without binding, you won't have nice separation of concerns, e.g.; refactoring out model and associated states and keeping them separate from view.
These are the two things most iOS MVVM developers fail:
iOS has no "binding" mechanism in traditional Java sense. Some would just ignore binding, and think calling an object ViewModel automagically solves everything; some would introduce KVO-based Rx, and complicate everything when MVVM is supposed to make things simpler.
Model with state is just too dangerous because MVVM put too much emphasis on ViewModel, too little on state management and general disciplines in managing control; most of the developers end up thinking a model with state that is used to update view is reusable and testable. This is why Swift introduces value type in the first place; a model without state.
Now to your question: you ask if your ViewModel can have access to EnvironmentObject (EO)?
You shouldn't. Because in SwiftUI a model that conforms to View automatically has reference to EO. E.g.;
struct Model: View {
#EnvironmentObject state: State
// automatic binding in body
var body: some View {...}
I hope people can appreciate how compact SDK is designed.
In SwiftUI, MVVM is automatic. There's no need for a separate ViewModel object that manually binds to view which requires an EO reference passed to it.
The above code is MVVM. E.g.; a model with binding to view. But because model is value type, so instead of refactoring out model and state as view model, you refactor out control (in protocol extension, for example).
This is official SDK adapting design pattern to language feature, rather than just enforcing it. Substance over form. Look at your solution, you have to use singleton which is basically global. You should know how dangerous it is to access global anywhere without protection of immutability, which you don't have because you have to use reference type model!
You don't do MVVM in java way in SwiftUI. And the Swift-y way to do it is no need to do it, it's already built-in.
Hope more developer see this since this seemed like a popular question.
Below provided approach that works for me. Tested with many solutions started with Xcode 11.1.
The problem originated from the way EnvironmentObject is injected in view, general schema
ie, at first - created view, at second created environment object, at third environment object injected into view
Thus if I need to create/setup view model in view constructor the environment object is not present there yet.
Solution: break everything apart and use explicit dependency injection
Here is how it looks in code (generic schema)
// somewhere, say, in SceneDelegate
let someEO = SomeEO() // create environment object
let someVM = SomeVM(eo: someEO) // create view model
let someView = SomeView(vm: someVM) // create view
There is no any trade-off here, because ViewModel and EnvironmentObject are, by design, reference-types (actually, ObservableObject), so I pass here and there only references (aka pointers).
class SomeEO: ObservableObject {
class BaseVM: ObservableObject {
let eo: SomeEO
init(eo: SomeEO) {
self.eo = eo
class SomeVM: BaseVM {
class ChildVM: BaseVM {
struct SomeView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var eo: SomeEO
#ObservedObject var vm: SomeVM
init(vm: SomeVM) {
self.vm = vm
var body: some View {
// environment object will be injected automatically if declared inside ChildView
ChildView(vm: ChildVM(eo: self.eo))
struct ChildView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var eo: SomeEO
#ObservedObject var vm: ChildVM
init(vm: ChildVM) {
self.vm = vm
var body: some View {
Text("Just demo stub")
Solution for: iOS 14/15+
Here's how you might interact with an Environment Object from a View Model, without having to inject it on instantiation:
Define the Environment Object:
import Combine
final class MyAuthService: ObservableObject {
#Published private(set) var isSignedIn = false
func signIn() {
isSignedIn = true
Create a View to own and pass around the Environment Object:
import SwiftUI
struct MyEntryPointView: View {
#StateObject var auth = MyAuthService()
var body: some View {
#ViewBuilder private var content: some View {
if auth.isSignedIn {
Text("Yay, you're all signed in now!")
} else {
Define the View Model with methods that take the Environment Object as an argument:
extension MyAuthView {
#MainActor final class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
func signIn(with auth: MyAuthService) {
Create a View that owns the View Model, receives the Environment Object, and calls the appropriate method:
struct MyAuthView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var auth: MyAuthService
#StateObject var viewModel = ViewModel()
var body: some View {
Button {
viewModel.signIn(with: auth)
} label: {
Text("Sign In")
Preview it for completeness:
struct MyEntryPointView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
I choose to not have a ViewModel. (Maybe time for a new pattern?)
I have setup my project with a RootView and some child views. I setup my RootView with a App object as the EnvironmentObject. Instead of the ViewModel accessing Models, all my views access classes on App. Instead of the ViewModel determining the layout, the view hierarchy determine the layout. From doing this in practice for a few apps, I've found my views are staying small and specific. As an over simplification:
class App: ObservableObject {
#Published var user = User()
let networkManager: NetworkManagerProtocol
lazy var userService = UserService(networkManager: networkManager)
init(networkManager: NetworkManagerProtocol) {
self.networkManager = networkManager
convenience init() {
self.init(networkManager: NetworkManager())
struct RootView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var app: App
var body: some View {
if !app.user.isLoggedIn {
} else {
struct HomeView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var app: App
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("User name: \(")
Button(action: { app.userService.logout() }) {
In my previews, I initialize a MockApp which is a subclass of App. The MockApp initializes the designated initializers with the Mocked object. Here the UserService doesn't need to be mocked, but the datasource (i.e. NetworkManagerProtocol) does.
struct HomeView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Group {
.environmentObject(MockApp() as App) // <- This is needed for EnvironmentObject to treat the MockApp as an App Type
The Resolver library does a nice job to get dependency injection for model classes. It provides a property wrapper #Injected which is very similar in spirit to #EnvironmentObject but works everywhere. So in a model, I would inject a ExampleService like this:
class ExampleModel: ObservableObject {
#Injected var service: ExampleService
// ...
This can also be used to resolve dependencies for Views:
struct ExampleView: View {
#ObservedObject var exampleModel: ExampleModel = Resolver.resolve()
var body: some View {
// ...
An alternative for Views is to use #EnvironmentObject in the SwiftUI view hierarchy, but this gets a little bit cumbersome because you'll have two dependency-injection containers, Resolver/#Injected for everything that's app-wide/service-like and SwiftUI/#EnvironmentObject in the view hierarchy for everything that relates to views/for view models.
Simply create a Singleton and use it wherever you want (view / class / struct / ObservableObject ...)
Creating Class should look like this:
class ApplicationSessionData
// this is the shared instance / local copy / singleton
static let singleInstance = ApplicationSessionData()
// save shared mambers/vars here
var loggedIn: Bool = false
var access: someAccessClass = someAccessClass()
var token: String = "NO TOKET OBTAINED YET"
Using Class/Struct/View should look like this:
struct SomeModel {
// obtain the shared instance
var appSessData = ApplicationSessionData.singleInstance
// use shared mambers/vars here
if(appSessData.loggedIn && appSessData.access.hasAccessToThisView) {
appSessData.token = "ABC123RTY..."
You need to be aware of the pitfalls that exist in Singletons, so you won't fall into one.
Read more here:
This one I've been researching for a few days, scouring the Swift & SwiftUI docs, SO, forums, etc. and can't seem to find an answer.
Here is the problem;
I have a SwiftUI custom View that does some state determination on a custom API request class to a remote resource. The View handles showing loading states and failure states, along with its body contents being passed through via ViewBuilder so that if the state from the API is successful and the resource data is loaded, it will show the contents of the page.
The issue is, the ViewBuilder contents does not re-render when the subclassed ObservedObject updates. The Object updates in reaction to the UI (when buttons are pressed, etc.) but the UI never re-renders/updates to reflect the change within the subclassed ObservedObject, for example the ForEach behind an array within the subclassed ObservedObject does not refresh when the array contents change. If I move it out of the custom View, the ForEach works as intended.
I can confirm the code compiles and runs. Observers and debugPrint()'s throughout show that the ApiObject is updating state correctly and the View reflects the ApiState change absolutely fine. It's just the Content of the ViewBuilder. In which I assume is because the ViewBuilder will only ever be called once.
EDIT: The above paragraph should have been the hint, the ApiState updates correctly, but after putting extensive logging into the application, the UI was not listening to the publishing of the subclassed ObservedObject. The properties were changing and the state was too, but the UI wasn't being reactive to it.
Also, the next sentence turned out to be false, I tested again in a VStack and the component still didn't re-render, meaning I was looking in the wrong place!
If this is the case, how does VStack and other such elements get around this?
Or is it because my ApiObjectView is being re-rendered on the state change, in which causes the child view to 'reset'? Although in this circumstance I'd expect it to then take on the new data and work as expected anyway, its just never re-rendering.
The problematic code is in the CustomDataList.swift and ApiObjectView.swift below. I've left comments to point in the right direction.
Here is the example code;
// ApiState.swift
// Stores the API state for where the request and data parse is currently at.
// This drives the ApiObjectView state UI.
import Foundation
enum ApiState: String
case isIdle
case isFetchingData
case hasFailedToFetchData
case isLoadingData
case hasFailedToLoadData
case hasUsableData
// ApiObject.swift
// A base class that the Controllers for the app extend from.
// These classes can make data requests to the remote resource API over the
// network to feed their internal data stores.
class ApiObject: ObservableObject
#Published var apiState: ApiState = .isIdle
let networkRequest: NetworkRequest = NetworkRequest(baseUrl: "")
public func apiGetJson<T: Codable>(to: String, decodeAs: T.Type, onDecode: #escaping (_ unwrappedJson: T) -> Void) -> Void
self.apiState = .isFetchingData
to: to,
onComplete: {
self.apiState = .isLoadingData
let json = self.networkRequest.decodeJsonFromResponse(decodeAs: decodeAs)
guard let unwrappedJson = json else {
self.apiState = .hasFailedToLoadData
self.apiState = .hasUsableData
onFail: {
self.apiState = .hasFailedToFetchData
// DataController.swift
// This is a genericised example of the production code.
// These controllers build, manage and serve their resource data.
// Subclassed from the ApiObject, inheriting ObservableObject
import Foundation
import Combine
class CustomDataController: ApiObject
#Published public var customData: [CustomDataStruct] = []
public func fetch() -> Void
to: "custom-data-endpoint ",
decodeAs: [CustomDataStruct].self,
onDecode: { unwrappedJson in
self.customData = unwrappedJson
This is the View that has the problem with re-rendering its ForEach on the ObservedObject change to its bound array property.
// CustomDataList.swift
// This is the SwiftUI View that drives the content to the user as a list
// that displays the CustomDataController.customData.
// The ForEach in this View
import SwiftUI
struct CustomDataList: View
#ObservedObject var customDataController: CustomDataController = CustomDataController()
var body: some View
apiObject: self.customDataController,
onQuit: {}
) {
Section(header: Text("Custom Data").padding(.top, 40))
ForEach(self.customDataController.customData, id: \.self, content: { customData in
// This is the example that doesn't re-render when the
// customDataController updates its data. I have
// verified via printing at watching properties
// that the object is updating and pushing the
// change.
// The ObservableObject updates the array, but this ForEach
// is not run again when the data is changed.
// In the production code, there are buttons in here that
// change the array data held within customDataController.customData.
// When tapped, they update the array and the ForEach, when placed
// in the body directly does reflect the change when
// customDataController.customData updates.
// However, when inside the ApiObjectView, as by this example,
// it does not.
.onAppear() {
struct CustomDataList_Previews: PreviewProvider
static var previews: some View
This is the custom View in question that doesn't re-render its Content.
// ApiObjectView
// This is the containing View that is designed to assist in the UI rendering of ApiObjects
// by handling the state automatically and only showing the ViewBuilder contents when
// the state is such that the data is loaded and ready, in a non errornous, ready state.
// The ViewBuilder contents loads fine when the view is rendered or the state changes,
// but the Content is never re-rendered if it changes.
// The state renders fine and is reactive to the object, the apiObjectContent
// however, is not.
import SwiftUI
struct ApiObjectView<Content: View>: View {
#ObservedObject var apiObject: ApiObject
let onQuit: () -> Void
let apiObjectContent: () -> Content
#inlinable public init(apiObject: ApiObject, onQuit: #escaping () -> Void, #ViewBuilder content: #escaping () -> Content) {
self.apiObject = apiObject
self.onQuit = onQuit
self.apiObjectContent = content
func determineViewBody() -> AnyView
switch (self.apiObject.apiState) {
case .isIdle:
return AnyView(
isAnimating: .constant(true),
style: .large
case .isFetchingData:
return AnyView(
isAnimating: .constant(true),
style: .large
case .isLoadingData:
return AnyView(
isAnimating: .constant(true),
style: .large
case .hasFailedToFetchData:
return AnyView(
Text("Failed to load data!")
QuitButton(action: self.onQuit)
case .hasFailedToLoadData:
return AnyView(
Text("Failed to load data!")
QuitButton(action: self.onQuit)
case .hasUsableData:
return AnyView(
var body: some View
struct ApiObjectView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
apiObject: ApiObject(),
onQuit: {
print("I quit.")
) {
Now, all the above code works absolutely fine, if the ApiObjectView isn't used and the contents placed in the View directly.
But, that is horrendous for code reuse and architecture, this way its nice and neat, but doesn't work.
Is there any other way to approach this, e.g. via a ViewModifier or a View extension?
Any help on this would be really appreciated.
As I said, I can't seem to find anyone with this problem or any resource online that can point me in the right direction to solve this problem, or what might be causing it, such as outlined in documentation for ViewBuilder.
EDIT: To throw something interesting in, I've since added a countdown timer to CustomDataList, which updates a label every 1 second. IF the text is updated by that timer object, the view is re-rendered, but ONLY when the text on the label displaying the countdown time is updated.
Figured it out after pulling my hair out for a week, its an undocumented issue with subclassing an ObservableObject, as seen in this SO answer.
This is particularily annoying as Xcode obviously prompts you to remove the class as the parent class provides that inheritence to ObservableObject, so in my mind all was well.
The fix is, within the subclassed class to manually fire the generic state change self.objectWillChange.send() via the willSet listener on the #Published variable in question, or any you require.
In the examples I provided, the base class ApiObject in the question remains the same.
Although, the CustomDataController needs to be modified as follows:
// DataController.swift
// This is a genericised example of the production code.
// These controllers build, manage and serve their resource data.
import Foundation
import Combine
class CustomDataController: ApiObject
#Published public var customData: [CustomDataStruct] = [] {
willSet {
// This is the generic state change fire that needs to be added.
public func fetch() -> Void
to: "custom-data-endpoint ",
decodeAs: [CustomDataStruct].self,
onDecode: { unwrappedJson in
self.customData = unwrappedJson
As soon as I added that manual publishing, the issue is resolved.
An important note from the linked answer: Do not redeclare objectWillChange on the subclass, as that will again cause the state not to update properly. E.g. declaring the default
let objectWillChange = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
on the subclass will break the state updating again, this needs to remain on the parent class that extends from ObservableObject directly, either my manual or automatic default definition (typed out, or not and left as inherited declaration).
Although you can still define as many custom PassthroughSubject declarations as you require without issue on the subclass, e.g.
// DataController.swift
// This is a genericised example of the production code.
// These controllers build, manage and serve their resource data.
import Foundation
import Combine
class CustomDataController: ApiObject
var customDataWillUpdate = PassthroughSubject<[CustomDataStruct], Never>()
#Published public var customData: [CustomDataStruct] = [] {
willSet {
// Custom state change handler.
// This is the generic state change fire that needs to be added.
public func fetch() -> Void
to: "custom-data-endpoint ",
decodeAs: [CustomDataStruct].self,
onDecode: { unwrappedJson in
self.customData = unwrappedJson
As long as
The self.objectWillChange.send() remains on the #Published properties you need on the subclass
The default PassthroughSubject declaration is not re-declared on the subclass
It will work and propagate the state change correctly.
I'm looking to create an EnvironmentObject that can be accessed by the View Model (not just the view).
The Environment object tracks the application session data, e.g. loggedIn, access token etc, this data will be passed into the view models (or service classes where needed) to allow calling of an API to pass data from this EnvironmentObjects.
I have tried to pass in the session object to the initialiser of the view model class from the view but get an error.
how can I access/pass the EnvironmentObject into the view model using SwiftUI?
You can do it like this:
struct YourView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var settings: UserSettings
#ObservedObject var viewModel = YourViewModel()
var body: some View {
VStack {
.onAppear {
For the ViewModel:
class YourViewModel: ObservableObject {
var settings: UserSettings?
func setup(_ settings: UserSettings) {
self.settings = settings
You shouldn't. It's a common misconception that SwiftUI works best with MVVM. MVVM has no place in SwiftUI. You are asking that if you can shove a rectangle to fit a triangle shape. It wouldn't fit.
Let's start with some facts and work step by step:
ViewModel is a model in MVVM.
MVVM does not take value types (e.g.; no such thing in Java) into consideration.
A value type model (model without state) is considered safer than reference type model (model with state) in the sense of immutability.
Now, MVVM requires you to set up a model in such way that whenever it changes, it updates the view in some pre-determined way. This is known as binding.
Without binding, you won't have nice separation of concerns, e.g.; refactoring out model and associated states and keeping them separate from view.
These are the two things most iOS MVVM developers fail:
iOS has no "binding" mechanism in traditional Java sense. Some would just ignore binding, and think calling an object ViewModel automagically solves everything; some would introduce KVO-based Rx, and complicate everything when MVVM is supposed to make things simpler.
Model with state is just too dangerous because MVVM put too much emphasis on ViewModel, too little on state management and general disciplines in managing control; most of the developers end up thinking a model with state that is used to update view is reusable and testable. This is why Swift introduces value type in the first place; a model without state.
Now to your question: you ask if your ViewModel can have access to EnvironmentObject (EO)?
You shouldn't. Because in SwiftUI a model that conforms to View automatically has reference to EO. E.g.;
struct Model: View {
#EnvironmentObject state: State
// automatic binding in body
var body: some View {...}
I hope people can appreciate how compact SDK is designed.
In SwiftUI, MVVM is automatic. There's no need for a separate ViewModel object that manually binds to view which requires an EO reference passed to it.
The above code is MVVM. E.g.; a model with binding to view. But because model is value type, so instead of refactoring out model and state as view model, you refactor out control (in protocol extension, for example).
This is official SDK adapting design pattern to language feature, rather than just enforcing it. Substance over form. Look at your solution, you have to use singleton which is basically global. You should know how dangerous it is to access global anywhere without protection of immutability, which you don't have because you have to use reference type model!
You don't do MVVM in java way in SwiftUI. And the Swift-y way to do it is no need to do it, it's already built-in.
Hope more developer see this since this seemed like a popular question.
Below provided approach that works for me. Tested with many solutions started with Xcode 11.1.
The problem originated from the way EnvironmentObject is injected in view, general schema
ie, at first - created view, at second created environment object, at third environment object injected into view
Thus if I need to create/setup view model in view constructor the environment object is not present there yet.
Solution: break everything apart and use explicit dependency injection
Here is how it looks in code (generic schema)
// somewhere, say, in SceneDelegate
let someEO = SomeEO() // create environment object
let someVM = SomeVM(eo: someEO) // create view model
let someView = SomeView(vm: someVM) // create view
There is no any trade-off here, because ViewModel and EnvironmentObject are, by design, reference-types (actually, ObservableObject), so I pass here and there only references (aka pointers).
class SomeEO: ObservableObject {
class BaseVM: ObservableObject {
let eo: SomeEO
init(eo: SomeEO) {
self.eo = eo
class SomeVM: BaseVM {
class ChildVM: BaseVM {
struct SomeView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var eo: SomeEO
#ObservedObject var vm: SomeVM
init(vm: SomeVM) {
self.vm = vm
var body: some View {
// environment object will be injected automatically if declared inside ChildView
ChildView(vm: ChildVM(eo: self.eo))
struct ChildView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var eo: SomeEO
#ObservedObject var vm: ChildVM
init(vm: ChildVM) {
self.vm = vm
var body: some View {
Text("Just demo stub")
Solution for: iOS 14/15+
Here's how you might interact with an Environment Object from a View Model, without having to inject it on instantiation:
Define the Environment Object:
import Combine
final class MyAuthService: ObservableObject {
#Published private(set) var isSignedIn = false
func signIn() {
isSignedIn = true
Create a View to own and pass around the Environment Object:
import SwiftUI
struct MyEntryPointView: View {
#StateObject var auth = MyAuthService()
var body: some View {
#ViewBuilder private var content: some View {
if auth.isSignedIn {
Text("Yay, you're all signed in now!")
} else {
Define the View Model with methods that take the Environment Object as an argument:
extension MyAuthView {
#MainActor final class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
func signIn(with auth: MyAuthService) {
Create a View that owns the View Model, receives the Environment Object, and calls the appropriate method:
struct MyAuthView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var auth: MyAuthService
#StateObject var viewModel = ViewModel()
var body: some View {
Button {
viewModel.signIn(with: auth)
} label: {
Text("Sign In")
Preview it for completeness:
struct MyEntryPointView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
I choose to not have a ViewModel. (Maybe time for a new pattern?)
I have setup my project with a RootView and some child views. I setup my RootView with a App object as the EnvironmentObject. Instead of the ViewModel accessing Models, all my views access classes on App. Instead of the ViewModel determining the layout, the view hierarchy determine the layout. From doing this in practice for a few apps, I've found my views are staying small and specific. As an over simplification:
class App: ObservableObject {
#Published var user = User()
let networkManager: NetworkManagerProtocol
lazy var userService = UserService(networkManager: networkManager)
init(networkManager: NetworkManagerProtocol) {
self.networkManager = networkManager
convenience init() {
self.init(networkManager: NetworkManager())
struct RootView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var app: App
var body: some View {
if !app.user.isLoggedIn {
} else {
struct HomeView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var app: App
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("User name: \(")
Button(action: { app.userService.logout() }) {
In my previews, I initialize a MockApp which is a subclass of App. The MockApp initializes the designated initializers with the Mocked object. Here the UserService doesn't need to be mocked, but the datasource (i.e. NetworkManagerProtocol) does.
struct HomeView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Group {
.environmentObject(MockApp() as App) // <- This is needed for EnvironmentObject to treat the MockApp as an App Type
The Resolver library does a nice job to get dependency injection for model classes. It provides a property wrapper #Injected which is very similar in spirit to #EnvironmentObject but works everywhere. So in a model, I would inject a ExampleService like this:
class ExampleModel: ObservableObject {
#Injected var service: ExampleService
// ...
This can also be used to resolve dependencies for Views:
struct ExampleView: View {
#ObservedObject var exampleModel: ExampleModel = Resolver.resolve()
var body: some View {
// ...
An alternative for Views is to use #EnvironmentObject in the SwiftUI view hierarchy, but this gets a little bit cumbersome because you'll have two dependency-injection containers, Resolver/#Injected for everything that's app-wide/service-like and SwiftUI/#EnvironmentObject in the view hierarchy for everything that relates to views/for view models.
Simply create a Singleton and use it wherever you want (view / class / struct / ObservableObject ...)
Creating Class should look like this:
class ApplicationSessionData
// this is the shared instance / local copy / singleton
static let singleInstance = ApplicationSessionData()
// save shared mambers/vars here
var loggedIn: Bool = false
var access: someAccessClass = someAccessClass()
var token: String = "NO TOKET OBTAINED YET"
Using Class/Struct/View should look like this:
struct SomeModel {
// obtain the shared instance
var appSessData = ApplicationSessionData.singleInstance
// use shared mambers/vars here
if(appSessData.loggedIn && appSessData.access.hasAccessToThisView) {
appSessData.token = "ABC123RTY..."
You need to be aware of the pitfalls that exist in Singletons, so you won't fall into one.
Read more here: