Building a Rails app with Aptana Studio 3 - ruby-on-rails

I'm new to Rails and Aptana. I'm trying to create a new Rails Project (call it "MyProj"). I get the following error:
sh: /c/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.2/bin/rails: C:/Projects/railsinstaller/sgae/Ruby1.9.2/bin/ruby.exe: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I need to do to fix this? Thanks.

The problem is, it's looking in the wrong location. My RailsInstaller didn't put ruby.exe in C:/Projects/railsinstaller/sgae/Ruby1.9.2/bin/. It put it in C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.2/bin, so the question becomes, how the hell do we tell Aptana Studio this?

I guess you are running Windows, I don't know/use it so probably I will not help you too much but it seems Aptana try to run rails but can't find a suitable ruby interpreter at the location it aspects.
Are you able to run irb from the terminal?
Maybe you can find some useful hint about Rails installation in windows here
Hope this can help ;)


Ruby On Rails Installation Mac OS X Bundler GemFileNotFound

I'm using Mac OS X Sierra and following Daniel's Setup Article to install Ruby on Rails. All goes well until I get try to confirm the Rails version, I get errors saying it can't locate several files. Here's a screenshot of the console output for the last couple of steps:
After the first attempt, I imploded rvm, removed all traces from .bashrc, .bash_profile, and .profile, and started from the beginning. I hit the same issue at the same point in the process. If any further information would be useful, please let me know and I'll be glad to modify. Just in case it has something to do with $PATH, I'll put the echo $PATH output below:
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
[edit] Not having had any replies and having spent an entire day trying to get it running locally, I decided to try an online environment with cloud9. I was up and running on cloud9 in 15 minutes without any issues, and that includes creating the account. I would still like to know if anyone has any ideas about the rvm local version, so I'll leave the question for now. [/edit]

Running rails on windows 7 with cygwin

I recently installed rails and cygwin on my windows 7 machine. Both work fine on their own but I cannot get rails to run when I am inside of Cygwin. My guess is that I need to configure the path inside of Cygwin somehow? The error I get is below and any help would be most appreciated.
C:\RailsInstaller\Ruby1.9.3\bin\ruby.exe: No such file or directory -- /cygdrive/c/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/bin/rails (LoadError)
Found my own solution. -_- . If anyone is interested the solution was to run the following in cygwin:
alias rails='C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/bin/rails'

Ruby on Rails Bash Profile Issue

I'm trying to learn to use Ruby on Rails (going through Hartl's tutorial for 3.2) and I'm trying to get some command line tools to work from the command prompt in Terminal. In this particular example I'm trying to get Sublime Text 2 to work. Everything is setup, but when I run subl --help, for example it returns
-bash: subl: command not found
I followed all the directions in this link -
and I also used Stack Overflow to try to figure out how to solve this error and it seems to be a bash profile problem, but I don't know how to access, or modify this profile to get things working. Can you offer any help?
If you're using OSX Lion, you may not have a .bash_profile file. Use the answers to this question for help in creating/using one, and then put the exports suggested by the howto at in it.

Aptana 3 does not creates new project

When I try to create new rails project Aptana gves :
"Can't initialize a new Rails application within the directory of another, please change to a non-Rails direct
ory first."
error and also when I type ls it does not give current project folder content it gives something else. In addition when I open the Webrick for the ptoject it does not show my project instead it gives rails initial front page.
Do you see the error please help
The problem is not in Aptana Studio. I got a similar message after my manipulations with DevKit_mingw assembly, although before Aptana it works fine. In my case uninstalling Ruby, devKit and Aptana helped. Then I just install RailsInstaller + AptanaStudio. I hope my experience will help someone else.
If you're using Aptana in windows, and your workspace is C:\user\My Documents\Aptana Studio 3 Workspace. The problem is that the folder of your workspace is read-only. You should change the privileges in this folder for you can write into the folder of yours project.

The system cannot find the path specified when starting Ruby and Rails command prompt

I just started learning rails a week ago and everything worked until today. Now when I start the Ruby command prompt, it says:
The system cannot find the path specified.
# Under Rails Environment Configuration.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The paths for ruby and rails show up correctly.
I'm using Windows Vista 32-bit. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
You've probably used "Ansicon" - a program to get the colors in windows prompt right. If you installed it permanently with -i parameter and consequently moved/deleted its directory, it would lead to this error. (I've just experienced it)
The solution is to renew the location of the ansicon data files or to remove the following registry entry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
You can find more on this issue at
Good luck!
I had the same problem in Windows 7 and solved it by adding Git/bin directory to the system path variable (found the answer here). Hope this helps someone!
None of the answers above helped me. My issue was whenever i typed rail -v it gave me the same error. I had to install rails, i used the following command:
gem install rails --no-document
you can check out the following installation steps to get around the error:
