click on svg element is not working in cypress - highcharts

I am having a scenario to click on a svg element, tried the following code, it is not throwing any error. it is clicking but the element state is not changed. tried force click also.
cy.xpath("(//app-job[contains(#class,'selected')]//highcharts-chart[#id='GMF_K_CHART']//*[name()='svg']//*[name()='g' and #class='highcharts-series-group']//*[name()='g' and #clip-path='none' and not(#visibility)])[4]//*[name()='path'][4]")
Graph how displaying after clcik
But it should be if clicked properly
I tried multiple combination of clicks
`.click({force: true})

Please make sure that you're selecting the svg element and then, use trigger() to click on that element.
cy.get('<svg element>').trigger('click')

It seems that cypress expects that click is preceded by mouse hover. In that case, make sure that cypress hovers the mouse over the point (the tooltip must fire) and then let the cypress perform a click event on the point.
If that didn't work, it would be possible that some cypress event is not correctly triggered; in that case try the following workaround:


Layout changes do not apply in tests

I have a button that allows to hide itself and another widget when pressed. When it is hidden, a new button appears on the screen which can undo (show) the previous button and widget again.
I'm pretty sure my implementation for this works because I've tested it on multiple devices without any problems, but whenever I try to write a formal test for it, something goes wrong. I'm using the following code to test my widget:
await tester.tap(find.widgetWithText(GestureDetector, "HIDE"));
expect(testContainerState.ifContainerWithOptionsIsDisplayed, false);
await tester.tap(find.widgetWithText(GestureDetector, "SHOW"));
expect(testContainerState.ifContainerWithOptionsIsDisplayed, true);
The first two lines are there to tap the button and check whether ifContainerWithOptionsIsDisplayed changed. In my implementation, this is done in a setState method and should repaint to hide the widget and button and show the new button.
In the third line, I check how many GestureDetectors I can still find after what should be a repaint. The output of that print statement still shows me that all of the GestureDetectors of the widget that should now be hidden are still being found.
In the 4th line, I try to find my SHOW button that should now be visible because of the repaint. But no element is found.
Again, I'm pretty sure the code for my widgets are correct because I've tested this test case manually without any issues. Perhaps I'm missing some knowledge about Flutter tests. Could someone please fill me in?
await tester.pump();
or just
should do that
See also

Unable to Click via xpath,classname,location or index

I am working to automate an android app which have some screen of webview too. I am unable to click the right element through xpath class, with index or even with giving name text.
If you see these screenshots it is visible that when I inspect element i get link to somewhere else. i tried using getlocation and then pass it for click but it also getting me wrong click.
I tried touchaction class methods but they are not working. My code get pass through appium but the methods tap or press nothing.
I tried this way too but no luck.
WebElement Quiz1 = (new WebDriverWait(driver , 20))
.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//android.view.View[contains(#content-desc,'Die Wish App')]")));;
Any help would be appreciated. Also how can I use webview rather than webelement? and which one is preferable?
You can click on the element which you have highlighted in the screenshot.Below is the locator to identify that element
By.accessibilityId("Die Wish App")

How to make Electron tray click events working reliably?

In my OSX Electron app I have a tray icon that I would like to toggle between opening and closing the Electron app window. Similar to how clicking on the OSX Dropbox tray icon will open and close the Dropbox tray menu, no matter how fast you click the tray icon.
Here is the code I'm using:
tray.on('click', function(e){
if (mainWindow.isVisible()) {
} else {
This works if you click slowly (wait a second between clicks) however if you click repeatedly, more than 1x in a second, the click fails and nothing happens. I couldn't find any type of delays in the docs. Any ideas on what's going on and how to make the click event work reliably?
The problem you're describing is easy to reproduce. The result you're getting is not a bug or a wrong implementation on your side but it's the expected result regarding the current way Electron is handling these click events on a tray element.
The class Tray exposes 3 events relative to click: click, double-click and right-click.
If you use the right-click event, you're not going to have this issue, you can click as fast as you want, you'll get your callback called every times.
The Electron code for macOS for example to handle this event is the following:
- (void)rightMouseUp:(NSEvent*)event {
[self getBoundsFromEvent:event],
ui::EventFlagsFromModifiers([event modifierFlags]));
For every right click, they're firing the right-click event and that's it.
Now if we take a look at how the left click are handled, the code is slightly different:
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent*)event {
// ...
// Truncated to only show the relevant part...
// ...
// Single click event.
if (event.clickCount == 1)
[self getBoundsFromEvent:event],
ui::EventFlagsFromModifiers([event modifierFlags]));
// Double click event.
if (event.clickCount == 2)
[self getBoundsFromEvent:event],
ui::EventFlagsFromModifiers([event modifierFlags]));
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
When the tray icon get clicked multiple times, the event.clickCount doesn't always return 1. Instead, it returns a value that counts the clicked times.
So when you're click the tray icon very fast, event.clickCount will have a value greater than 2 and they're only emitting an event when the value is 1 or 2 and if it's not the case, they don't have any fallback, they simply don't emit any event. That's the result you're seeing in your tests when clicking fast enough.
So without modifying the Electron implementation yourself, submitting an issue or a pull request, you can't at the moment avoid this behaviour.
Electron 3.0 introduced an API that prevents waiting for double-click.
// Ignore double click events for the tray icon
"Sets the option to ignore double click events. Ignoring these events allows you to detect every individual click of the tray icon. This value is set to false by default."
Related Docs | Release Notes for Electron 3.0

How to run this command SSJS

How does it work on SSJS? If a function returns false, this tooltip dialog has to appear next to the button. I believe this tooltip should be close to the button.
It appears bottom left corner
All these commands below don't work:
Use getComponent("tooltipDialog1").show(). The syntax for opening tooltip dialogs in SSJS is the same as for normal dialogs, see XPages Extension Library pp156-162.
setFor() is available via SSJS only.

Grails UI Menu flakey behavior in IE

I'm using a GRAILS UI (1.2-SNAPSHOT) an it's implementation of the YUI menubar (YUI I am seeing flakey mouseover behavior in IE (Firefox is ok). When I mouse over the menu item with a submenu, it will show. As I try to mouse over the sub-menu, the submenu disappears before I can click. This happends in a pattern I haven't fully figured out. Usually the first time I select a menu it's fine but if I move around the menu back to a menu item, the submenu begins to display this behavior. By clicking and holding the mouse button I can usually get the sub-menu to stick around.
I've palyed with various configurations like keepopen and automenudisplay but they don't seem to change the behavior. I have not seen much posted about this. But I also don't see menu's documented in the UI plugin either. I could really use some feedback if UI menu is not ready for primetime yet or I'm missing something else. I've not worked with much AJAX before.
Below is the code with the added options I played with that did not have a positive impact.
<gui:menubar id='menubar' renderTo='mainmenu' autosubmenudisplay="false" shadow="true" keepopen="true">
<gui:menuitem url="/esmzone">Home</gui:menuitem>
<gui:submenu label='Profile'>
<gui:menuitem url="${createLink(controller:'memberProfile', action:'view')}">View</gui:menuitem>
<gui:menuitem url="${createLink(controller:'memberProfile', action:'profile')}">Edit</gui:menuitem>
<gui:menuitem url="${createLink(controller:'user', action:'account')}">Settings</gui:menuitem>
<gui:menuitem url="#">Subscription</gui:menuitem>
Here is the code generated by the plugin:
YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function() {
GRAILSUI.menubar = new YAHOO.widget.MenuBar("menubar_div", {'autosubmenudisplay': false,
'shadow': true,
'keepopen': true});
I made some progress on this by researching the YUI library. There is a documented bug with IE7. Apparently the grails-ui plugin does not address the fix. I'm testing with IE8 but I assume it's still there.
It appears that you should set the zoom property to 1 (zoom:1) for the bd class.
I added the following code to my style sheet
div.yuimenubar .bd {
zoom: 1;
and it seems to help. I see no side effect in Firefox but I didn't dynamically check for the version of browser as I would need to hack the code that generates the YUI javascript and put in
if ( === 7) {
YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(document.body, "ie7");
after the render() call. Then instead of the style I added you could do an IE7 (probably >=7) style.
This is what the Yahoo site had to say about it:
The following application of
"zoom:1" sets the "hasLayout"
property to "true" and prevents
first tier submenus of a MenuBar
from hiding when the mouse is moving
from an item in a MenuBar to a
submenu in IE 7.
For more on the "hasLayout" property:
