React bootstrap vs bootstrap in SPFx - bootstrap-5

I want to know pros and cons of React bootstrap vs bootstrap in the context of SPFx. Is there any partiuclar reason we should use one over another in SPFx


We are using Material UI for the whole Angular project, can we use Formly with Bootstrap UI ? Does it create any problem?

We are using Material UI for the whole Angular project. Now we have to use Formly ( for forms. Can I use bootstrap theme in my project for styling the form fields ?

"jQuery UI Bootstrap"

Recently i came across a project called "jQuery UI Bootstrap", and in the project page it says started to bring the beauty of Twitter Bootstrap to jQuery UI widgets. What does it actually mean?
is it a Jquery UI based framework with bootstrap styles?
is it a mix of bootstrap UI and Jquery UI widgets?
is it a frameworks with responsive features of bootstrap and rich collection of UI widgets of Jquery UI?
if you guys have experience using this framework please share your experience.
appreciate your help

.Bootstrap UI together with jQuery mobile UI?

i already build a website using bootstrap UI . and now i want implement small portion in that website using jquery mobile .bootstrap use keyword role and jquery mobile use keyword data-role so my question can use bootstrap and jquery mobile together . will it cause and conflict when using both in same page ?
No there is no conflict and you can use the libraries together. Try to load only the Jquery UI components that you need, this can be done by building a custom jQuery UI js file asset. It would include jQuery UI core and components such as the DatePicker and Draggable. That way you keep your 3rd party libraries smaller and thus increase page load speed.

Which are the basic guidelines for using Delphi IntraWeb with Twitter Bootstrap?

I would like to use the Bootstrap Framework with Delphi's IntraWeb (I'm using XE2)? The idea is to have the server side logic done by Delphi, while using the nice controls that come with BootStrap?
What would be the basic components "Hello World" application for this configuration?
What would be the high-level approach for a more elaborate application, for example one with a Bootstrap nav component that has its tab contents populated by Delphi?
Is combining IntraWeb and Bootstrap an overkill? Would I would be better off with an Indy TIdHTTPServer + Bootstrap?
It does not have to be difficult to implement Boostrap with Intraweb, you just have to add the Js files in the ContentFiles property of the IWForm, you just have to take in mind you have to write the html for each component you use for BootStrap.
In in the Movie #63 - Using jQuery Mobile with IntraWeb - CodeRage 6 Replay
They have explained how to develope the Fishfact demo using jQueryMobile, using the TIWTemplateProcessorHTML component and standard IW components, so it should no be difficult to adapt it for bootstrap.
Here is the link:
Althought, there have been a new component suite since last year implementing JQuery and jQuery mobile, you should take a loo at, I'm using them and let me tell it give you IW app a very nice view. AFAIK they are planning to generate a component suite for Bootstrap.
As far as the web-server is concerned, it should provide the necessary files when the client requests them to run bootstrap client-side: Bootstrap: File Structure
To populate the components (client-side), you'll have to create the server-side logic so it will enter the correct javascript that does so into the HTML of the pages.

Twitter Bootstrap for mobile

If I want to develop an web application on mobile, so should I use Twitter Bootstrap or Jquery Mobile? Twitter Bootstrap good for mobile or not?
As of version 2.0, Bootstrap is fully mobile compatible. There actually has been another question about it.
One thing you may want to keep in mind, is the purpose they're build for. jQuery mobile was created and is maintained with mobile compatibility in mind whereas Bootstrap offers it as an addition (meaning that it won't be it's main priority). If there is nothing in bootstrap that you are particularly interested in, I would go for jQuery mobile.
Depends what you want to do..
Twitter bootstrap is a CSS framework with some javascripts on it. While jquery Mobile is javascript to create native mobile feel..
So basically they are quite different..
Bootstrap 3 is built group up for mobile first, you may want to take a look at the 3.0 branch on GitHub. I didn't use jquery mobile in my app Django Market b/c I would have to change the backend and didn't want to invest. Bootstrap 3.0 IMHO will provide a lot of "competition" for other frameworks due to its power and simplicity
From my experience, i've using jQuery Mobile for a simple informative application. I spent some days on the base code, then i tested it on tablets, handsets using PhoneGap and the results wasn't good. There are still some troubles on transitions for Android and iOS devices.
