In the implementation of repositories, you inject the PersistenceManager interface using #InjectPersistenceManager(). For testing, the docs mention to use RunWithDrivine, and to import Drivine (through the AppModule) into the createTestingModule call. This allows the PersistenceManager to be injected in the repository to be used.
I create a temporary Docker container with a new Neo4j database for the tests to use (using a package called testcontainers). This database needs some data to be used. In the test setup, it is possible to get the PersistenceManager by retrieving it from the testing module using a string which normally the decorator provides: app.get("PersistenceManager:default") as PersistenceManager and while this works, it does not seem like the correct way to do it.
How would I get the PersistenceManager to set up the data (and do other things) properly?
app.get("PersistenceManager:default") as PersistenceManager
This is actually probably what you're looking to do, but need to add { strict: false } as a second parameter to the get method. Seeing as #InjectPersistenceManager() is just #Inject('PersistenceManager:database') and database is default by default, you have the correct token, so you probably just need to tell Nest to dig deeper than the top module, hence the{ strict: false } option
Set the case there are multiple libraries of a package which need access to a commonly used class which is in its own library. This class gets exported and contains private fields which should only be accessible internally by libraries of the package. Because the part of directive is discouraged I am avoiding it. So this is the challenge: How can I access private fields of a public class from another library of the same package without using part of?
This is what a came up with:
class PublicClass {
Object _shouldNotBePublic;
class InternalClass extends PublicClass {
Object get publicInternally => _shouldNotBePublic;
And it partially solves the problem.
But now there is an exported function
void someFunction(PublicClass param) {
which takes an argument of PublicClass and it needs to access the private _shouldNotBePublic field. That is exactly what C++ friend does. Are there any good solutions for Dart that don't involve part of?
Edit: The workaround I use for the time being is a simple not exported function in the same library like PublicClass:
Object getShouldNotBePublic(PublicClass obj) {
return obj._shouldNotBePublic
I have some Dart classes in my project where I annotate some fields with Redstone Mapper's #Field() annotation.
How can I get all these classes at runtime?
I've seen the private Map _cache in redstone_mapper_factory... but it's private.
I'm aware of that I can use the Reflection package to scan these classes myself, however all of them are already being detected and stored by the Redstone mapper so I'd like to leverage that.
You can use dart:mirror to do that.
But I don't think it's possible to get that by redstone, you should probably ask on github, even do the change yourself if you want and do a pull request, it should not be difficult, it is just a getter on _cache.
Say I defined a private function in a dart file hello.dart:
_hello() {
return "world";
I want to test it in another file mytest.dart:
library mytest;
import 'dart:unittest/unittest.dart';
main() {
test('test private functions', () {
expect(_hello(), equals("world"));
But unfortunately, the test code can't be compiled. But I do need to test that private _hello function. Is there any solution?
While I agree that private methods/classes shouldn't be part of your tests, the meta package does provide an #visibleForTesting attribute, and the analyzer will give you a warning if you attempt to use the member outside of its original library or a test. You can use it like this:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
String hello() {
return "world";
Your tests will now be able to use it without error or warning, but if someone else tries to use it they'll get a warning.
Again, as to the wisdom of doing this is another question - usually if it's something worth testing, it's something that's worth being public (or it'll get tested through your public interfaces and that's what really matters anyway). At the same time, you might just want to have rigorous tests or test driven principles even for your private methods/classes so - Dart lets you this way.
Edit to add: If you're developing a library and your file with #visibleForTesting will be exported, you are essentially adding public API. Someone can consume that with the analyzer turned off (or just ignore the warning), and if you remove it later you may break them.
Several people believe we shouldn't test private directly: it should be tested through the public interface.
An advantage of following this guidance, is that your test won't depend on your implementation. Said differently: if you want to change your private without changing what you expose to the world, then you won't have to touch your tests.
According to this school of though, if your private is important enough to justify a unit test, then it might make sense to extract it in a new class.
Putting all this together, what you could do here, is:
Create a kind of helper class with this hello method as public. You can then easily unit test it
Let your current class use an instance of this helper class
Test the public methods of your current class which relies on _hello: if this private has a bug, it should be catch by those higher level tests
I don't like either of the above answers. dart's private variable test design is very bad. dart's private visibility is based on library, and each .dart file is a library by default, similar language is rust, but rust can write test code directly in the file, there is no private visibility problem, while dart does not allow this.
Again, I don't think #visibleForTesting is a valid solution,
Because #visibleForTesting can only be used to decorate public declarations, it serves as a mere analysis reminder that developers cannot invoke these declarations in other files,
But from a syntax point of view, developers can't use the _ prefix either, so the form, public, private, becomes confusing. and violates dart's own naming rules.
The argument that one should not test private, or that they should be separated into other classes, is like a justification that is completely unacceptable.
First, private exist because they belong to a business logic/model etc. in a contextual relationship, and it does not make logical sense to separate it into another class.
Second, if you must do this, it will greatly increase the complexity of the code, for example, you move to other classes will lose access to the context variables, or you have to pass a separate reference, or have to create an instance of the class, indeed, then you can finally do some mocks, but you also add a layer of abstraction,
It's hard to imagine that if you were to do this for the whole project, you'd probably double your entire code layers.
For now, If you want your dart package to get more than 90% coverage,
you should not define any private.
It sounds harsh, but that's the real story.
[Alternative] No one seems to have mentioned this yet,
Using part / part of to expose the privates, you can define a test-specific .dart file as the public interface to the library(file) to be tested, and use it to expose all the private declarations that need to be tested. you can name them xxx.fortest.dart
But this is more of a psychological solution, since you are still essentially exposing all private variables/methods
But at least, it's better than splitting class,
Also, if one day dart finally solves this problem, we can simply delete these .fortest.dart files.
A suggestion would be to NOT make methods/classes private but to move code, where you want to hide implementation details, to the lib/src folder.
This folder is considered private.
I found this approach on the page in this section under "Testing".
If you want to expose those private methods/classes, that are located in the src folder, to the public, you could export them inside your lib/main file.
I tried to import one of my libraries A (projects are libraries) into another library B and couldn't import code that was in the src folder of library A.
According to this StackOverflow answer it could still be possible to access the src folder from A in library B.
From the dart documentation
As you might expect, the library code lives under the lib directory and is public to other packages. You can create any hierarchy under lib, as needed. By convention, implementation code is placed under lib/src. Code under lib/src is considered private; other packages should never need to import src/.... To make APIs under lib/src public, you can export lib/src files from a file that’s directly under lib.
I'm trying to bind a XML response from a WS to a set of POJO's classes using ksoap2-android.
A lot of examples on the internet treat very simple responses like this one.
In my case however, I have a lot of custom classes and they keep a reference of each other, sometimes even inside an arraylist.
Here's what i'm trying to do, i would like to bind this kind of response :
<Car number="35">
<Passenger id="1">
<Passenger id="2">
To this kind of class :
public class Car {
private int number;
private Engine engine;
private ArrayList<Passenger> passengers;
With, if possible, only modifying POJOs files (the Simple XML annotations system is very elegant, too bad there's no equivalent to this in ksoap).
I looked into the KVMSerializable interface, but when I try to override the getPropertyInfo() method, I have no idea of what I should return in the PropertyInfo.type and how will ksoap handle ArrayLists.
I got a huge headache right now, please help me
Please go to the below URL and read it.
Ashok Parmar
Traction Software Co.
You should read the document from ksoap 2, they have many useful examples in there.
For getting an array of complex type, you can check here
And I have used this approach to parse a complex object.
If all of them not work, you have to map field by field from soap object to your pojo.
Thanks a lot for the 3rd link, it's very useful and I'm now able to
map custom objects. However, in the wiki page you provided, the author
is parsing an array of custom classes, wrapped in a parent element. Is
there a way to do this with inline lists like in my example ?
I have never tried it before, but I think you can combine my answer and the wiki.
First, you can try an example from wiki to implement your passengers list (extends Vector). Then you can use my approach to create a complex object with arraylist inside. The important thing is you must register your object with the response from web service. Something like this:
public class PassengerVector extends Vector<Passenger> implements KvmSerializable {
envelope.addMapping(NAMESPACE, "Car", Car.class);
envelope.addMapping(NAMESPACE, "Passenger", PassengerVector.class);
But I'm not sure this way can work. For a very complex object like your example, I recommend you should get data field by field by its name, as like the wiki