Inter-project dependencies - delphi

I'm doing some Delphi (2010) work this summer, and I've stumbled upon this problem:
My project consists of reusable backend library and a bunch of GUIs that tap into its interface. In this circumstances I've decided to make the backend and GUIs separate projects within single project group (I hope my train of thought is correct). The problem is, how can I include units from the backend in a GUI project?
I've tried to modify Project Options > Directories and Conditionals but compiler still complains about being unable to find proper .dcu's.
Any ideas? Your help will be appreciated.

In D2010, the Directories and Conditionals in the project option refers to (and is specific for?) the resource compiler.
I guess what you are looking for is the Project Options->Delphi Compiler->Search Path

Search where the compiler is generating the DCU files. (2)
In project options you must add the source directory on you have de PAS files (1) or the directory where compiler generate de DCU files.
(1) In the "Search path" edit.
(2) This directory is the "Unit Output Directory" edit.


How to keep generated source code for proto files in bazel?

I have studied . The project I want to hack on is written in Go. At the moment, if I run the build command I can see the compiled binary but I don't see the *.pb.go files anywhere. I want to keep the generated *.pb.go files in the same folder where *.proto files are so that my IDE (Intellij Goland) can find and index them.
Can you please help me how to get this working? If you can show me how to do that for the project, I should be able to try that in my particular project.
Bazel will not output generated files (such as .pb.go) into the source tree. They go into the output directories (bazel-out/<config> or bazel-genfiles/<config>). Temporary solution might be to add those as source roots to goland. The real solution is to use It has some Go support, and the team is actively working on improving it.

How to add library paths in Delphi 10

I am trying to install GLscene but getting problems with the source file locations.
It says in the install instructions to add the GLscene source directories into the global library path in tool/options/Delphi options/Library, which I have done but it has no effect.
I can add the source directories into each package project directory and it then compiles, but I would rather have it accessible globally.
The GLscene library items I have entered are,
Which are all correct,
anybody know any reason why the compiler can't find the files in these directories?
The compiler will search for source files on the library path. Note that there are separate library paths for different targets, e.g. Win32, Win64 etc.
If you have source files that cannot be found, then they are not in the library path that you specified.
Personally I don't like the approach of using search paths for source files. I like everything under my project directory so that I can check out from my VCS and have everything I need to build right there. A search path based approach makes serious development very difficult because you cannot maintain branches. What if you have old versions to maintain that use old versions of your libraries?
Well this is a bit late but it could help someone else.
Try and add the paths to both the Library Path and the Debug DCU Path.
Recent Delphi versions have different build configurations for Release and Debug and my guess is that the Debug configuration only searches in the Debug DCU Path.

How do I make my changes to XML-related source files take effect?

I want to make changes to the xmldom and XMLDoc files. I tried to, but I don't know how to test those changes because the program does not seem to be running the code in those files. I tried using a ShowMessage to see if that code was being accessed but it never showed up. Even if I rename the directory the files are in, the program still compiles fine as if it is not actively reading the files at run time but instead has the information stored elsewhere.
How can I change these namespaces and then make sure that the changes are being included in my next compile?
Well i'm looking for an answer in general.. Because I have had this problem in multiple situations.. But for specifics Changing XML node attribute value gives "Namespace error" (here the answer talks about changing the 'AdomCore_4_3') I want to be able to change it and have the change show up when I compile.
If you've removed the compiled DCU files from your environment, and your changes still aren't being compiled into your project, then you either aren't really using those units at all, or you have run-time packages enabled.
With run-time packages, the compiled code is accessed from the BPL file, not the DCUs. You're not allowed to distribute modified BPL files, so if you're going to modify the Delphi-provided source code, you need to make sure you're not linking the package with the XML units to your project. You can control that in your project's linker options.
As long as you are not making changes in the interface section of the units, only the implementation section, then you can disable use of Runtime Packages in your Project Options and then add the modified source files directly to your project. The compiler will compile them into new .DCU files and use them instead of the default .DCU files.

Adding components to a component folder

I'm working on a Delphi project and I want to add a parser to it. The parser comes with components that should be added to the project
So it works great if I add the files to the same folder that my project is in, but I would like it to be in a separate components folder (to keep it cleaner, since I'm not going to be modifying those files anyway).
However, when I add create a components folder and add the files there, when I add it to the project through delphi, it has trouble finding the files. So it adds the .psu files to the right folder, but it says it can't find the unit 'Calculator', for example, until I copy the Calculator.dcu file from the component directory to the source directory.
How do I tell Delphi to look for those files where I put them?
You have some options:
Add the units folder to the Projects' Search Path (Menu: Project\Options...) - only affects the project you're working now.
Add the units folder to the Environment's Library Path (Menu: Tools\Options...\Environment Options\Delphi Options\Library - Win32) if you want all projects in this ide install to find that units (not only the project you are working).
Just to complement: if, in the near future, you add components to your pallete and the compilation fail not finding the units; you'll have to update your system path as well. For details give a search on SO on this, as this is a common source of questions on the delphi tag... ;-)
Take a look at the Search Path for the project in the project options. Make sure your .pas and/or .dcu files are in that search path, i.e. add the folder in which the units are to your project's search path.

iOS,CoreAudio: a strange 'CADebugPrintf.h: no such file or directory ... ' error

There are bunch of helper filess in 'iPublicUtility' folder of several audio related Apple sample codes, such as aurioTouch:
I can build these samples fine. But whenever I create a new project for testing and include the files from 'iPublicUtility' folder, I get:
'CADebugPrintf.h: no such file or directory ... ' error in 'CADebugMacros.h' file.
I made the settings of my test project to coincide with Apple samples, but this error is
not going away. Any suggestion?
SDK: iOS 4.2,
iMac OSX 10.6.6
Thanks all.
select the Target, open the Build Settings pane, search for "Preprocessor Macros". Leave the fields blank (I've got rid of a DEBUG entry)
I used the answer provided by Justin and it worked fine, until I installed Xcode 4.3.1 and the problem came back.
Currently I solved this by downloading CADebugPrintf.h and .cpp.
I found the 2 files at this link:
i have three distributions of Xcode installed.
the file exists in all three.
1) verify that the file exists on your system.
2a) add a search path to your project for the PublicUtility directory
2b) add the header to the target's "copy headers" build phase
depending on how many depends you have for these files, you may want a more reliable approach (which exists). one (fairly) safe/easy way to do this if you use a lot of the audio technologies and sources is to add its parent dir's parent dir to your search paths or source trees (recursively).
another way is to add it to a shared build settings file.
you could also copy a specific release someplace, then add that to your search paths. just be aware that the sources get updated somewhat regularly, so you'll have to update it when it's a good time for you. in this case, you'll should change your project references as well.
Edit: Adding the search path (2a)
One way to add a search path (assuming Xcode tools are installed at : /Developer/):
1) In Xcode (3), select the target.
2) cmd+i (get info)
3) select the "Build" tab of the info window
4) enter HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS into the search field
5) if the value is not defined at this level (e.g., it is not bold), then set the value to /Developer/Extras/CoreAudio/PublicUtility/ $(inherited)
if it is already defined at that level, then add /Developer/Extras/CoreAudio/PublicUtility/ to the list of directories to search (the value).
if you want to search the library recursively, use /Developer/Extras/CoreAudio/**. this may be useful when building AUs, or other projects which require the AU includes and PublicUtility includes.
Same problem, but seemed to have fixed it by downloading from the link below and adding in the missing CADebugPrintf.h and CADebugPrintf.cpp files.
I was having the same problem and downloading the files into the iPublicUtility folder did not solve it. I found the answer by accident while learning about .mm extension files on this page:
Objective C Project using C++ POSIX Classes
I renamed my implementation file with a .mm and the compiler errors disappeared. Hope this may help someone down the line!
