How to understand the architecture of Antd files? - antd

I am trying to inspire from Antd library and then create my own styling library to use it in my company applications.
I didn't understand the architecture of files and folders. What is the difference between "dist", "es" and "lib" folders?
Why "es" and "lib" are having the same subfolders ?


Two files with same name

I have two files in my project. One file is in a third-party Objective-C library and other is in my project.
Here DSGHappiness is a third-party library.
Q: How to solve this situation?

Polymer Dart package layout conventions?

I'm currently working on a project which contains a number of components (polymer elements). All said and done, I'll probably be looking at around 10+ components for the application. At the moment, following Pub's Package Layout Conventions each .html and associated .dart file is in the web/ directory.
It would be nice to have them in lib/src/ of my application and only have the main files in web/ however at the moment <link ref="import" href="package:my_app/src/my_component.html"> will not work (See Issue 12867).
Are there currently any conventions in use to handle multiple (private) components for an app? Should I create a web/src/ directory to load imports/source files relative to the web/ directory? Would it even make sense to keep Polymer Element .html files in lib/src/ (assuming it was supported) as they're not pure dart files as traditionally recommended/expected in a pub package layout?
As far as I understand, package: works only for external components (dependencies declared in pubspec.yaml), and the default path is the packages folder (created by pub install). See the getting started section here: Dart Pub
I keep components in their own folders under the web directory so web/component1, web/component2 and so on and I use relative links to import across components. Not sure if this is the best practice but it works.

Where put custom library in ZF2

I have custom library on my project.
At now i storage that library in vendor folder.
But i think that is not good, because vendor is folder for third-party developers and vendor folder was marked as gitignore
Where i should put custom library?
You can create a directory almost anywhere you want, I created a folder called "lib" at the same level as your module and vendor folders to put custom libraries inside of.
Don't forget to add the namespace to your autoloader!

How to create a MonoTouch binding from a .framework

I downloaded TouchDB, a "lightweight Apache CouchDB-compatible database engine suitable for embedding into mobile or desktop apps", which gives me a bunch of .framework folders (CouchCocoa.framework, TouchDB.framework and TouchDBListener.framework).
I've been reading the article on binding Obj-C libraries to MonoTouch, it shows how to bind a .a, but not how to bind a .framework.
How do I make a binding for these .framework? or should I somehow make a .a of these .framework before using them (if that is even possible)?
related :
Bind a .framework in MonoTouch takes several steps, a .framework is a directory that usually houses all the parts of a library package (e.g., the header files, resources and the library file). Here are the general steps needed to bind a .framework.
Create a bindings project like you would for a normal library file (libXXX.a)
The library equivalent in a .framework is the file without the extension that is at the root of the .framework directory, for example I recently wrote bindings for RDPDFKit.framework, the top level file was a file named RDPDFKit (no extension), rename this to "libRDPDFKit.a" and copy to your bindings project and add it to the project. It will create a code behind file with the supported platforms (e.g., x86, arm6, etc). All the documentation for this is on Xamarin's web site.
Define the bindings as you would for a normal library.
If the framework has a .bundle, copy this to you Program project (not the bindings project), it will need to be added as resources for the program. Add this directory to the project and all the items underneath, this is because resources in monotouch are not supported in DLLs.
The resulting monotouch bindings DLL will contain the entire .a file for later linking so you won't need the .a file after building the .dll.
You can use the .framework files just like the .a files. E.g. all the bindings MonoTouch provides (in monotouch.dll) are made from .framework files.

Inter-project dependencies

I'm doing some Delphi (2010) work this summer, and I've stumbled upon this problem:
My project consists of reusable backend library and a bunch of GUIs that tap into its interface. In this circumstances I've decided to make the backend and GUIs separate projects within single project group (I hope my train of thought is correct). The problem is, how can I include units from the backend in a GUI project?
I've tried to modify Project Options > Directories and Conditionals but compiler still complains about being unable to find proper .dcu's.
Any ideas? Your help will be appreciated.
In D2010, the Directories and Conditionals in the project option refers to (and is specific for?) the resource compiler.
I guess what you are looking for is the Project Options->Delphi Compiler->Search Path
Search where the compiler is generating the DCU files. (2)
In project options you must add the source directory on you have de PAS files (1) or the directory where compiler generate de DCU files.
(1) In the "Search path" edit.
(2) This directory is the "Unit Output Directory" edit.
