Execute NPM package function in dart core - dart

I have a problem about implement sdk in npm to dart core, to execute some function of it but right now i can't find any package to support it.
I have already research with 'node_interop' package but don't have any example detail for this


What is pub tool?

I was studying basics of Flutter and Dart development and came across package manager called pub. What is it and what is it's importance in Flutter development?
Pub is the package manager for the Dart programming language, containing reusable libraries & packages for Flutter, AngularDart, and general Dart programs.
Some basic command:
Use pub get to get dependencies
Use pub upgrade to upgrade a dependency
Use pub publish to make your library available for others
You can find all packages here.
Also you can develop your own package, find the details on official site.
Pub is a package manager for dart to know more about pub see this: https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub

How to use React Material-UI with an ASP.net MVC project

I am trying to use material ui for react , however this library can only be used with node package manager (npm) , my ASP.net MVC 4 project uses Nuget as a package manager so there is no way to add npm modules or even use them within js file
I need a solution to be able to add Material UI npm package to my project , is it possible to do so ? to combine both nuget and npm to manage my package
Nuget package are too limited and all the useful stuff need npm or yarn to be installed
It would be really helpful if i find a detailed guide or steps to make this work
latest nuget package of react js is 14
i tried npm install #material-ui/core
but i cant even install the module because i dont have a packages.json file and my project does not recognize the materiel modules so i cant also use improrts within JSX nor JS files
You install the node modules package in your ClientApp (or whatever directory your React app lives) that should be located on the same level as the controllers. This directory will function as it's own closed off react application, which have to be hooked up to the ASP.NET solution.
Microsoft has a template for creating ASP.NET web applications with React which you can check out.
You use nuget to handle dependencies in your solution and then npm to handle the node modules directory.

pub get to install non-dart dependancies similar to NPM, pip, etc?

When looking at the pub spec format, i was curious if I can install other packages with pub get. My goal is to either install Ruby or some other tools. Even if i have command line access I could run python scripts or similar to get the code.
How does the dart package manager work in this sense? Would it be simpler to just wrap dart with npm or similar and then do all the installs in NPM and follow it up with pub get?
I am curious what the rest of the community is doing for non-dart dependency injection.
Part of me was thinking the executables flag, but i was not not sure.
There's no support for this.
I have a command line tool called scripts that you can use to run additional commands, but it's not an official Dart tool or anything.

Install tweenmax using bower

Is there a way to install tweenmax using bower?
I've been looking into angular animations and I noticed the egghead tutorial uses tweenmax but it imports it directly into the html. I want to use bower to import so that I can have my imported packages all managed take advantage of the gulp build process to create the minified vendor script.
It seems that they name tweenmax as GSAP. Correct me if I'm mistaken but I believe this is the same thing esp looking at the main section of the bower file (git repo) which points to tweenmax. Thus, I installed using:
bower install gsap --save

How to create libraries for Dart?

How can I create libraries using Dart?
I want to start porting some JavaScript (and other languages) libraries I've created to Dart.
Just put this in your library file (first place):
library mylibraryname;
You can then import this lib with:
import "path/to/mylibraryname.dart";
Other options are available, for example part which acts as include.
For a more in-depth tutorial I recommend you this blog post from Dartwatch.
stagehand is the most simply.
mkdir fancy_project
cd fancy_project
stagehand package-simple
Stagehand templates
console-full - A command-line application sample.
package-simple - A starting point for Dart libraries or applications.
server-shelf - A web server built using the shelf package.
web-angular - A web app with material design components.
web-simple - A web app that uses only core Dart libraries.
web-stagexl - A starting point for 2D animation and games.
If you want to use Stagehand on the command line, install it using pub global activate:
pub global activate stagehand
