Which is the best site to learn MVC? - asp.net-mvc

Which is the best site to learn MVC?
Which is the best site to learn MVC?


Relation of webforms in MVC

I am a beginner to MVC technology and have few questions.
1) How can I webforms in MVC and why/when should I used it ?
2) If we can build a application using razor view engine then why webform engine is provided ? If it is, we can continue to use traditional web forms.
3) Can I combine razor/aspx view engine in one project.
Coz I can see we can add WebForm/master pages by right clicking in View folder ....
Any help on this appreciated.
Well I'll recommend you reading some ASP.NET MVC book instead. Because it will give you basic understanding of MVC concept. But still:
You can't use webforms in MVC. Because it's completely different approach;
MVC gives you more flexibility over markup, you can customize your application easily. Again read about MVC pattern. Webforms instead are faster to develop, but heavier in terms of size and have some ugly things like viewstate;
Yes, you can. But in different pages, not in the same page.

Classic ASP to MVC

Right - going to be blunt. I've used classic ASP for what seems like an age and a half.
I would like to start making use of the .NET framework and MVC in particular seems to be something that is mentioned a lot.
The question is how do I make that transition? Are there any good tutorials? Any decent books?
You can directly learn ASP.NET MVC 4 from the
asp.net site.
For myself, learn mvc and entity framework from Contoso University example.
Try out most of basic terms of MVC pattern applied to classic ASP in article: Classic ASP and MVC

ASP.Net MVC or Web forms which is better

I am going to start work on a SaaS based application. I need to decide whether to go with ASP.Net MVC or web forms application. Through various posts I came to know that both are good, they are not replacement of each other and so on.
Also, I know traditional web forms method, I am not aware of MVC, I need to learn it first.
Please guide me which approach is better.
i can just share some of my experience as i have worked on both
i preffer asp.net MVC over Asp.net because of the futile layer of abstraction that Asp.Net has over basic HTTP architecture
the user controls in asp.Net induce unnecessary markup
ease of using ajax in asp.net mvc compared to updatepanel(in advanced senarious)
support of razor type syntax increases productivity
no overloading by things like viewstate
because everything is managed by the programmer soem of the typical issues that arise in asp.net like the problems in dynamic controls are no longer present
so if you ask me go for asp.net MVC
There is no right answer here. I prefer MVC but if you already know ASP.Net WebForms it probably is easier to stick with that.

Migrating a webfrom asp.net appllication to MVC

I have been working on a CMS project based on asp.net webforms. It follows simple multitier architecture and contains a single aspx page where the usercontrols (ascx) in the form of modules are loaded dynamically.
Now a lot of clients are demanding it in MVC. I m wondering if it is feasible to seamlessly convert it into MVC. Is the hype just because MVC is the new paradigm for dot not or is it because it does yield substantial benefits?
What is the easiest way to migrate from WebForms to MVC?
You can always convert your existing ASP.NET web application project to include MVC and make it as a hybrid application. Scott Hanselman wrote a simple post to demonstrate how to do that.
If you are trying to add MVC to existing ASP.NET web application, Check out this link. I have scribbled a useful tip there to bring the MVC specific Context menu ( Add Controller/Add View) in the solution explorer.
The below statement is purely personal. (of course both has it's own pros and cons)
Personally If i start a new project, i will choose MVC over webforms. because i tasted it. It is addictive. :) I think My MVC projects are much cleaner than webforms ones.

How to use form authentication with asp.net mvc?

I want to use forms authentication in asp.net mvc applications. I have searched a this things but could not get satisfactory answer so can any one please give me brief idea for this. I am a newbie and playing around asp.net mvc.
Please also describe how many authentication is possible with the asp.net mvc.
See the official MVC tutorial
Have you looked at this post.
