Not able to upload IPA after applying App thinning - ios

I have applied App Thinning while creating IPA file in order to recuse the app size. The IPA files for iPhone, iPad are created successfully. If I try to upload the app with Transporter app, Im getting the following error.
Asset validation failed (90704) Missing App Icon. An app icon measuring 1024 by 1024 pixels in PNG format must be included in the Asset Catalog of apps built for iOS, iPadOS, or watchOS. Without this icon, apps cannot be submitted for review. For details, see (ID: 39b914bd-2d61-4bfb-a021-fd6f542867c8)
Asset validation failed (90190) Invalid Info.plist Key. The key 'UISupportedDevices' in the Info.plist file is not valid. (ID: 4094654a-c9a0-4260-b46b-7fa61d062c16)
I have my 1024*1024 images available in assets catalog.
In my entire app there is no keyword "UISupportedDevices".
Not sure what exactly is the issue. Please help.

I've faced this issue in the past and I think what you are seeing may be due to an xcode issue with images having an alpha channel.
Try to remove alpha channel (see this answer for reference) from your 1024x1024 app icon asset. Replace your asset with this new image.
See if you're able to get your build through. If not, share the outcome here and we'll see where we get to.


ERROR ITMS-90704: Missing App Icon. When trying to publish app to TestFlight

ERROR ITMS-90704: Missing App Icon. An app icon measuring 1024 by 1024 pixels in PNG format must be included in the Asset Catalog of apps built for iOS, iPadOS, or watchOS. Without this icon, apps cannot be submitted for review. For details, see
Return status of iTunes Transporter was 1: ERROR ITMS-90704: Missing App Icon. An app icon measuring 1024 by 1024 pixels in PNG format must be included in the Asset Catalog of apps built for iOS, iPadOS, or watchOS. Without this icon, apps cannot be submitted for review. For details, see
The call to the iTMSTransporter completed with a non-zero exit status: 1. This indicates a failure.
What i tried:
Generate new icon multiple times form different websites
Remove alpha channel from icon
Rename icon to match other icons naming conventions, and then tried ITunesArtwork name, icon-1024, etc
Tried adding icon through Xcode and also tried adding manually to Contents.json
Checked icons actual size in folder
Checked icon path
Added our icons from other app which has no problem with this to this app and tried release pipeline again which also failed

I can't submit my App store App because it doesn't see the assets folder. What is the solution?

I'm a rookie. I'm new to swift. that's why I can't do some things. I need your help. What should I write in my plist file so that I can access the assets folder and transfer my application to the app store store. I have a simple application on this link, it is my first attempt. I want to send this to the app store. Can you download and check my application or can you make the solution in the application and forward it to me? Very happy if you help.
-"App Store Connect Process Error ERROR ITMS-90704:" Missing Application Icon. PNG format 1024 An app icon of x1024 pixels must be added to the Asset Catalog of apps created for iOS, iPadOS, or watchOS. Without this icon, it cannot be submitted for review
-Operation Error ERROR ITMS-90023: "Package icon is missing. .png format for iOS versions of iPad Pro, does not include an app icon exactly '167x167' pixels for iPad To support older operating systems, including icon maker.plist in the next package from Allah catalog
It seems that your project is missing the "Assets.xcassets" folder(directory). so this might be the error you are facing
Please verify the below things
Make sure the Assets.xcassets is there is project.
Verify that in your project target (under Deployment info) For App Icons and Launch Image option AppIcon is selected. Please refer the following screen shot.
Does app icon is added in Assets.xcassets?.
You need to add App icon with 1024 x1024 size with non-transparent background.
NOTE: Transparent background will not be working as it will throw error while uploading.

info.plist file doesn't appear even though the icons are in the Xcode assets folder

I wanted to make an icon for my application. I want to install an application but I'm getting errors like this. I did the solutions in StackOverflow but there was no solution. Although I have edited my Info.plist file, I get an error:
App Store Connect Operation Error ERROR ITMS-90713: `` Info.plist value is missing. 'CFBundleIconName' is missing a value for Info.plist key 'com.arslantas.erc' in the package. and provide a value for this Info.plist key. For more information see xcode / mac / current / # / dev10510b1f7. "
App Store Connect Operation Error ERROR ITMS-90022: "Required icon file missing. The package does not contain an exactly '120x120' pixel app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch in .png format for iOS versions> = 10.0. Icon for iOS versions, asset catalog Make sure the Info.plist file contains the appropriate entries referencing the file. See"App Store Connect Process Error ERROR ITMS-90023: "Required icon file missing. The package does not contain an app icon in .png format for iOS versions that support iPad Pro, exactly '167x167' pixels for iPad. To support older operating systems, the icon may be required in the package other than an asset catalog. Make sure it contains appropriate entries referencing the file. See"App Store Connect Process Error ERROR ITMS-90023: "Required icon file is missing. The package does not contain an exactly '152x152' pixel app icon for iPad in .png format for iOS> = 10.0 versions. To support older operating systems, an icon may be required in a package other than an asset catalog. Make sure that the Info.plist file contains the appropriate entries referencing the file. See. Https:// "App Store Connect Operation Error ERROR ITMS-90704:" Missing Application Icon. A 1024 x 1024 pixel app icon in PNG format must be added to the Asset Catalog of apps created for iOS, iPadOS, or watchOS. Without this icon, apps cannot be submitted for review.
image 1
image 2
I tried your code - it builds successfully, no any issues. If you got it when you upload it to apple servers - here I can't help you, I have strong rules and limits for my accounts about it.
Try to remove "Icon Name" item from plist (it's not needed for now), it can help with first issue. If after it second issue still presented - check carefully all images and all sizes in Assets. Try to recreate it from zero, remove all not used images, don't create duplicates. There is no big magic - just carefully work.

iOS publish errors to App Store using application loader

This is my first time publishing an iOS app. I did everything correctly as far as the app id, provision certificates and iTunes connect setup. Upon publishing using Application Loader, I keep facing these errors even though i've added the correct images.
ERROR ITMS-90000: "This bundle is invalid. The PNG file is too small to be a valid image: icon.png."
The session's status is FAILED and the error description is 'failed to open ssh session.(16)'
Launch the Application Loader from Xcode: Choose Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader from the menu bar. The last version of Application Loader is 3.7.
Change a network to have a try. If your network use a proxy, it may generate this issue too. Here's a list of Apple servers, make sure you can access to them.
ERROR ITME-90000:"This bundle is invalid. The PNG file is too small to be a valid image: ...
I realized the images they've mentioned are the default ones. Is it fine to delete them ?
If you already have the AppIcon image set in the Assets.xcassets folder, you can remove them. Make sure you have imported the required size icon image in the AppIcon image set. And you have to set the AppIcon image set as the Source of App Icons at info.plist->App Icons.
WARNING ITMS-90717:" Invalid App Store Icon. The app store icon in the asset catalog in can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel."
If there's no alpha and transparency with your icons, it may be a bug from Apple, see the case. Changing the "Deployment Target" to 8.0 or higher may solve that according to that case.
Xcode upload error: Failed to open ssh session. (16)
The session's status is FAILED and the error description is 'failed to open ssh session

ERROR ITMS-90644: "Missing Image Asset Xcode 8.3.1

Please refer the error below.
ERROR ITMS-90644: "Missing Image Asset. Your app is missing the Large App Icon asset 'Messages Icon' in 'Payload/'."
Checked all thing 9 times but every time fail to upload to App Store.
You may have not add iMessage supported image (with size 1024x768) in your image asset. Add all missing images/icons in your app (related to iMessage, if you've added support iMessage)
See, for more details: Uploading app with iMessage stickers.
Remove an emtpy Sticker Sequence in the assets, if you've any.
Common suggestion: Use latest Application Loader to upload your app on app store
