FPointDamageEvent error "incomplete type is not allowed" (Unreal Engine 5.1) - c++17

The instructor in the C++ course I'm following used this code here, and I copied it exactly:Code the course instructor used
But I get this error. Not sure what to do. I know that the instructor is doing this in 4.27 and I'm doing it in 5.1. Did something change between those two versions that may have caused this error? How to I get around it?
The error I'm receiving
Here's my whole function for reference:
Whole function

I also faced this problem. Here is the workaround.
For UE5.1 you need to write this in your file, #include "Engine/DamageEvents.h".


Writing a flood-fill method in Swift

In order to write a flood-fill method of mine in Swift, I am trying as a first step to compile the code I found here:
iOS Swift Flood fill algorithm
So that I can see how it works.
But I get errors.
The first one being: Value of type 'UIImage' has no member 'createARGBBitmapContext' Since I have no experience with extensions I may well be doing something wrong.
Any suggestions?

Lazarus Free Pascal / Delphi - RunError 211

I'm trying to connect my Windows XP program (Lazarus) to my Ubuntu postgres server.
When the Lazarus program runs, it seems to compile fine but I get this error:
Project ... raised exception class 'RunError(211)'.
Then it terminates execution (and I don't see any output), and opens up a file customform.inc. In that file, it shows a procedure procedure TCustomForm.DoCreate; where it highlights a line: if Assigned(FOnCreate) then FOnCreate(Self);
I believe this is one of the system's files.
I never get to see any output.
What could this be? Thanks!
I've narrowed down the error to this line:
dbQuery_Menu.SQL.Text:='Select * From "tblMenus"';
the exception is triggered when the OPEN statement gets executed.
BTW, dbQuery_Menu is defined as a TSQLQuery component.
Clueless! :(
Run error 211 appears when you try to call an abstract method. Check this link from more information on FreePascal/Lazarus runtime errors.
Since you say all is done by code and you have no visual components, the problem probably lies in your code trying to use an ancestor component which has not overriden the Open method. You should be able to solve this by using the correct descendant component.
Another possibility, although I would strongly recommend to avoid this one, is to override the Open method yourself. It should be avoided because if you are using an ancestor component then you probably would have to override more abstract methods.
After nearly 5 days I found the answer. Many thanks to all thos e ho have contributed with their ideas ESPECIALLY RRUZ, RBA and Guillem Vicens. there are other related posts all connected to getting the FIRST Lazarus program working with PostgreSQL.
The biggest mistake I made here was that I used the TSQLConnection component. Don't do this. Instead use the TPQConnection.
Everything is done through code. We're not using any draggable components from the top tab.
Don't rely on the Lazarus docs (wiki) at least for working with PG DBs.. It is outdated. Some of the examples can be pretty misleading.
Make sure that fields have some default values. For example, if a Boolean field has no true or false (t/f) set, this may lead to errors.
And that's it! I hope many postgres+Lazarus newbies will find this useful.
From here - http://www.network-theory.co.uk/docs/postgresql9/vol2/SQLSTATEvsSQLCODE.html - -211 (ECPG_CONVERT_BOOL) This means the host variable is of type bool and the datum in the database is neither 't' nor 'f'. (SQLSTATE 42804)

The type 'NS.Type1<NS.Type2>' is not compatible with the type 'NS.Type1<NS.Type2>' in f#

I just splited a project in a few libraries.
And I have the strange error in the title.
I can't explain myself why it is the case.
Also, this error used to show up only in FSI.exe
I thought it was because of pb with loading dll in fsi but there is more to this.
It might be a stupid error (probably is..) but if anyone encoutered this sybillin error message before and knows what happens, I'd be glad to hear it.
I thought it was namespace issues, but it is not.
This issue is very odd. Please ignore it if you did not experienced it. I am still trying to pinpoint the exact origin.
Without more information it's hard to know for sure. One way this could happen is if you end up redefining a type in FSI without redefining some things that depend on it. Then those things expect the old version of the type, but you end up creating instances of the new version, which are not compatible. For instance, given this code:
type MyType<'a>() = class end
let myFun (_:MyType<int>) = 0
let result = myFun (MyType())
If I send the first two lines to FSI, then the first line again by itself, and then the third line, I get something similar to your error message. The solution is to re-evaluate all dependent definitions.

"SetupOpenInfFile" getting access violation error in Delphi2010

When using the following line code in Delphi 2010, a'm getting an "Access Violation" error, but the same code working fine in VC++.
The Delphi 2010 code is
hMyInf : HINF;
hMyInf := SetupOpenInfFile('.\\DIGIMHID.INF','Mouse', INF_STYLE_WIN4,Nil);
The VC++ code is
hMyInf = SetupOpenInfFile(".\\DigimHID.inf", "Mouse", INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL);
Please help me to solve this issue.
Thanks All.
Call LoadSetupAPI before using any methods in the SetupAPI.pas
Edit, to provide some background: As simultaneously wrote by David in his answer and by me in my comment, the error is probably caused by calling an uninitialized method pointer. For me the first tip was the error message, an Access Violation: If the equivalent of an Access Violation came from Windows itself, it'd be called a Runtime Error 216. The code is very simple, only uses constants and a method call. Constants can't generate AV's so the error had to come from the method itself, or from calling the method.
Since the Delphi declaration supplied showed a "function type", I suspected SetupOpenInfFile is actually an method pointer, not an import method. Those pointers need to somehow be initialized. Searching SetupAPI.pas (thanks google for providing a link, because I don't use JEDI libraries) I quickly found that it's being assigned from LoadSetupAPI. My first thought: isn't LoadSetupAPI called from the initialization section? It's not, so it needs to be called from code. Problem solved.
Your filename is wrong in the Delphi version. You don't escape \ in Delphi, a single one will do. But that wouldn't lead to an access violation.
My guess is that your GetProcAddress call is failing. But that is a guess. I'd like to see more code and the full error message.
It seems that we were on the right track. Cosmin's answer will solve the problem for you. An alternative would be to switch to inplicit linking by removing the definition of the condition SETUPAPI_LINKONREQUEST in SetupApi.pas.

ASP.NET MVC Preview 5 & Resharper weirdness

I've just created my first Preview 5 error and it doesn't seem to place nice with Resharper. All the C# in the Views are coming up with errors, things like <%= Html.Password("currentPassword") %> has the "currentPassword" highlighted with the following error: Argument type "System.String" is not assignable parameter type "string".
IList errors = ViewData["errors"] as IList; has the IList highlighted as "Can not resole symbol 'string'"
Has anyone seen this?
Did you try latest nightly build of ReSharper 4.1? In some cases the bug in 4.1 manifests itself with numerous ambiguity errors, and it has been fixed within the follow up build.
If anyone finds this blog, the fix suggested above worked for me - I downloaded the latest 4.1 build, and the ambiguous reference problem is gone.
Sometimes this can occur when you don't fully qualify your Inherits attribute of your #Page directive. Even if it is in your web.config be sure and fully qualify your Inherits directive for R#. (At least as of build 4.1.943).
This bug has been reported here:
