Syntax Highlighting when using special characters - rascal

I'm currently finishing up a mathematical DSL based on LaTeX code in Rascal. This means that I have a lot of special characters ({,},), for instance in the syntax shown below, the sum doesn't get highlighted unless I remove the \ and _{ from the syntax.
syntax Expression = left sum: '\\sum_{' Assignment a '}^{' Expression until '}' Expression e
I've noticed that keywords that contain either \ or { and } do not get highlighted. Is there a way to overcome this?
Edit: I accidentally used data instead of syntax in this example

There are at least two solutions, one is based on changing the grammar, one is based on a post-parse tree traversal. Pick your poison :-)
The cause of the behavior is the default highlighting rules which heuristically detect what a "keyword" to be highlighted is by matching any literal with the regular expression [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\-]*. Next to these heuristic defaults, the highlighting is fully programmable via #category tags in the grammar and #category annotations in the parse tree.
If you change the grammar like so, you can influence highlighting via tags:
data Expression = left sum: SumKw Assignment a '}^{' Expression until '}' Expression e
data SymKw = #category="MetaKeyword" '\\sum_{';
Or, another grammar-based solution is to split the definition up (which is not a language preserving grammar refactoring since it adds possibility for spaces):
data Expression = left sum: "\\" 'sum' "_{" Assignment a '}^{' Expression until '}' Expression e
(The latter solution will trigger the heuristic for keywords again)
If you don't like to hack the grammar to accomodate highlighting, the other way is to add an annotation via a tree traversal, like so:
visit(yourTree) {
case t:appl(prod(cilit("\\sum_{"),_,_),_) => t[#category="MetaKeyword"]
The code is somewhat hairy because you have to match on and replace a tree which can usually be ignored while thinking of your own language. It's the notion of the syntax rule generated for each (case-insensitive) literal and it's application to the individual characters it consists of. See ParseTree.rsc from the standard library for a detailed and formal definition of what parse trees look like under-the-hood.
To make the latter solution have effect, when you instantiate the IDE using the registerLanguage function from util::IDE, make sure to wrap the call to the parser with some function which executes this visit.


Handling in-ambiguous yet breaking syntax in expression parsing

I've recently come up with an issue that I couldn't solve by myself in a parser I'm writing.
This parser is a component in a compiler I'm building and the question is in regards to the expression parsing necessary in programming language parsing.
My parser uses recursive descent to parse expressions.
The problem
I parse expressions using normal regular language parsing rules, I've eliminated left recursion in all my rules but there is one syntactic "ambiguity" which my parser simply can't handle and it involves generics.
comparison → addition ( ( ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" ) addition )* ;
is the rule I use for parsing comparison nodes in the expression
On the other hand I decided to parse generic expressions this way:
generic → primary ( "<" arguments ">" ) ;
arguments → expression ( "," expression )* ;
Now because generic expressions have higher precedence as they are language constructs and not mathematical expressions, it causes a scenario where the generic parser will attempt to parse expressions when it shouldn't.
For example in a<2 it will parse "a" as a primary element of the identifier type, immediately afterwards find the syntax for a generic type, parse that and fail as it can't find the closing tag.
What is the solution to such a scenario? Especially in languages like C++ where generics can also have expressions in them if I'm not mistaken arr<1<2> might be legal syntax.
Is this a special edge case or does it require a modification to the syntax definition that im not aware of?
Thank you
for example in a<2 it will parse "a" as a primary element of the identifier type, immideatly afterwards find the syntax for a generic type, parse that and fail as it cant find the closing tag
This particular case could be solved with backtracking or unbounded lookahead. As you said, the parser will eventually fail when interpreting this as a generic, so when that happens, you can go back and parse it as a relational operator instead. The lookahead variant would be to look ahead when seeing a < to check whether the < is followed by comma-separated type names and a > and only go into the generic rule if that is the case.
However that approach no longer works if both interpretations are syntactically valid (meaning the syntax actually is ambiguous). One example of that would be x<y>z, which could either be a declaration of a variable z of type x<y> or two comparisons. This example is somewhat unproblematic since the latter meaning is almost never the intended one, so it's okay to always interpret it as the former (this happens in C# for example).
Now if we allow expressions, it becomes more complicated. For x<y>z it's easy enough to say that this should never be interpreted as two comparison as it makes no sense to compare the result of a comparison with something else (in many languages using relational operators on Booleans is a type error anyway). But for something like a<b<c>() there are two interpretations that might both be valid: Either a is a generic function called with the generic argument b<c or b is a generic function with the generic argument c (and a is compared to the result of calling that function). At this point it is no longer possible to resolve that ambiguity with syntactic rules alone:
In order to support this, you'll need to either check whether the given primary refers to a generic function and make different parsing decisions based on that or have your parser generate multiple trees in case of ambiguities and then select the correct one in a later phase. The former option means that your parser needs to keep track of which generic functions are currently defined (and in scope) and then only go into the generic rule if the given primary is the name of one of those functions. Note that this becomes a lot more complicated if you allow functions to be defined after they are used.
So in summary supporting expressions as generic arguments requires you to keep track of which functions are in scope while parsing and use that information to make your parsing decisions (meaning your parser is context sensitive) or generate multiple possible ASTs. Without expressions you can keep it context free and unambiguous, but will require backtracking or arbitrary lookahead (meaning it's LL(*)).
Since neither of those are ideal, some languages change the syntax for calling generic functions with explicit type parameters to make it LL(1). For example:
Java puts the generic argument list of a method before the method name, i.e. obj.<T>foo() instead of<T>().
Rust requires :: before the generic argument list: foo::<T>() instead of foo<T>().
Scala uses square brackets for generics and for nothing else (array subscripts use parentheses): foo[T]() instead of foo<T>().

Predictive editor for Rascal grammar

I'm trying to write a predictive editor for a grammar written in Rascal. The heart of this would be a function taking as input a list of symbols and returning as output a list of symbol types, such that an instance of any of those types would be a syntactically legal continuation of the input symbols under the grammar. So if the input list was [4,+] the output might be [integer]. Is there a clever way to do this in Rascal? I can think of imperative programming ways of doing it, but I suspect they don't take proper advantage of Rascal's power.
That's a pretty big question. Here's some lead to an answer but the full answer would be implementing it for you completely :-)
Reify an original grammar for the language you are interested in as a value using the # operator, so that you have a concise representation of the grammar which can be queried easily. The representation is defined over the modules Type, ParseTree which extends Type and Grammar.
Construct the same representation for the input query. This could be done in many ways. A kick-ass, language-parametric, way would be to extend Rascal's parser algorithm to return partial trees for partial input, but I believe this would be too much hassle now. An easier solution would entail writing a grammar for a set of partial inputs, i.e. the language grammar with at specific points shorter rules. The grammar will be ambiguous but that is not a problem in this case.
Use tags to tag the "short" rules so that you can find them easily later: syntax E = #short E "+";
Parse with the extended and now ambiguous grammar;
The resulting parse trees will contain the same representation as in ParseTree that you used to reify the original grammar, except in that one the rules are longer, as in prod(E, [E,+,E],...)
then select the trees which serve you best for the goal of completion (which use the #short tag), and extract their productions "prod", which look like this prod(E,[E,+],...). For example using the / operator: [candidate : /candidate:prod(_,_,/"short") := trees], and you could use a cursor position to find candidates which are close by instead of all short trees in there.
Use list matching to find prefixes in the original grammar, like if (/match:prod(_,[*prefix, predicted, *postfix],_) := grammar) ..., prefix is your query as extracted from the #short rules. predicted is your answer and postfix is whatever would come after.
yield the predicted symbol back as a type for the user to read: "<type(predicted, ())>" (will pretty print it nicely even if it's some complex regexp type and does the quoting right etc.)

What is a "primary expression"?

In the PowerShell Language Specification, the grammar has a term called "Primary Expression".
Semantically, what is a primary expression intended to describe?
As I understand it there are two parts to this:
Formal grammars break up things like expressions so operator precedence is implicit.
Eg. if the grammar had
expression * expression
expression + expression
There would need to be a separate mechanism to define * as having higher precedence than +. This
becomes significant when using tools to directly transform the grammar into a tokeniser/parser.1
There are so many different specific rules (consider the number of operators in PowerShell) that using fewer rules would be harder to understand because each rule would be so long.
1 I suspect this is not the case with PowerShell because it is highly context sensitive (express vs command mode, and then consider calling non-inbuilt executables). But such grammars across languages tend to have a lot in common, so style can also be carried over (don't re-invent the wheel).
My understaning of it is that an expression is an arrangement of commands/arguments and/or operators/operands that, taken together will execute and effect an action or produce a result (even if it's $null) than can be assigned to a variable or send down the pipeline. The term "primary expression" is used to differentiate the whole expression from any sub-expressions $() that may be contained within it.
My very limited experience says that primary refers to expressions (or sub-expressions) that can't be parsed in more than one way, regardless of precedence or associativity. They have enough syntactic anchors that they are really non-negotiable--ID '(' ID ')' for example, can only match that. The parens make it guaranteed, and there are no operators to allow for any decision on precedence.
In matching an expression tree, it's common to have a set of these sub-expressions under a "primary_expr" rule. Any sub-expressions can be matched any way you like because they're all absolutely determined by syntax. Everything after that will have to be ordered carefully in the grammar to guarantee correct precedence and associativity.
There's some support for this interpretation here.
think $( lots of statements ) would be like a complex expression
and in powershell most things can be an expression like
$a = if ($y) { 1 } else { 2}
so primary expression is likely the lowest common denominator of classic expressions
a single thing that returns a value
whether an explicit value, calling something.. getting a variable, or a property from a variable $x.y or the result of increment operation $z++
but even a simple math "expression" wouldn't match this 4 +2 + (3 / 4 ) , that would be more of a complex expression.
So I was thinking of the WHY behind it, and at first it was mentioned that it could be to help determine command/expression mode, but with investigation that wasn't it. Then i thought maybe it was what could be passed in command mode as an argument explicitly, but thats not it, because if you pass $x++ as a parameter to a cmdlet you get a string.
I think its probably just the lowest common denominator of expressions, a building block, so the next question is what other expressions does the grammar contain, and where is this one used?

Combined unparser/parser generator

Is there a parser generator that also implements the inverse direction, i.e. unparsing domain objects (a.k.a. pretty-printing) from the same grammar specification? As far as I know, ANTLR does not support this.
I have implemented a set of Invertible Parser Combinators in Java and Kotlin. A parser is written pretty much in LL-1 style and it provides a parse- and a print-method where the latter provides the pretty printer.
You can find the project here:
Here is a tutorial:
And here is a parser/pretty printer for mathematical expressions:
Take a look at Invertible syntax descriptions: Unifying parsing and pretty printing.
There are several parser generators that include an implementation of an unparser. One of them is the nearley parser generator for context-free grammars.
It is also possible to implement bidirectional transformations of source code using definite clause grammars. In SWI-Prolog, the phrase/2 predicate can convert an input text into a parse tree and vice-versa.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit does precisely this (and provides a lot of additional support for analyzing/transforming code). It does this by decorating a language grammar with additional attributes, producing what is called an attribute grammar. We use a special DSL to write these rules to make them convenient to write.
It helps to know that DMS produces a tree based directly on the grammar.
Each DMS grammar rule is paired with with so-called "prettyprinting" rule. Each prettyprinting rule describes how to "prettyprint" the syntactic element and sub-elements recognized by its corresponding grammar rule. The prettyprinting process essentially manufactures or combines rectangular boxes of text horizontally or vertically (with optional indentation), with leaves producing unit-height boxes containing the literal value of the leaf (keyword, operator, identifier, constant, etc.
As an example, one might write the following DMS grammar rule and matching prettyprinting rule:
statement = 'for' '(' assignment ';' assignment ';' conditional_expression ')'
'{' sequence_of_statements '}' ;
{ V(H('for','(',assignment[1],';','assignment[2],';',conditional_expression,')'),
H('{', I(sequence_of_statements)),
This will parse the following:
for ( i=x*2;
i--; i>-2*x ) { a[x]+=3;
b[x]=a[x]-1; }
(using additional grammar rules for statements and expressions) and prettyprint it (using additional prettyprinting rules for those additional grammar rules) as follows:
for (i=x*2;i--;i>-2*x)
{ a[x]+=3;
DMS also captures comments, attaches them to AST nodes, and regenerates them on output. The implementation is a bit exotic because most parsers don't handle comments, but utilization is easy, even "free"; comments will be automatically inserted in the prettyprinted result in their original places.
DMS can also print in "fidelity" mode. In this form, it tries to preserve the shape of the toke (e.g., number radix, identifier character capitalization, which keyword spelling was used) the column offset (into the line) of a parsed token. This would cause the original text (or something so close that you don't think it is different) to get regenerated.
More details about what prettyprinters must do are provided in my SO answer on Compiling an AST back to source code. DMS addresses all of those topics cleanly.
This capability has been used by DMS on some 40+ real languages, including full IBM COBOL, PL/SQL, Java 1.8, C# 5.0, C (many dialects) and C++14.
By writing a sufficiently interesting set of prettyprinter rules, you can build things like JavaDoc extended to include hyperlinked source code.
It is not possible in general.
What makes a print pretty? A print is pretty, if spaces, tabs or newlines are at those positions, which make the print looking nicely.
But most grammars ignore white spaces, because in most languages white spaces are not significant. There are exceptions like Python but in general the question, whether it is a good idea to use white spaces as syntax, is still controversial. And therefor most grammars do not use white spaces as syntax.
And if the abstract syntax tree does not contain white spaces, because the parser has thrown them away, no generator can use them to pretty print an AST.

YACC|BISON :How do I manipulate parse tree?

The goal of my application is to validate an sql code and generate,in the mean time, from that code a formatted one with some modification.For example this where clause :
where e.student_name= c.contact_name and ( c.address = " nefta"
or c.address=" tozeur ") and e.age <18
we will have as formatted output something like that :
where e.student_name= c.contact_name and (c.address=trim("nefta")
or c.address=trim("tozeur") ) and e.age <18
I hope I've explained my aim well
The problem is grammars may contain recursive rules which make the rewrite task unreliable ; for instance in my sql grammar i have this :
search_condition : search_condition OR search_condition{clbck_or}
| search_condition AND search_condition{clbck_and}
| NOT search_condition {clbck_not}
| '(' search_condition ')'{clbck__}
| predicate {clbck_pre}
Knowing that I specified a precedence priority to solve shift reduce problems
%left OR
%left AND
%left NOT
So back on the last example ; my clause where will be consumed this way:
c.address="nefta"or c.address="tozeur" -> search_condition
(c.address="nefta"or c.address="tozeur")->search_condition
e.student_name= c.contact_name and (c.address="nefta"or c.address="tozeur")-> search_condition
... and e.age<18-> search_condition
You can by the way understand that it's tough to rebuild the input stream referring to callbacks triggered by each reduction cause the order is not the same.
Any help for this problem ?
Your question is a bit vague, so I'm guessing that you actually print in your clbck_or (), etc. The "common" way to which wildplasser has alluded is to use "semantic values", i. e. (untested):
search_condition : search_condition OR search_condition{$$ = clbck_or($1, $3);}
| search_condition AND search_condition{$$ = clbck_and($1, $3);}
| NOT search_condition {$$ = clbck_not($2);}
| '(' search_condition ')'{$$ = clbck__($2);}
| predicate {$$ = clbck_pre($1);}
If you're using Bison, the manual has a fine example in the section "Infix Notation Calculator: `calc'". With strings and C, you will have to add some memory handling.
Bison is good at parsing, and with some manual help, good at building a custom syntax tree. After that, its up to you to do what you want with the tree. The good news is you can do whatever you want. The bad news is you still have to build a lot of machinery to do what you want. Your basic problem of regenerating source code is called "prettyprinting"; see my SO answer on how to prettyprint to understand what it takes to do this, including all the peccadillos of lexical syntax (you don't to lose the escapes in your literal strings, right?). You didn't at all address how to find the construct you wanted to change in the tree, or how you'd smash the tree to change it.
If you don't want to do all of that, then what you really want is a program transformation system, which is good at parsing, building a syntax tree for you (so you don't have to think about it, SQL is pretty big grammar), will let you find patterns in the tree in terms of SQL syntax you are used to, make tree changes without knowing much about the shape of the tree, and can finally regenerate valid source text by prettyprint as I describe in my answer link above. (A program transformation systems essentially includes a parser as a subroutine).
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit is such a program transformation system. It has a set of predefined language definitions including SQL2011 and means for configuring for a particular dialect.
Using DMS source-to-source syntax rules, you could carry out the change in your example with the following rule:
domain SQL;
rule trim_c_members(f: identifier, s: string):condition->condition
= " c.\f = \s " -> " c.\f = trim(\s) ";
This is DMS Rule language (meta) syntax to describe a rewrite on ("domain") SQL code.
The rule has a name (because in complex application there's lot of rules) and it
as syntactic place holders "f" and "s"; it rewrites only conditions in the code.
The quotes are RSL meta-quotes; stuff inside is SQL with RSL metavariables "\f"
and "\s"; stuff outside is RSL rule syntax. What the rule says is,
"for any condition on a variable explicitly named 'c', with any field f,
if that field is compared by equality to some literal string, then replace
the literal string by 'trim' applied to the literal string".
I left out some code that basically says, "apply this rule to the entire tree, and don't apply it twice in the same place". That "strategy" is one of many built into DMS.
There's the question of how does the rule work. that is accomplished by DMS applying the SQL parser to the meta-quoted strings, to produce "pattern" syntax trees with placeholders where the metavariables are written. The left hand side pattern tree is then matched against the target tree with placeholder referring to subtrees; the right hand tree is spliced in where the left tree matched, and the placeholder subtrees transferred. So, you the programmer see surface sytax that you know and love; the tool works with trees and so it isn't confused by text.
Now, I don't think my rule matches exactly your intent, but that's partly because I can't guess your actual intent. You can write other rules if this isn't what you wanted.
This rule is purely driven by syntax; one can add a semantic predicate (not shown) if you want more complicated conditions to apply to the rule (e.g, the variable has to be ones only in certain scopes you define), and that gets messier to say. But it is much simpler and far easier to read than C code that climbs over the AST (notice you didn't see the AST here?) and tries to figure all this out.
The parsing and prettyprinting happens before and after rule application; there's a lot of machinery required to implement all that, but that machinery is built into DMS (e.g., it has something like [but more powerful] than Bison built in), and for predefined domains such as SQL, all the pretty printing works has been preconfigured, too.
If you want to get a better sense of what it takes to go full cycle with DMS (define your own language parser, define a pretty printer, define complicated rules), here's a nice and complete example of defining and symbolically simplifying calculus using DMS.
