How to specify a whitelist for yarn-patch? - yarn-berry

We are using Yarn 3 (our current version 3.2.4) and its yarn patch tool to make local patch on packages. The problem we have is that the generated patch file includes many entries like
diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
I remember when we were using patch-package, we could pass a RegEx to its --include argument to specify which files we have actually changed.
So is it possible to do the same in yarn patch?


Yarn Builder for patch/update

I'm using following command to build a package to distrubte
yarn run electron-pack
It creates a dist folder.
If i want to create a patch for distribution , which command should I use ? I want to make sure certain files related to DB are not changed after patch or update
Im not able to find a good command

How to install waf?

I have cloned and built the waf script using:
./waf-light configure
Then to build my project (provided by Gomspace) I need to add waf and the to my path. So far I haven't found better than this setenv script:
export PATH=~/git/waf/:$PATH
Called with:
source setenv
This is somehow a pretty ugly solution. Is there a more elegant way to install waf?
You don't install waf. The command you found correctly builds waf: /waf-light configure build Then for each project you create, you put the built waf script into that projects root directory. I can't find a reference, but this is the way in which waf:s primary author Thomas Nagy wants the tool to be used. Projects that repackage waf to make the tool installable aren't "officially sanctioned."
There are advantages and disadvantages with non-installation:
You have to add the semi-binary 100kb large waf file to your repository.
Because the file contains binary code, people can have legal objections to distributing it.
It doesn't matter if new versions of waf break the old API.
Users don't need to install waf before compiling the project -- having Python on the system is enough.
Fedora (at least Fedora 22) has a yum package for waf, so you could see that it's possible to do a system install of waf, albeit with a hack.
After you run something like python3 ./waf-light configure build, you'll get a file called waf that's actually a Python script with some binary data at the end. If you put it into /usr/bin and run it as non-root, you'll get an error because it fails to create a directory in /usr/bin. If you run it as root, you'll get the new directory and /usr/bin/waf runs normally.
Here's the trick that I learned from examining the find_lib() function in the waf Python script.
Copy the waf to /usr/bin/waf
As root, run /usr/bin/waf. Notice that it creates a directory. You'll see something like /usr/bin/.waf-2.0.19-b2f63c807a4215294bf6005410c74c18
mv that directory to /usr/lib, dropping the . in the directory name, e.g. mv /usr/bin/.waf-2.0.19-b2f63c807a4215294bf6005410c74c18 /usr/lib/waf-2.0.19-b2f63c807a4215294bf6005410c74c18
If you want to use waf with Python3, repeat Steps 2-3 running the Python script /usr/bin/waf under Python3. Under Python3, the directory names will start with .waf3-/waf3- instead instead of .waf-/waf-.
(Optional) Remove the binary data at the end of /usr/bin/waf.
Now, non-root should be able to just use /usr/bin/waf.
That said, here's something to consider, like what another answer said: I believe waf's author intended waf to be embedded in projects so that each project can use its own version of waf without fear that a project will fail to build when there are newer versions of waf. Thus, the one-global-version use case seems to be not officially supported.

Is Bower only about automatically installing dependencies?

Does Bower actually do anything else than resolve dependecies? I'm trying hard to understand how it is meant to be used, but I guess I'm missing some points...
Say, I have Bower package A, which depends on Bower package B. In my application I'm just interested in package A, since that's what I'm going to use. Of course, that means that somehow both packages must be loaded into the Browser, so that package A can work.
Using Bower I can just do bower install a and will then find both packages A & B in my bower_components. So far, awesome.
But now? Am I forced to find out myself (manually) which files from A and B need to be loaded in my HTML page? I don't think that the full bower_components directly shall be accessible via web, so I have to configure myself manually my Grunt (or whatever) build-file to copy the relevant files?
What am I missing here? If what I wrote above is true, what's the point using Bower when I still need to be aware of all implicit dependencies?
Bower manages dependencies, and it will add the correct files into your HTML if you use it with the --save (or -S) flag. You would need appPath set in your bower.json if your index.html isn't in the same directory.
$ bower help install
bower install [<options>]
bower install <endpoint> [<endpoint> ..] [<options>]
-F, --force-latest Force latest version on conflict
-h, --help Show this help message
-p, --production Do not install project devDependencies
-S, --save Save installed packages into the project's bower.json dependencies
-D, --save-dev Save installed packages into the project's bower.json devDependencies
Additionally all global options listed in 'bower help' are available
Installs the project dependencies or a specific set of endpoints.
Endpoints can have multiple forms:
- <source>
- <source>#<target>
- <name>=<source>#<target>
- <source> is a package URL, physical location or registry name
- <target> is a valid range, commit, branch, etc.
- <name> is the name it should have locally.
You're actually not missing anything. Bower doesn't deal with loading your dependencies, just installing them. Loading them is something you have to do on your own. Also, there are a lot various ways in which people load there dependencies; the most common probably being Require.JS, Browserify (have too few credits to post links) and plain script includes in an index.html page. So, basically you have a few options here
You can just deal with load registrations manually. This would mean adding <script src="..."></script> tags to your index.html page, or adding registrations for dependencies and similar to your app.js if you're using Require.JS. Note that this step would mean that you'd manually have to look at each dependency, read documentation or bower.json files to figure out transitive dependencies and file paths.
If you're using plain script includes, you can use Wiredep to have that done automatically for you through Wiredep's inspection of the bower.json files of dependencies.
If you're using RequireJS (or similar) you can look at Yeoman's grunt-require-js to do this automatically for you.
Note that both 2 and 3 relies on library authors provide the correct output files. You might e.g. have to declare overrides or explicitly declare if you want minified or non-minified versions.
As for publicly allowing access to "bower_components", I find that this is the most common approach. What things there would you like to prevent access to?
I'm a recent bower user myself. And as far as I know the short answer is: YES, bower is meant to download dependencies, however, apart from being able to configure the bower_components directory to anything you like, the idea is that bower installed components won't be edited by you at all, if you want to include them manually, you type
bower list --paths
and this will list all the files you need to include from the dependencies (in relative urls).
You can also use bower-installer (npm install -g bower-installer) which allows you to copy the files you need to any path you like. With a fine grained controll, or choose the minified versions, for example.
Here's an example output.
C:\Users\german\test>bower install bootstrap
bower bootstrap#* not-cached git://*
bower bootstrap#* resolve git://*
bower bootstrap#* download
bower bootstrap#* extract archive.tar.gz
bower bootstrap#* resolved git://
bower jquery#>= 1.9.1 not-cached git://>= 1.9.1
bower jquery#>= 1.9.1 resolve git://>= 1.9.1
bower jquery#>= 1.9.1 download
bower jquery#>= 1.9.1 extract archive.tar.gz
bower jquery#>= 1.9.1 resolved git://
bower bootstrap#~3.3.4 install bootstrap#3.3.4
bower jquery#>= 1.9.1 install jquery#2.1.4
bootstrap#3.3.4 bower_components\bootstrap
└── jquery#2.1.4
jquery#2.1.4 bower_components\jquery
C:\Users\german\test>bower list --paths
jquery: 'bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js',
bootstrap: [
bower list --paths
bootstrap[] shows all the files I need to include according to bower_components/bootstrap/bower.json
Hope this helps! cheers.

Brunch / Bower testing

When looking at bower.json, I assume putting things in devDependencies is the recommended way to deal with things such unit testing dependencies. I'd like to use qunit as my testing framework, but I guess it should apply to other frameworks as well.
The problem I have is that when I put qunit in devDependencies, it doesn't get picked up when building vendor.js. That's expected, but then how do I go with asking brunch to include it? Obviously, I'd prefer to have test-vendor.js where I'd have dependencies + devDependencies, while keeping devDependencies out of vendor.js.
I have this in
exports.config =
# See for documentation.
'javascripts/app.js': /^app/
'javascripts/vendor.js': /^(bower_components|vendor)/
'test/javascripts/test.js': /^test\/(?!vendor)/
'test/javascripts/test-vendor.js': /^test\/(?=vendor)/
Obviously, the last line wouldn't pick up any bower_component items as-is. Any suggestions here?
I saw this ticket:
but it looks it's still up in the air.
This SOq:
Is it possible to split production and development Bower components?
suggests there's no way to do it from bower side at the moment.
Until this is implemented natively in Brunch, you can hack around it like this, so long as you aren't using Windows:
Add quint and other test dependencies to devDependencies in bower.json. They will now be managed under bower_components.
Add a symlink for each test dependency from your test/ directory to the relevant file under bower_components, eg:
ln -s ../bower_components/qunit/qunit.js test/
The dependencies will then be included in your unit-tests.js.
When brunch supports devDependencies, you can delete the symlinks.
See Ignore directories in brunch production build
You should be able to do something like:
ignored: /[\/\\]_|bower_components[\/\\]qunit/
And then generate your production build with brunch b -P (brunch build --production)

is symfony system wide?

i have a directory with some .php files in i need to install symfony in that directory so that i can run symfony commands from that directory?? i tried: pear channel-discover
and got:
Channel "" is already initialized
the i tried: pear install symfony/symfony
and got:
WARNING: configuration download directory "/build/buildd/php5-5.3.2/pear-build-download" is not writeable. Change download_dir config variable to a writeable dir to avoid this warning
Cannot install, php_dir for channel "" is not writeable by the current user
how do i fix this please? must i run it as sudo??
If I remember well, Symfony is "system-wide" if installed through PEAR (like you are trying to do).
Now it is recommended by the manual to do a "standalone" install through SVN. See
As well, the sandbox will bring a "standalone" installation of Symfony (you will have to be in the project root directory to be able to run the symfony commands)
Example of quick install using SVN:
mkdir /path/to/symfony
cd /path/to/symfony
svn checkout .
but it should be better to follow the manual and configure the external SVN sources.
I run servers where I have applications that use different versions of symfony simultaneously. I found it much easier to deal with the SVN checkout than the PEAR insteall.
So what I've done is do an SVN checkout of each revision that I need
into it's own folder. In my case i check them out to
Then I configure the ProjectConfiguration.class.php to reference whatever version is needed, using the line:
require_once '/usr/share/symfony/1.x.x/lib/autoload/sfCoreAutoload.class.php';
If I need to switch to a different symfony version, I can just change that config.
That is, assuming all my code is compatible with that version
