ros gazebo skipped loading plugin with error - ros

When I run my gazebo, I get the following error:
[ERROR] [1515141508.242475977]: Skipped loading plugin with error: XML Document '/opt/ros/kinetic/share/gmapping/nodelet_plugins.xml' has no Root Element. This likely means the XML is malformed or missing..
[ERROR] [1515141508.249164933]: Skipped loading plugin with error: XML Document '/opt/ros/kinetic/share/gmapping/nodelet_plugins.xml' has no Root Element. This likely means the XML is malformed or missing..
Even with the errors, gazebo seems to work fine but I would like to fix it just to be safe. However, I'm not sure what the error messages mean and how I can fix it.

Can you verify if there is any "nodelet_plugins.xml" file is present in the /opt/ros/kinetic/share/gmapping directory?

to your CMakeLists.txt file within your catkin_workspace
install( DIRECTORY launch
FILES nodelet_plugins.xml
Then do a catkin_make from your worksapce. The error should go away.
Note: Make sure /opt/ros/kinetic/share/gmapping/ has no xml files, just a folder called cmake. if there is a xml file, delete the file usng sudo


Error in launching RTAB node in ROS Melodic

I know I should ask this one in ROS Forums but I couldn't due to some reasons (Sorry for that). So the thing is, I built standalone RTAB package from source in my Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) with ROS Melodic installed. I am trying to launch the node for rtab mapping by writing this in my sourced catkin workspace:
~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros-master/launch rtabmap.launch rtabmap_args:="--delete_db_on_start" rtabmapviz:=false rviz:=true
But when i do this it raises RLE Exception Error even though the path given to rtabmap.launch file is correct and file is at the location. Error is something like that:
RLException: [rtabmap.launch] is neither a launch file in package [rtabmap_ros-master] nor is [rtabmap_ros-master] a launch file name
I don't know why its giving this same error and i am stuck here. Please Help!!!
As the error suggests it can not find a launch file for that package. This is usually caused by one of two things. The first is you need to make sure you're sourcing the correct setup file; here it would be source ~/catkin_ws/setup.bash
The second thing is that you need to make sure you're actually installing the launch files so that they can be used when built. Here that would mean your CMakeLists.txt has something like this:
install(DIRECTORY launch/

Neo4J Desktop Initialization error: Error: end of central directory record signature not found

I got this error when the setup program is "Extracting Java 8". This solution ( doesn't help because %APPDATA%/Neo4j Desktop/Application/distributions/java/ was not created.
Try deleting the file found under:
It did the trick for me.
Had the same problem!
In the end found the java directory in the installation directory (I believe it was, I just searched for 'java' from here on). Next I found a file named
I removed this file, and got a different error message: it could not find the file, so I put back the file I removed, and added .tmp to its name, and now it works!

Dart Analyzer in a Rail Project is Giving an Error on a Template File

I'm trying to set up the dart-rails gem. When I created my first dart code file, I got this error:
ERROR: Target of URI does not exist: 'package:rails_ujs/rails_ujs.dart' ([dart_app] dart_app.dart:1)
When I double click on the error, it brings up the following file.
This is the contents of the file:
import 'package:rails_ujs/rails_ujs.dart';
RailsUjs ujsHelper;
void main() {
ujsHelper = new RailsUjs();
I have this same file in my app/assets/dart directory as well as the package itself. That file is not showing an error. If I change the code to something invalid, an error pops up. This proves the analyzer is looking at it as well.
The error pops up when I run Reanalyze all Dart source files (without restarting Dart Analysis Service). This is a button in the RubyMine IDE. I tried restarting the service and reanalyzing. I get the same error. This issue seems to be that the analyzer is scanning the entire project for dart files. Is it possible to control where the analyzer looks? It's RubyMine that is running the analyzer, not me at a terminal prompt.
This turned out to be a RubyMine issue. I fixed it by placing a file called .analysis_options in the root of the project with the following contents:
- 'vendor/**'
I just excluded everything in the vendor directory. Even when I was getting the error, the analyzer continued to process all the valid code files.
If you import the file using
import 'package:rails_ujs/rails_ujs.dart';
the file rails_ujs.dart has to be in thelibsub-directory of the directory where thepubspec.yaml` file is
he pubspec.yaml file needs a name: rails_ujs property.
pub get needs to be run from the directory that contains the pubspec.yaml file

Jenkins - Publish Over CIFS Plugin error

I'm using this Publish over CIFS Plugin and I contiinous get an error, even though the copy succeeds. What I'm trying to do is to copy all the contents of a build results directory, all all it's assets, to the remove host. However I get an error message that I can't explain, and the on-line help is failing me.
On the Transfers Section I have only 1 block and this is the setup
Source files: build/123.456/**
Remove prefix: build/
Remote directory: builds/this_release/Latest/
Below are the error messages I get.
CIFS: Connecting from host [my-host]
CIFS: Connecting with configuration [to-host] ...
CIFS: Disconnecting configuration [to-host] ...
ERROR: Exception when publishing, exception message [A Transfer Set must contain Source files - if you really want to include everything, set Source files to **/ or **\]
Build step 'Send build artifacts to a windows share' changed build result to UNSTABLE
What I don't understand is that files under the 'build/123.456/', and sub-directories, get copied as I wanted but still I get an error. Any suggestions on how to correct that ? I've tried removing the '**' and it still works, but I still get an error.
Actually I've found the reason for my error.
I had a second (empty) Transfer Set defined on my job, with no fields filled in
This Set was the reason for the error message.

Inno Setup unable to find image files

I am trying to package a JavaFX application using NetBeans & Inno setup. I have placed the custom .iss file and the images under Sample/package/windows folder. Ant CLASSPATH is also updated.
When I an trying to build the project, the compiler picks up the custom .iss file, but throws a file not found error.
Reading file (WizardImageFile)
File: C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Temp\build3064710805837836647.fxbundler\imageswin-app.image\Sample.bmp
Error on line 34 in C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Temp\build3064710805837836647.fxbundler\images\win-app.image\Sample.iss: Could not read "C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Temp\build3064710805837836647.fxbundler\images\win-app.image\Sample.bmp".
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Compile aborted.
Sample.bmp file is present under Sample/package/windows
I figured out the problem here. The custom iss file should have the absolute path of the image file.
