Special charecter ` in thymeleaf link - hyperlink

I am testing the special character in the link by downloading a file called !##$%^&()_+=-{}[]'`~.doc. And I found that my page can show ` in th:text, but ` in th:href is autometically converted into %60.
<ul class="list-group list-group-item-action" th:each="file: ${filesList}">
<a th:href="${'http://localhost:8080/files?fileName=' + file}">
<li class="list-group-item list-group-item-action" th:text="${file}"></li>
And the weird thing is when I try to test the existence of `, I got following result.
${#strings.contains(file,'`')} Result: True
${#strings.contains(file,'%60')} Result: False
How should I get the correct link to download the file?


Extract all <li> with the class="myTag" but without <small>

I am struggling with the ImportXML function from Google Spreadsheet. A specific webpage has this content:
<li class="myTag">
<a href="/xyz/abc/">
<small class="hidden">
<span>235 6453 sous-section</span>
<span>1231 765 produits</span>
<span>12155 654 images</span>
<li class="myTag">
<a href="/xyz/def/">
<small class="hidden">
<span>235 6453 sous-section</span>
<span>1231 765 produits</span>
<span>12155 654 images</span>
I want to extract all li tags with the class="myTag" but without the <small> section, in order to have this list:
I have written this XPath expression:
=IMPORTXML(B1; '//li[#class='myTag'].ReplaceAll("<[^>]*>", "", "")')
But I have the #N/A error.
How can I extract just the first elements (Jouets, Livres) without the <small> section?
Originality of this question
Scraping data to Google Sheets from a website that uses JavaScript is about dynamic web pages which is not my case. My page is already generated in HTML content - I can already extract the full content within the <li> tag with the parameter '//li[#class='myTag']'.
My point is to exclude the <small> content which is glued.
I am looking to get this list:
and not this one:
Jouets235 6453 sous-section1231 765 produits12155 654 images
Livres235 6453 sous-section1231 765 produits12155 654 images
From your following reply,
Currently, with this formula I have this result (just pasting the first lines): - Arts1 069 sous-thèmes15 778 articles11 949 médias ; - Astronomie et astrophysique107 sous-thèmes570 articles696 médias ; - Chimie147 sous-thèmes1 042 articles1 087 médias But I am attempting to get only: - Arts ; - Astronomie et astrophysique ; - Chimie
How about the following XPath?
Modified XPath:
Modified formula:
=IMPORTXML("https://www.universalis.fr/classification/"; "//li[#class='with-counter']/a/text()")

Error: link is a void element tag and must neither have `children` nor use `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`

I keep getting this error mess while doing this tutorial I think I'm putting the code in right?
I'm using vs as my editor.
import React from 'react';
import { NavLink, Link } from 'react-router-dom';
const Topbar = () => {
<nav className='navbar navbar-light'>
<div className='container'>
<link to='/' className='navbar-brand'>
<ul className='nav navbar-nav pull-xs-right'>
<NavLink to='/' className='nav-link'>
<NavLink to='/login' className='nav-link'>
Sign in
<NavLink to='/register' className='nav-link'>
Sign up
export default Topbar;
i cant understand why i keep catching this error mess
Error: link is a void element tag and must neither have children nor use dangerouslySetInnerHTML.
You are using link-tag instead of Link. Fix this and error should disappear.
Use capitalized Link instead of link
import Link from 'next/link'
<Link href="/"><a>Medium</a></Link>
**Use Capitalized Link Tag **

Conditionally add hide-xs attribute

In an ng-repeat I want to add a hide-xs attribute on an element based on the current scope.
How can I do that?
I basically want to do something like (this obviously don't work):
<li ng-repeat="item in items" hide-xs="{{ item.showAlways ? 'false' : 'true' }}">
I ended up doing this (as suggested by DieuNQ) but if anybody know how to do it using directive and not class I would take it
<li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-class="{'hide-xs': !item.showAlways }}">
hide-xs not works like that (it does not depend on true or false). It just add class to your tag. Try this:
In your html:
<li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-model="item.showAlways" ng-class="someClass">
In your controller:
$scope.item.showAlways ? $scope.someClass == '' : $scope.someClass == 'hide-xs';

Change previous-text and next-text from Pager (Angular & UI-Bootstrap)

I want to change the button texts from Pager UI-Bootstrap in Angular.
I've this array:
categories = ["Standard", "Premium"];
But this code show the variable's name and with moustache doesn't work.
<uib-pager total-items="categories.length" items-per-page=1 ng-model="page" previous-text=categories[page-2] next-text=categories[page] ></uib-pager>
This works but I would prefer use uib-pager:
<ul class="pager">
<li class="previous" ng-class="{'disabled':!categories[pag-2]}" ng-click="pag=pag-1">{{categories[pag-2]}}</li>
<li class="next" ng-class="{'disabled':!categories[pag]}" ng-click="pag=pag+1">{{categories[pag]}}</li>

MODX Articles: Can't retrieve article image with getResources

I am running MODX Revo 2.3.2 with Articles and getResources. On my start page, I wan't to show the 4 most recent articles by calling getResources. However, it does not show the image. Tried to output it without phpThumbof, but it does not work out at all.
My articleRowTpl looks like this:
<article class="blog-item blog-full-width">
<div class="blog-thumbnail">
<img alt="" src="[[+tv.articleImage:phpthumbof=`w=750&h=200&zc=1`]]">
<div class="blog-full-width-date">
<p class="day">[[+publishedon:strtotime:date=`%d`]]</p><p class="monthyear">[[+publishedon:strtotime:date=`%b %Y`]]</p>
<div class="blog-content">
<h4 class="blog-title">[[+pagetitle]]</h4>
Mehr lesen...
There are no errors, it just does not output the image path. I double checked the placeholder and the prefix, which defaults to tv. as the documentation says.
Alright, found it. I just removed the TV-Prefix of getResources with
and now I can access the TV with [[+articleImage]].
