"Non HTTP response code: java.io.FileNotFoundException" error in blazemeter when system wants run a file from jmeter - blazemeter

I used relative file type to refer my image file. Used same file on jmeter bin folder where also my test file is on. When i run it on blazemeter, it fails. Who can help ?
Ive treid all file formats still blazemeter is not seeing the file... error message seen after run is Non HTTP response code: java.io.FileNotFoundException


Running Rego Tests in Jenkins Pipeline

I am trying to run rego test cases as part of jenkins pipeline run. I previously had my test case and the input data for the test case in a single file and they all ran successfully.
I modified my test cases to read the data from an external json file and the current folder structure is as follows: test.rego file and input.json file in same folder.
This is what I use in Jenkins to run the tests *./opa test -b -v .*
The tests are failing with the error data.utilities.test_no_OwnerContact: FAIL
I am assuming this is because the rego test is unable to read the data from input.json
When I am trying to pass the input file explicitly using -i/--input, I see an error in jenkins as Error: unknown flag: --input
I am not sure if I am using the required tags or if it is something else.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: I printed the files in the bundle, and I see the data.json file present. So the OPA engine is not able to read the data file from the Bundle. How can I fix this issue?
The way you'd specify input data in tests is not with an input.json file, but by mocking the input using the with .. as construct. An example test mocking input might look something like this:
test_with_mocked_input {
allow with input as {
"deployment_name": "testing",
"replicas": 2
See the docs on data mocking for further info.

Getting fatal error during transformation while running JMETER script through ANT

I have a Jmeter script which downloads pdf from an application. The script works perfectly fine when I run the script through JMETER GUI (Screenshot 1). Also, I am able to see the generated pdf in Response section (Screenshot 1).
Screenshot 1
But when I try to run the same script through ANT(Build.xml), the script is getting failed with the below error (Screenshot 2).
E:\Apache\apache-jmeter-3.2\extras\build.xml:128: Fatal error during transformat
ion using E:\Apache\apache-jmeter-3.2\extras\jmeter-results-detail-report_21.xsl
: Character reference "&#x14" is an invalid XML character.; SystemID: file:/E:/A
pache/apache-jmeter-3.2/extras/Overview.jtl; Line#: 332772; Column#:
Screenshot 2
Is there something extra I need to add in Build.xml to generate pdf through ANT? The script is failing when jtl file is transforming into html file. The script is unable to generate html report because of invalid characters in jtl file.
Can someone help me with this.
I have created a sample script which downloads pdf. Please find the script in the below link.
JMX script which downloads pdf
The above script is working fine when I run through JMETER GUI
(screenshot 3)
Screenshot 3.I am able to see generated pdf in response section.
But when I run the same script through Ant, I am getting below error(screenshot 4).
Screenshot 4
Most probably .jtl results file is corrupt due to unescaped &#x14 character. If you are storing response data in .jtl file - please don't as it causes massive disk IO and might have negative impact on your test.
Try running your script like:
ant -Dshow-data=n ...
Or locate the following line in build.xml file:
<property name="jmeter.save.saveservice.response_data.on_error" value="${funcMode}"/>
and amend it to be
<property name="jmeter.save.saveservice.response_data.on_error" value="false"/>
JMeter Properties Reference: Results File Config
Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI

ros gazebo skipped loading plugin with error

When I run my gazebo, I get the following error:
[ERROR] [1515141508.242475977]: Skipped loading plugin with error: XML Document '/opt/ros/kinetic/share/gmapping/nodelet_plugins.xml' has no Root Element. This likely means the XML is malformed or missing..
[ERROR] [1515141508.249164933]: Skipped loading plugin with error: XML Document '/opt/ros/kinetic/share/gmapping/nodelet_plugins.xml' has no Root Element. This likely means the XML is malformed or missing..
Even with the errors, gazebo seems to work fine but I would like to fix it just to be safe. However, I'm not sure what the error messages mean and how I can fix it.
Can you verify if there is any "nodelet_plugins.xml" file is present in the /opt/ros/kinetic/share/gmapping directory?
to your CMakeLists.txt file within your catkin_workspace
install( DIRECTORY launch
FILES nodelet_plugins.xml
Then do a catkin_make from your worksapce. The error should go away.
Note: Make sure /opt/ros/kinetic/share/gmapping/ has no xml files, just a folder called cmake. if there is a xml file, delete the file usng sudo

Jenkins - Publish Over CIFS Plugin error

I'm using this Publish over CIFS Plugin and I contiinous get an error, even though the copy succeeds. What I'm trying to do is to copy all the contents of a build results directory, all all it's assets, to the remove host. However I get an error message that I can't explain, and the on-line help is failing me.
On the Transfers Section I have only 1 block and this is the setup
Source files: build/123.456/**
Remove prefix: build/
Remote directory: builds/this_release/Latest/
Below are the error messages I get.
CIFS: Connecting from host [my-host]
CIFS: Connecting with configuration [to-host] ...
CIFS: Disconnecting configuration [to-host] ...
ERROR: Exception when publishing, exception message [A Transfer Set must contain Source files - if you really want to include everything, set Source files to **/ or **\]
Build step 'Send build artifacts to a windows share' changed build result to UNSTABLE
What I don't understand is that files under the 'build/123.456/', and sub-directories, get copied as I wanted but still I get an error. Any suggestions on how to correct that ? I've tried removing the '**' and it still works, but I still get an error.
Actually I've found the reason for my error.
I had a second (empty) Transfer Set defined on my job, with no fields filled in
This Set was the reason for the error message.

Error in MultipartEntity submission while ant build

I am trying to build a executable jar application for ODK client to
download the files from mobile to local system.
I am trying to send HTTP post request with the zip files as a
multipart entity. The execution of jar file give the following error.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/entity/mime/content/ContentBody
if I am running a standalone application, the HTTP post request works
fine. But an ant build of a swing class calling the HTTP post request
gives the error. I tried to include the required jars too.
Does anyone has encountered something similar.
Where did you put all these referenced jars? They have to be under folder named "libs" in your project. No other places.
