Installing MELPA on Emacs 28.2 - emacs24

I am an Emacs newbie and I am trying to install MELPA on my emacs 28.3. But the issue is my .emacs.d folder is empty. Can someon please explain to me how to go about
I literally have no idea what to do, should I initialize the


Do I Really need to install homebrew to install rails and why?

I hope this question is suitable for this forum, I'm still learning what's deemed fit and what isn't. Anyway here is my question, a lot of places seem to state I need to install homebrew on my mac to install rails, do I really need to and what benefits does it offer to do so and for the development environment?
This question is pretty bad but I remember when I started programming that I had a similar question, so here we go:
How do you install stuff on your computer? Obviously you use the Mac App Store if you want something from Apple, and if you want to install Chrome just go the Google Chrome website etc.
But when you want some kind of programmer tool, let's say a compiler. How do you install this? Either you go to their website, download a tarball with the source code, compile it from scratch and bind the necessary environment variables. Or you are unlucky and the compiler has a bunch of dependencies so you have to download them first.
Then some geniuses thought that "Oh damn, that's a pain", so instead they created so called package managers, so now when I want Rails on my computer, I just installed it through the "gem" ruby package/dependency manager.
So you can install rails through the command "gem" (just google "ruby gem") and you'll see what it is, but I advise you to if you want to have a nice development environment where it's easy to install and uninstall stuff, use brew or macports.

New to vim - MAC OSX Mountain Lion

I am new to vim, and I just followed this setup tutorial, but something went wrong. I am a ruby developer and I am not getting a a ruby highlighting syntax. I have installed janus, before with pathogen I had syntax highlighting but not know.
Also I am using the solarized theme the guy suggested but there is no difference now (in color) between folders and files in my terminal when listing a directory.
Could somebody tell me if I can install pathogen with janus? WIll this break my vim?
Don't install anything (and don't install Janus).
Run $ vimtutor in your terminal. As many times as needed (and don't install Janus).
Once you feel ready to use Vim for day-to-day coding, install MacVim which is built with a better feature set than the default Vim. It comes with a CLI executable so you can use it in your terminal and in tmux (and don't install Janus).
Install the vim-ruby package for better, more up-to-date Ruby support (and don't install Janus).
Don't install Janus. This thing is a pile of crap that will make your life overly complicated, hook you on plugins that may or may not be the best for you needs and prevent you from actually learning Vim properly in exchange of an artificially flattened learning curve.
Decide for a plugin/runtimepath management solution (VAM, vundle or plain Pathogen) and choose your plugins yourself according to your needs (and don't install Janus).
If you have problems with Solarized, take a look at their issue tracker and their wiki. It is fragile and you need some work to set it up correctly (and… you know the rest).

Installing Agda onto Windows 7

I'm having trouble running Agda on my windows 7 64-bit pc. I tried running the following commands:
cabal install agda
cabal install agda-executable
which both work, but I still can't seem to get it going with emacs, can someone help me? I've tried the one click installer from here but it doesn't seem to work, I run into this complaint:
C:\agda2\bin\agda2-install.cmd failed.
Code = 1
Incorrect Function
Setup was not completed.
Please correct the problem and run setup again
Install Agda (cabal install agda agda-executable), make sure agda-mode.exe is on search path. This required because installer will put something like (shell-command-to-string "agda-mode.exe locate") to .emacs file.
run "agda-mode setup".
My Emacs bin directory is also on the search path but I'm not sure if it required or not. Anyway, you will get error messages if you'll do something wrong.
You will also need Haskell mode (can be obtained from here and you will have to add (load "c:\\haskell\\dev\\haskell-mode\\haskell-site-file.el") to your .emacs file. I load it prior to Agda stuff, I do not really know does load order matter or not.
I have GHC 7.0.4 (with Haskell Platform 2011.4.0.0) and I could install Agda 2.3.0 installer in Win7 64b without problems.
If you have GHC 7.4, you should try Agda

Building a Rails app with Aptana Studio 3

I'm new to Rails and Aptana. I'm trying to create a new Rails Project (call it "MyProj"). I get the following error:
sh: /c/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.2/bin/rails: C:/Projects/railsinstaller/sgae/Ruby1.9.2/bin/ruby.exe: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I need to do to fix this? Thanks.
The problem is, it's looking in the wrong location. My RailsInstaller didn't put ruby.exe in C:/Projects/railsinstaller/sgae/Ruby1.9.2/bin/. It put it in C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.2/bin, so the question becomes, how the hell do we tell Aptana Studio this?
I guess you are running Windows, I don't know/use it so probably I will not help you too much but it seems Aptana try to run rails but can't find a suitable ruby interpreter at the location it aspects.
Are you able to run irb from the terminal?
Maybe you can find some useful hint about Rails installation in windows here
Hope this can help ;)

Need help configuring ImageMagick

I've directly downloaded the tar file from here onto my desktop for Mac OSX (which is what I'm using) and extracted its contents. Now I've read the following instructions on how to set it up, but honestly they're a bit too cryptic for me. I was wondering if anyone could please break down these instructions into simpler, bite size pieces for someone who typically has trouble configuring new things...
I'd truly appreciate any help! Thanks!
Btw, my end goal is to set this up for the Paperclip plugin.
The first step would be to install MacPorts if you don't have it already. Once MacPorts is installed it should be fairly straightforward based on the instructions listed at the link you provided.
sudo port install ImageMagick
For others interested in this topic, I might look into installing homebrew instead of MacPorts.
