Unable to Click via xpath,classname,location or index - webview

I am working to automate an android app which have some screen of webview too. I am unable to click the right element through xpath class, with index or even with giving name text.
If you see these screenshots it is visible that when I inspect element i get link to somewhere else. i tried using getlocation and then pass it for click but it also getting me wrong click.
I tried touchaction class methods but they are not working. My code get pass through appium but the methods tap or press nothing.
I tried this way too but no luck.
WebElement Quiz1 = (new WebDriverWait(driver , 20))
.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//android.view.View[contains(#content-desc,'Die Wish App')]")));
Any help would be appreciated. Also how can I use webview rather than webelement? and which one is preferable?

You can click on the element which you have highlighted in the screenshot.Below is the locator to identify that element
By.accessibilityId("Die Wish App")


click on svg element is not working in cypress

I am having a scenario to click on a svg element, tried the following code, it is not throwing any error. it is clicking but the element state is not changed. tried force click also.
cy.xpath("(//app-job[contains(#class,'selected')]//highcharts-chart[#id='GMF_K_CHART']//*[name()='svg']//*[name()='g' and #class='highcharts-series-group']//*[name()='g' and #clip-path='none' and not(#visibility)])[4]//*[name()='path'][4]")
Graph how displaying after clcik
But it should be if clicked properly
I tried multiple combination of clicks
`.click({force: true})
Please make sure that you're selecting the svg element and then, use trigger() to click on that element.
cy.get('<svg element>').trigger('click')
It seems that cypress expects that click is preceded by mouse hover. In that case, make sure that cypress hovers the mouse over the point (the tooltip must fire) and then let the cypress perform a click event on the point.
If that didn't work, it would be possible that some cypress event is not correctly triggered; in that case try the following workaround:

Get all elements in the view of iphone app using xcode

I am trying to take screenshot of every screen during iphone app automation on a simulator. Along with the screenshot I also want to extract all strings in the that particular view before taking a screenshot using xcode. Is there a way to do that? Purpose is to send these screenshots and strings for validation to another tool.
This can be done using Web Driver Agent(WDA) provided by facebook. It does provide all the functionalities you need for your app.
Here is link to github repo for it:
Please have a look at it. It might help you achieving your goal.
If you are using the XCUITest framework for your automation, you can use XCUIScreen.main.screenshot() to get a screenshot of the current state.
To fetch all text currently on screen you can use XCUIApplication().descendants(matching: .textField) or .buttons or .any or whatever you expect to be on the screen, and extract the text from the element
let descendants = XCUIApplication().descendants(matching: .textField)
foreach descendant in descendants { descendant.label /*do something*/ }
You need to set an Accessibility Identifier on the view elements for this to work.

Appium fails to locate element off-screen using UiSelector

I'm starting to automate a test suite for a mobile app coded in NativeScript (it used to be a hybrid Cordova app) and it's proving difficult to locate some elements.
I'm trying to locate a TextView widget that's outside of the visible screen space (AKA viewport) using UiSelector:
#AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = "new UiSelector().textContains(\"CFT\")")
private MobileElement labelCFT;
When I try to interact with such element, the result is the following message:
org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Can't locate an element
by this strategy: By.chained({By.AndroidUIAutomator:
new UiSelector().textContains("CFT")})
The logic conclusion would be that the element does not exist or my locator strategy is faulty. But here is the thing, when I change the text to find for that of an element that's inside the visible space/viewport, the locator works flawlessly. Example:
#AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = "new UiSelector().textContains(\"loans\")")
private MobileElement labelCFT;
And then:
public void whatText() {
System.out.println("Text of the label: " + labelCFT.getText());
I get the correct "Text of the label: These are your loans".
Apparently, it's a limitation of the UiSelector or at least the way Appium works with it.
The only option I imagine is to scroll the whole screen and then trigger #AndroidFindBy, then repeat until there's no scroll left.
Is this suppose to be how UiSelector and textContains() work?
Is it another solution for this?
Many thanks.
I have faced similar type of problems in automation. The only way around I found was to scroll up or down till the element is visible on screen and then access the element by "name". you can use the following command for scrolling.
driver.findElementByAndroidUIAutomator("new UiScrollable(new UiSelector()).scrollIntoView(text(\"Your Element\"));");
After your desired element is visible on the screen you can access that element easily.
In Android App you can only click or do any actions on the elements which are visible on the screen if you want to perform any actions on element which are not visible you can use touch action method where you need to specify x and y cordinated i think this might help you in my case this works
TouchAction ta = new TouchAction(driver);
ta.press(PointOption.point(207, 582)).moveTo(PointOption.point(8, -360)).release().perform();

Layout changes do not apply in tests

I have a button that allows to hide itself and another widget when pressed. When it is hidden, a new button appears on the screen which can undo (show) the previous button and widget again.
I'm pretty sure my implementation for this works because I've tested it on multiple devices without any problems, but whenever I try to write a formal test for it, something goes wrong. I'm using the following code to test my widget:
await tester.tap(find.widgetWithText(GestureDetector, "HIDE"));
expect(testContainerState.ifContainerWithOptionsIsDisplayed, false);
await tester.tap(find.widgetWithText(GestureDetector, "SHOW"));
expect(testContainerState.ifContainerWithOptionsIsDisplayed, true);
The first two lines are there to tap the button and check whether ifContainerWithOptionsIsDisplayed changed. In my implementation, this is done in a setState method and should repaint to hide the widget and button and show the new button.
In the third line, I check how many GestureDetectors I can still find after what should be a repaint. The output of that print statement still shows me that all of the GestureDetectors of the widget that should now be hidden are still being found.
In the 4th line, I try to find my SHOW button that should now be visible because of the repaint. But no element is found.
Again, I'm pretty sure the code for my widgets are correct because I've tested this test case manually without any issues. Perhaps I'm missing some knowledge about Flutter tests. Could someone please fill me in?
await tester.pump();
or just
should do that
See also

firefox addon sdk override link preview text

I'm new to developing firefox addons and was wondering if there is a way to override/modify the link preview text that appears at the bottom of the browser when you hover over a link.
I've looked briefly and wasn't able to find any reference describing this.
Thanks for any thoughts.
You can set the status text like this:
Where aDOMWindow is a window like that returned from for example Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser').
So like do link.addEventListener('onmouseenter'.... a function that does setOverLink
and to make it go away set it to blank string. So just window.XULBrowserWindow.setOverLink('')
But you are doing this on mouse enter of a link and by default mouse out of links will blank it so you may not neede to handle blanking it.
you asked about add-sdk, so the Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow might not make sense, so here's a quick test you can try in sdk:
const { getMostRecentBrowserWindow } = require('sdk/window/utils');
