Ignoring invalid syntax before a valid expression - parsing

I have a fully functional cpp-peglib grammar that works pretty well for parsing expressions like:
SomeObj.value + (Math.random(0, 32)) * 3.14 - ("abcdef".find("c", 0)).toFloat()
I would like to implement an autocomplete system where it parses partial expressions from the current cursor position and backwards until it has a valid expression.
Basically if I attempt to parse something like
something * ( 4 + "test".leng
I would get out the smallest possible rightmost valid expression which is "test".leng in this case.
The naive attempt is to make a root grammar rule that prefixes the Expression with the garbage as to attempt to find the rightmost valid expression.
PartialExpression <- Garbage Expression
Garbage <- < (.*) >
Expression <- .... normal grammar rules following here ....
This doesn't seem to work and I think I know why. It would require the PEG system to try and parse all possible lengths of (.*) starting with the full string and then working backwards until it has a valid expression. I don't think the peg/regex engine is suited for this.
I could of course just try to do all this manually by incrementally throwing longer and longer substrings of the expression ending at the caret position at the parser and seeing when it finally parses. It could be done semi-intelligently to avoid doing it for every character.
A crazy idea came to my head:
Maybe it would be possible to completely "reverse" the grammar and run it on the reversed input string gnel."tset" + 4 ( * gnihtemos
That would allow me to parse by ignoring the garbage at the end instead of at the front.
Getting out the "normal" valid AST would require to post-process it before it could be used. While this could maybe work it seems rather convoluted.
Is there another more clever/performant approach with the cpp-peglib system I could use to do this without changing too many things in the grammar?
Is there some implementation detail with the Packrat parser vs it's normal mode that would affect this?


How would you re-write the production rules for an existing grammar so that semi-colons were optional?

Suppose that there was a programming language Mod(C) just like C++ except that it was white-space sensitive.
That is, parsers and compilers written for Mod(C) did not ignore line-feeds, spaces, etc...
Also suppose that someone had already written down the production rules for describing a formal grammar for this modified version of C++
My question is, how would you modify the production rules so that semi-colons were optional in the event that the semi-colon was followed by a line-break?
Actually, the semi-colon would optional if some <optional_semi_colon> token is followed by:
one or more spaces and tabs
zero or one line-comments
a line-break (\n\r or \r\n or \n or \r)
The following piece of code would compile just fine:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
cout << i << " "; // there is a semi-colon here. that's okay
return 0 // no semi-colon on this line
It's not at all clear what you mean by "white-space sensitive" and your example doesn't show any white-space sensitivity other than the possible optionality of semicolons at the end of a line. That is, you don't seem to be looking for an implementation of the off-side rule, as with Python or Haskell, where indentation indicates block structure. [Note 1]
Presumably, you are not just asking how to turn any newline into a semicolon, since that would be trivial. So I assume that you want something like JavaScript's automatic semicolon insertion (ASI), which automatically inserts a semicolon at the end of a line if:
the line doesn't already end with a newline, and
the current parse cannot be extended with the first token of the next line, either because
2.1. there is no item in the current state's itemset which would allow the next token to be shifted, or
2.2. the items which might allow a shift have been marked as not allowing a newline.
[Note 2]
Provision 2.1 prevents the incorrect semicolon insertion in:
let x = a
+ b
On the other hand, there are cases when you really want the newline to end the statement, in order to avoid silent bugs, such as:
/* The above yield always produces undefined. */
console.log("We've been resumed");
yield -- and other statements with optional operands -- are annotated in the grammar with [No LineTerminator here], which triggers provision 2.2 and thus allows ASI even though the next token (console in the above example) could otherwise have extended the parse. Another context where newlines are banned is between a value and the postfix ++ operator, so that
let v = 2 * a
is accepted with the (presumably) intended meaning. (Without ASI, there would be a syntax error after the ++, where ASI is not allowed because there's no newline character.)
JavaScript is not the only language with optional command terminators, but it's probably the language with the most elaborate set of rules controlling the parse. Other languages include:
Python, which in addition to the off-side rule, ignores semicolons inside parentheses, braces and brackets;
Awk, which treats newlines as statement terminators unless the newline follows one of the tokens ,, {, ?, :, ||, &&, do, or else. [Note 3]
Bash, in which a newline is a command terminator except in specific contexts, such as after a |, || or && operator or a keyword like do, then and else, and inside an array literal or an arithmetic expansion. [Note 4]
Kotlin, whose rules I don't know. And undoubtedly other languages as well.
JavaScript (and, I believe, Kotlin) suffer from an ambiguity with function calls, because
let a = b
is parsed as calling b with the argument (x)=>console.log(x) and then calling the result with the argument 42. (Which is a runtime error, because the result of console.log is undefined, which cannot be called.)
There are also languages like Lua, in which semicolons are always optional, even if you run statements together on a single line (a = 3 b = 4), and which therefore also suffers from the misinterpretation of function call expressions. However, unlike JavaScript, Lua requires that the ( be on the same line as the function expression, and therefore flags the equivalent of the above example as a syntax error. (The check is not part of the grammar, for what it's worth: After the function call is parsed, a semantic check is performed to verify that the line number of the ( token is the same as the line number of the last token in the function expression.)
I went to the trouble of enumerating all of the above examples by way of illustrating the fact that optional semicolons are not a simple grammatical transformation, and that there is no simple rule which can determine the precise circumstances in which a newline is an implicit statement terminator. Realistic implementations of the feature are non-trivial, and differ in their details; the algorithm chosen needs to be tested against a variety of realistic code samples, and it needs to be carefully documented so that programmers using the language don't find themselves surprised by the results. If you get it wrong, but your language nonetheless becomes popular, you'll find projects with style guides which require semicolons even in context in which they were optional. None of that is intended to imply that you shouldn't pursue the idea; only that it is perhaps more complicated than it looks at first glance.
Having said all that, I don't believe that any of the above examples require a context-sensitive grammar (unless you want to implement the off-side rule). Even in the case of JavaScript, possibly with some minor exceptions, a parser can be created by starting with an LALR automaton and then adjusting the transition rules, state by state, in order to either ignore a newline token or reduce it to a statement terminator (as well as implementing the lookahead restrictions in certain rules). Most of these modifications will effectively be simply the deletion of one conflicting parser actions, similar to the operator-precedence-based resolution of ambiguous expression grammars. (And it's worth noting that most parser generators make no attempt to rewrite the original grammar after processing of the precedence declarations.)
However, while the existence of a PDA demonstrates the existence of a context-free grammar (at least for a context-free superset of the target language [Note 5]), it does not demonstrate the existence of a simple or elegant grammar. It seems to me likely that recreating a grammar from the modified PDA will produce a bloated monster without much value as a discursive tool. The modified PDA itself is sufficient to perform the parse, so reconstructing a grammar is not of much practical value.
That's perhaps just as well, because the off-side rule is not context-free, and thus cannot be implemented with a context free grammar. Although there are well-known techniques for implementing in a lexical scanner.
That's a slight oversimplification of the ASI rules. In some cases, JavaScript also allows a semicolon to be inserted before a }, even if there is no newline at that point. But that's not a significant complication.
? and : are a Gnu AWK extension.
That's not a complete list, by any means. See the Posix shell grammar and the bash manual for more details.
While the published grammars for the languages mentioned above, like the grammars for C and C++, are nominally context-free grammars, they do not actually encompass the entirety of the well-formedness rules in the respective language standards and/or manuals, which include constraints (or "early errors", in the terms of ECMA-262), "that can be detected and reported prior to the evaluation of any construct". Many of these rules are clearly context-sensitive (such as prohibitions on multiple definitions of the same name in a lexical scope).
Context-sensitive parsing is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it's a lot simpler than trying to achieve the same result with a context-free grammar (as in the case of Lua function calls mentioned above). But it's certainly convenient to parse as much as possible using a generated parser, since such a parser can more easily be repurposed for other applications, such as linters, code browsers, syntax highlighters, and so on, not all of which need to be as precise as a compiler.

How to handle assignment and variable syntax in an interpreter

Most interpreters let you type the following at their console:
>> a = 2
>> a+3
My question is what mechanisms are usually used to handle this syntax? Somehow the parser is able to distinguish between an assignment and an expression even though they could both start with a digit or letter. It's only when we retrieve the second token that you know if you have an assignment or not. In the past, I've looked ahead two tokens and if the second token isn't an equals I push the tokens back into the lexical stream and assume it's an expression. I suppose one could treat the assignment as an expression which I think some languages do. I thought of using left-factoring but I can't see it working.
assignment = variable A
A = '=' expression | empty
Update I found this question on StackOverflow which address the same question: How to modify parsing grammar to allow assignment and non-assignment statements?
From how you're describing your approach - doing a few tokens of lookahead to decide how to handle things - it sounds like you're trying to write some sort of top-down parser along the lines of an LL(1) or an LL(2) parser, and you're trying to immediately decide whether the expression you're parsing is a variable assignment or an arithmetical expression. There are several ways that you could parse expressions like these quite naturally, and they essentially involve weakening one of those two assumptions.
The first way we could do this would be to switch from using a top-down parser like an LL(1) or LL(2) parser to something else like an LR(0) or SLR(1) parser. Those parsers work bottom-up by reading larger prefixes of the input string before deciding what they're looking at. In your case, a bottom-up parser might work by seeing the variable and thinking "okay, I'm either going to be reading an expression to print or an assignment statement, but with what I've seen so far I can't commit to either," then scanning more tokens to see what comes next. If they see an equals sign, great! It's an assignment statement. If they see something else, great! It's not. The nice part about this is that if you're using a standard bottom-up parsing algorithm like LR(0), SLR(1), LALR(1), or LR(1), you should probably find that the parser generally handles these sorts of issues quite well and no special-casing logic is necessary.
The other option would be to parse the entire expression assuming that = is a legitimate binary operator like any other operation, and then check afterwards whether what you parsed is a legal assignment statement or not. For example, if you use Dijkstra's shunting-yard algorithm to do the parsing, you can recover a parse tree for the overall expression, regardless of whether it's an arithmetical expression or an assignment. You could then walk the parse tree to ask questions like
if the top-level operation is an assignment, is the left-hand side a single variable?
if the top-level operation isn't an assignment, are there nested assignment statements buried in here that we need to get rid of?
In other words, you'd parse a broader class of statements than just the ones that are legal, and then do a postprocessing step to toss out anything that isn't valid.

Syntax Highlighting when using special characters

I'm currently finishing up a mathematical DSL based on LaTeX code in Rascal. This means that I have a lot of special characters ({,},), for instance in the syntax shown below, the sum doesn't get highlighted unless I remove the \ and _{ from the syntax.
syntax Expression = left sum: '\\sum_{' Assignment a '}^{' Expression until '}' Expression e
I've noticed that keywords that contain either \ or { and } do not get highlighted. Is there a way to overcome this?
Edit: I accidentally used data instead of syntax in this example
There are at least two solutions, one is based on changing the grammar, one is based on a post-parse tree traversal. Pick your poison :-)
The cause of the behavior is the default highlighting rules which heuristically detect what a "keyword" to be highlighted is by matching any literal with the regular expression [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\-]*. Next to these heuristic defaults, the highlighting is fully programmable via #category tags in the grammar and #category annotations in the parse tree.
If you change the grammar like so, you can influence highlighting via tags:
data Expression = left sum: SumKw Assignment a '}^{' Expression until '}' Expression e
data SymKw = #category="MetaKeyword" '\\sum_{';
Or, another grammar-based solution is to split the definition up (which is not a language preserving grammar refactoring since it adds possibility for spaces):
data Expression = left sum: "\\" 'sum' "_{" Assignment a '}^{' Expression until '}' Expression e
(The latter solution will trigger the heuristic for keywords again)
If you don't like to hack the grammar to accomodate highlighting, the other way is to add an annotation via a tree traversal, like so:
visit(yourTree) {
case t:appl(prod(cilit("\\sum_{"),_,_),_) => t[#category="MetaKeyword"]
The code is somewhat hairy because you have to match on and replace a tree which can usually be ignored while thinking of your own language. It's the notion of the syntax rule generated for each (case-insensitive) literal and it's application to the individual characters it consists of. See ParseTree.rsc from the standard library for a detailed and formal definition of what parse trees look like under-the-hood.
To make the latter solution have effect, when you instantiate the IDE using the registerLanguage function from util::IDE, make sure to wrap the call to the parser with some function which executes this visit.

Representing statement-terminating newlines in a grammar?

A lot of programming languages have statements terminated by line-endings. Usually, though, line endings are allowed in the middle of a statement if the parser can't make sense of the line; for example,
a = 3 +
...will be parsed in Ruby and Python* as the statement a = 3+4, since a = 3+ doesn't make any sense. In other words, the newline is ignored since it leads to a parsing error.
My question is: how can I simply/elegantly accomplish that same behavior with a tokenizer and parser? I'm using Lemon as a parser generator, if it makes any difference (though I'm also tagging this question as yacc since I'm sure the solution applies equally to both programs).
Here's how I'm doing it now: allow a statement terminator to occur optionally in any case where there wouldn't be syntactic ambiguity. In other words, something like
expression ::= identifier PLUS identifier statement_terminator.
expression ::= identifier PLUS statement_terminator identifier statement_terminator.
... in other words, it's ok to use a newline after the plus because that won't have any effect on the ambiguity of the grammar. My worry is that this would balloon the size of the grammar and I have a lot of opportunities to miss cases or introduce subtle bugs in the grammar. Is there an easier way to do this?
EDIT*: Actually, that code example won't work for Python. Python does in fact ignore the newline if you pass in something like this, though:
print (1, 2,
You could probably make a parser generator get this right, but it would probably require modifying the parser generator's skeleton.
There are three plausible algorithms I know of; none is perfect.
Insert an explicit statement terminator at the end of the line if:
a. the previous token wasn't a statement terminator, and
b. it would be possible to shift the statement terminator.
Insert an explicit statement terminator prior to an unshiftable token (the "offending token", in Ecmascript speak) if:
a. the offending token is at the beginning of a line, or is a } or is the end-of-input token, and
b. shifting a statement terminator will not cause a reduction by the empty-statement production. [1]
Make an inventory of all token pairs. For every token pair, decide whether it is appropriate to replace a line-end with a statement terminator. You might be able to compute this table by using one of the above algorithms.
Algorithm 3 is the easiest to implement, but the hardest to work out. And you may need to adjust the table every time you modify the grammar, which will considerably increase the difficulty of modifying the grammar. If you can compute the table of token pairs, then inserting statement terminators can be handled by the lexer. (If your grammar is an operator precedence grammar, then you can insert a statement terminator between any pair of tokens which do not have a precedence relationship. However, even then you may wish to make some adjustments for restricted contexts.)
Algorithms 1 and 2 can be implemented in the parser if you can query the parser about the shiftability of a token without destroying the context. Recent versions of bison allow you to specify what they call "LAC" (LookAhead Correction), which involves doing just that. Conceptually, the parser stack is copied and the parser attempts to handle a token; if the token is eventually shifted, possibly after some number of reductions, without triggering an error production, then the token is part of the valid lookahead. I haven't looked at the implementation, but it's clear that it's not actually necessary to copy the stack to compute shiftability. Regardless, you'd have to reverse-engineer the facility into Lemon if you wanted to use it, which would be an interesting exercise, probably not too difficult. (You'd also need to modify the bison skeleton to do this, but it might be easier starting with the LAC implementation. LAC is currently only used by bison to generate better error messages, but it does involve testing shiftability of every token.)
One thing to watch out for, in all of the above algorithms, is statements which may start with parenthesized expressions. Ecmascript, in particular, gets this wrong (IMHO). The Ecmascript example, straight out of the report:
a = b + c
(d + e).print()
Ecmascript will parse this as a single statement, because c(d + e) is a syntactically valid function call. Consequently, ( is not an offending token, because it can be shifted. It's pretty unlikely that the programmer intended that, though, and no error will be produced until the code is executed, if it is executed.
Note that Algorithm 1 would have inserted a statement terminator at the end of the first line, but similarly would not flag the ambiguity. That's more likely to be what the programmer intended, but the unflagged ambiguity is still annoying.
Lua 5.1 would treat the above example as an error, because it does not allow new lines in between the function object and the ( in a call expression. However, Lua 5.2 behaves like Ecmascript.
Another classical ambiguity is return (and possibly other statements) which have an optional expression. In Ecmascript, return <expr> is a restricted production; a newline is not permitted between the keyword and the expression, so a return at the end of a line has a semicolon automatically inserted. In Lua, it's not ambiguous because a return statement cannot be followed by another statement.
Ecmascript also requires that the statement terminator token be parsed as a statement terminator, although it doesn't quite say that; it does not allow the semicolons in the iterator clause of a for statement to be inserted automatically. Its algorithm also includes mandatory semicolon insertion in two context: after a return/throw/continue/break token which appears at the end of a line, and before a ++/-- token which appears at the beginning of a line.

Parsing rules - how to make them play nice together

So I'm doing a Parser, where I favor flexibility over speed, and I want it to be easy to write grammars for, e.g. no tricky workaround rules (fake rules to solve conflicts etc, like you have to do in yacc/bison etc.)
There's a hand-coded Lexer with a fixed set of tokens (e.g. PLUS, DECIMAL, STRING_LIT, NAME, and so on) right now there are three types of rules:
TokenRule: matches a particular token
SequenceRule: matches an ordered list of rules
GroupRule: matches any rule from a list
For example, let's say we have the TokenRule 'varAccess', which matches token NAME (roughly /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*/), and the SequenceRule 'assignment', which matches [expression, TokenRule(PLUS), expression].
Expression is a GroupRule matching either 'assignment' or 'varAccess' (the actual ruleset I'm testing with is a bit more complete, but that'll do for the example)
But now let's say I want to parse
var1 = var2
And let's say the Parser begins with rule Expression (the order in which they are defined shouldn't matter - priorities will be solved later). And let's say the GroupRule expression will first try 'assignment'. Then since 'expression' is the first rule to be matched in 'assignment', it will try to parse an expression again, and so on until the stack is filled up and the computer - as expected - simply gives up in a sparkly segfault.
So what I did is - SequenceRules add themselves as 'leafs' to their first rule, and become non-roôt rules. Root rules are rules that the parser will first try. When one of those is applied and matches, it tries to subapply each of its leafs, one by one, until one matches. Then it tries the leafs of the matching leaf, and so on, until nothing matches anymore.
So that it can parse expressions like
var1 = var2 = var3 = var4
Just right =) Now the interesting stuff. This code:
var1 = (var2 + var3)
Won't parse. What happens is, var1 get parsed (varAccess), assign is sub-applied, it looks for an expression, tries 'parenthesis', begins, looks for an expression after the '(', finds var2, and then chokes on the '+' because it was expecting a ')'.
Why doesn't it match the 'var2 + var3' ? (and yes, there's an 'add' SequenceRule, before you ask). Because 'add' isn't a root rule (to avoid infinite recursion with the parse-expresssion-beginning-with-expression-etc.) and that leafs aren't tested in SequenceRules otherwise it would parse things like
reader readLine() println()
reader (readLine() println())
(e.g. '1 = 3' is the expression expected by add, the leaf of varAccess a)
whereas we'd like it to be left-associative, e.g. parsing as
(reader readLine()) println()
So anyway, now we've got this problem that we should be able to parse expression such as '1 + 2' within SequenceRules. What to do? Add a special case that when SequenceRules begin with a TokenRule, then the GroupRules it contains are tested for leafs? Would that even make sense outside that particular example? Or should one be able to specify in each element of a SequenceRule if it should be tested for leafs or not? Tell me what you think (other than throw away the whole system - that'll probably happen in a few months anyway)
P.S: Please, pretty please, don't answer something like "go read this 400pages book or you don't even deserve our time" If you feel the need to - just refrain yourself and go bash on reddit. Okay? Thanks in advance.
LL(k) parsers (top down recursive, whether automated or written by hand) require refactoring of your grammar to avoid left recursion, and often require special specifications of lookahead (e.g. ANTLR) to be able to handle k-token lookahead. Since grammars are complex, you get to discover k by experimenting, which is exactly the thing you wish to avoid.
YACC/LALR(1) grammars aviod the problem of left recursion, which is a big step forward. The bad news is that there are no real programming langauges (other than Wirth's original PASCAL) that are LALR(1). Therefore you get to hack your grammar to change it from LR(k) to LALR(1), again forcing you to suffer the experiments that expose the strange cases, and hacking the grammar reduction logic to try to handle K-lookaheads when the parser generators (YACC, BISON, ... you name it) produce 1-lookahead parsers.
GLR parsers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLR_parser) allow you to avoid almost all of this nonsense. If you can write a context free parser, under most practical circumstances, a GLR parser will parse it without further effort. That's an enormous relief when you try to write arbitrary grammars. And a really good GLR parser will directly produce a tree.
BISON has been enhanced to do GLR parsing, sort of. You still have to write complicated logic to produce your desired AST, and you have to worry about how to handle failed parsers and cleaning up/deleting their corresponding (failed) trees. The DMS Software Reengineering Tookit provides standard GLR parsers for any context free grammar, and automatically builds ASTs without any additional effort on your part; ambiguous trees are automatically constructed and can be cleaned up by post-parsing semantic analyis. We've used this to do define 30+ language grammars including C, including C++ (which is widely thought to be hard to parse [and it is almost impossible to parse with YACC] but is straightforward with real GLR); see C+++ front end parser and AST builder based on DMS.
Bottom line: if you want to write grammar rules in a straightforward way, and get a parser to process them, use GLR parsing technology. Bison almost works. DMs really works.
My favourite parsing technique is to create recursive-descent (RD) parser from a PEG grammar specification. They are usually very fast, simple, and flexible. One nice advantage is you don't have to worry about separate tokenization passes, and worrying about squeezing the grammar into some LALR form is non-existent. Some PEG libraries are listed [here][1].
Sorry, I know this falls into throw away the system, but you are barely out of the gate with your problem and switching to a PEG RD parser, would just eliminate your headaches now.
