Neo4J triplets loaded is 0 - neo4j

I am trying an example for knowledge graph. When i run this command
some querys will be present and i am running that. But when i run the command in 5th slide, I should get triplets loaded to be some thousands. I am getting 0 and termination status is also "KO" but it should be "OK".
In extraInfo i got error like this:-> "PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target"
Here is the github link.
When i am executing Software systems, Programming languages, Data formats I am getting same result as "KO" and 0.
Please help me here. I already imported APOC, Graph Data science Library and Neosemantics(n10s).
The result should be like this for Software systems.


systemtap fails to determine souce filenames and line numbers, although gdb finds them

I am running systemtap 4.7 on Centos 8 with a 4.18 kernel and using GCC 8.5.0
When I have systemtap produce a user-code backtrace, it never manages to find the filenames and line numbers for my source functions, despite there being a full .debuginfo installed, as well as a .debugsource. GDB finds this information without difficulty. I am using a -d option to point to my library.
There was a similar question asked here: systemtap probing by line number "analysis failed" but its only suggestion is that one doesn't have full debuginfo. I do. So, what else might be wrong?

Turtlebot3 slam multi map merge - no map received error

Following the tutorial here:, I have been trying to set up a multi-robot slam simulation using turtlebot 3. I am running ROS neotic on ubuntu 20.04.
Currently, I am getting the error "no map received" in rviz
shown here.
Some changes I have made are to add some static transform publishers, to multi_map_merge.launch to fix another error, "no transform from to map" and to edit the topic name of base_scan in turtlebot3_waffle.gazebo.xacro from scan to /scan to fix the "For frame [base_scan]: Frame [base_scan] does not exist", which removed the error from laser_scan in rviz.
the "no map received error" has been present in rviz with both the errors above and has not appeared since solving them.
here is my tf tree from tf view_frames, part1, part2.
The robot state publisher section is identical for all 3 robots and all are connected to base_footprint.
Here is my rqt graph as well.
From the above graphs, I think the problem lies with the /scan topic, in the rqt graph the scan topic for each robot is not receiving data from gazebo, when running slam for one robot the rqt graph, has gazebo publishing to /scan, and using rostopic info /scan is receiving data in my multi slam simulation however the "robotnamespace"/scan topics are not. however, I am new to ros and am unsure if this is the cause of the problem or not.
I am unsure how to proceed in fixing this error, and any help would be appreciated.

Windbg `!uniqstack` command fails on specific version

I have a dump file which loads just fine on most versions of Windbg I have access to. But on the specific Windbg version from Windows 10 SDK -- v10.0.15063.137, my !uniqstack command spits out the following error for every thread with an unique callstack:
Requested number of stack frames (0xfffffff87dceaa87) is too large! The
maximum number is 0xffff.
^ Range error in '~.;k -782315579'
Its the same error for every thread. However ~*kv works just fine.
Is this a bug? If so, I can't find any forum to report it to. Microsoft's Connect website doesn't make it clear where these kind of bugs belong.

TFS and RoboHelp 10 ImageSize.Width Error and "Cannot find file" when Adding New Topic

We have integrated RoboHelp 10 with TFS. Authoring environment: Windows 7 Enterprise, SP1). There are two authors. One of us has no trouble checking in files and creating new files. Problem 1: The second author can check in one file (per RoboHelp session), but after that gets the following error in RoboHelp on attempts to check in:
Value of '272' is not valid for 'ImageSize.Width'. 'ImageSize.Width'
should be between 1 and 256. Parameter name: ImageSize.
No such parameter exists in the files. Though inconvenient, there is a workaround: check in using the Source Control Explorer. Problem 2 is more serious. The second author can create a new help topic once. After that, TFS will not allow a check in and the topic does not get created (i.e., no file is created in Robo). Error reads:
"Could not find file '[filepath and name]'."
Question: Has anyone encountered Problem 2 and if so, what's to be done? (Problem 1 may provide some context, hence its inclusion here.)
Problem 1 - Change DPI font to 96 (100%) at control panel.

How can I activate Xamarin.Android for use on a CI server?

My company owns several business licenses for Xamarin.Android, and we'd like to use this on our CI server. However, it seems that I'd need to install the full Xamarin suite on my CI server including Visual Studio Pro to make this work. My question is, using the vanilla Xamarin.Android package, how can I activate it?
It seems that installing this on its own adds the Xamarin.Android tools and libraries to build with but there is no way to activate it that I can find, so when I attempt to build using MSBuild, the build fails with this error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android\Xamarin.Android.Common.targets(299,2): error XA9008: Building from the command-line requires aÿBusinessÿLicense.
Now, after some googling, I have found that the activation tool is called "mandroid.exe", which can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android - although I have found references to this being in the 64-bit program files too.
Unfortunately, I can't find any suitable documentation on this tool. Every time I find a thread where someone discusses this, someone from Xamarin jumps in and says "contact". After a while I did that but two business days later there still is no response and I've got deadlines to meet so I thought it might be helpful for everyone involved for us to publicly document this process.
The best thing I've found comes from a thread on the Xamarin mailing list which references this invocation:
mandroid.exe --activate --name "NAME" --company "COMPANY" --email "EMAIL" --phone "PHONE" --code "ACTIVATION CODE"
I have also discovered another variant of this invocation that looks like this:
.\mandroid.exe –activate –activation-name="NAME" –activation-phone="PHONE" –activation-company="COMPANY" –activation-code="CODE" –activation-email="EMAIL"
I've tried many permutations of my account data here using both invocations - using the activation code from the products page on the Xamarin store. No matter what though, this error occurs:
\mandroid.exe : monodroid: error XA9997: Incomplete data provided to complete activation
In the "problems activating?" section of the products page, it says this:
In Mono for Android 1.0.21316 and later, if activation within Visual Studio fails then a MfaActivation.dat file will be created within the Documents folder. Select this file below.
Perhaps there's some way to force this file to be created by mandroid.exe? That would be very helpful. While I imagine that offline activation is the only way to make this work, I would accept any answer that involves uploading MfaActivation.dat or otherwise invoking the online activation machinery as well.
Update - I'm afraid that the below steps no longer work. Xamarin has updated their activation system to activate by a different method for newer versions.
In the end I had to install Xamarin Studio as part of the Chef configuration and just instruct administrators to manually activate the software as part of creating a new build node. I had no luck trying to reverse engineer a fix, and if I did, it would probably just break again.
It turns out that I almost had it correct. The second invocation I specified is actually the correct way to call this command but the -- part was apparently converted to a – token by some blog software somehow.
The --activate verb will perform an online activation with Xamarin's servers, so I'm still not sure how you'd do it without an internet connection.
For reference, here is how I did it:
mandroid.exe -v --activate --activation-name "(NAME)" --activation-phone "(PHONE_" --activation-email "(EMAIL)" --activation-company "(COMPANY)" --activation-code "(CODE)"
I'm not sure about the significance of the -v switch, but perhaps that would make it output debugging info if there was a problem.
You must enter all the information exactly as specified on your products page - select one of your licenses and select "problems activating?". However, you will need to enter the licensee name - i.e. the user who owns the license in the --activation-name parameter which must correspond to the --activation-code parameter.
After doing this you can call mandroid with the --activated switch which returns an exit code:
PS> & .\mandroid.exe --activated
PS> $LastExitCode
You will also be able to reload the products page and you should see that your license for the chosen user has a new computer registered to it.
This does use up another activation but if you e-mail the support team you can sign the build server agreement and then I assume they can set you up with additional activations for your build nodes.
It's a shame that this wasn't documented better because this has wasted my time for several days. Hopefully this will be helpful to someone else with the same situation.
From Xamarin documentation, we can see
"Visual Studio Professional (or greater) must be installed on the Team
Foundation Server along with licensed copies of Xamarin.Android and
Xamarin.iOS to support development of Android and iOS mobile
applications via the Team Foundation Server."
So I assume that in all cases you need to have VS + Xamarin products installed and activated.
I might be wrong, so the best way is to contact Xamarin support,
