Why can't I see PSQL tools in pgAdmin that I installed? - psql

I'm using pgAdmin for creating tables but when I install it in my work computer I can not see the PSQL tools but when I install the same version on my PC I have the PSQL tools.
Does anyone know what might be the reason?
I searched but I did not find an answer, Also I talk with IT sopport in my department they did not know the answer eaither.


How to install judy packages in oracle linux arm64v8 docker image

I have a oracle linux arm64v8 docker image, And I want to install judy packages(judy-devel) into it.
But I keep getting Error: Unable to find a match: judy-devel
From my research I have found that, judy packages are not supported on the oracle linux arm64v8, is this true??
And Is there any way for me to install judy into my image, may be something that can bypass this "unsupported" issue.
Plus- its my first time asking question here I went through the tutorial on how to ask proper question, but I apologies in advance if I make mistakes.

Influx CLI driving me really crazy, cannot open the CLI

i am installing the influxdb_2.0.9 on my ubuntu, i followed the instructions here:
I download it, setup it, i start the influxd daemon, i can connect via browser on localhost:8086, i think i can work with it, its functioning, i am gonna use the python API anyway, but this really drives me crazy...
I can't get to CLI. When i copy it to /usr/local/bin, or anywhere, or when i run it right in the directory via ./influx, it just returns a HELP message, like if i would type ./influx -h
Funny thing is when i download influxdb-client and run its influx binary, it starts the CLI, but its meant on version 1.6.4 and it does not seem to connect ideally on localhost running influxd 2.0.9, mbe i could somehow config it, but it seems to be bad idea anyway.
I purged everything, tried to reinstall everything, even manually deleted all empty directories, anything named influx on my 20.04 Ubuntu is gone and when i try to just follow the instructions online, everything seems to work except the CLI which i really **** need.
Just FYI, if i try to isntall via sudo apt-get install influxdb, influxdb-client -> it works perfectly, but it is older version 1.6.4
I tried installing the deb package via dpkg as well, but no difference... Im running 20.04 Ubuntu. There is the option of running older influxdb(1.6.x), but that I really dont want to do.
Anyone had the same problem? Could not find the solution in last hour online so im trying here to find help. This really drives me crazy though... Thanks for your time. Q.
Thank you guys for your time.
Well, i seem to realize, that the old CLI is gone and not implemented as it used to be, in the new version. In 2.0.0 it was started by
influx repl
But now i found a msg
I have no idea why they decided to deprecate this, not posting that much info about it..
I will try to finish this post by myself, leave it here, maybe someone in the future will find this useful.
Now I will try to 'build the REPL from source', wish me luck lol.
found a clone, closing the thread.

Rails app can't find connect to postgres after working on a different app for a while

So I just need to direction on understanding a postgres installation better, because clearly I only know enough to be dangerous.
I had an app that was my project with a postgres DB installed via homebrew
Then I started collaborating on a project with other people
There was some difficulty getting my existing prostgres install to work with the new project so I installed the postgres app with the gui interface to start stop the db.
That new project is finished and I wanted to get back to work on my other project
When I started the first app up, it couldn't find a db. I tried drop the db, and recreating it, but when I run the migrations it says the tables already exist.
What can I do to get around this?
A good approach would be using Docker so everyone have the same environment. This would mean even you, across your machines or your working colleagues or collaborators would have the same environment. You could have many containers running (watching exposing different ports for Postgres, i.e: 5433...) and when a project finishes just get rid of the container.
This approach saves you the overhead of having to maintain multiple databases locally or depending on a running Postgres process (which I sometimes forget to start).
If you need to solve this locally, try starting your postgres service, connecting to your localhost instance and running:
> psql
psql (9.6.2)
Type "help" for help.
> \l
and you should see all of your databases and debug them. Perhaps deleting and creating the conflicting database (if you don't need your local data) could help.

Neo4j 2.1.1 concern - consistency check of community edition db

Following on from the information found in the blog post titled 'Neo4j 2.1.2 – Maintenance Release', I thought I should check the consistency of a database that has been upgraded to Neo4j 2.1.1.
My set up: Neo4j community edition running on Windows Server 2012 R2 - the binary distribution running as a Windows service (NOT the windows desktop launcher executable).
In the blog post it talks about using the backup tool included with the enterprise version of Neo4j so I have downloaded an evaluation copy (2.1.4) so have access to Neo4jBackup.bat. I cannot however, get a backup to run. No matter what I try I get
Couldn't connect to ''
or a variation thereof.
I am running
.\bin\Neo4jBackup.bat -from localhost -to D:\DataBackups\Neo4j\check
I have tried specifying a port, specifying IP address, using single://localhost. After consulting the manual more closely I have also amended my config to add
# Enable online backups to be taken from this database.
# Port to listen to for incoming backup requests.
Still I receive the same error. I am clearly being a moron. What am I doing wrong? Help!
The question boils down to 'how do I back up a community edition database as alluded to in this Neo4j blog post?
OK so yes. I am a moron. It just came to me. You need to open the database with the enterprise edition!
For anyone who is overcome with a moment of stupidity, like me
Copy the database you wish to check (graph.db by default) to the data directory of your evaluation copy of Neo4j
Start up Neo4j (you may or may not need a store upgrade)
Run .\bin\Neo4jBackup.bat -from localhost -to [your desired backup location]
Sit back and await the results
Feel free to mock/throw rotten vegetables etc at me....! :)
Starting with the 2.1 line (somewhere around 2.1.5 I think) the consistency checker was moved from the enterprise edition to the community edition. It is therefore now possible to check a DB with the community edition too. In the root of the neo4j server directory run:
java -cp 'lib/*' org.neo4j.consistency.ConsistencyCheckTool data/graph.db
Note that this is not an offical API (it's undocumented).

Installation error with Neo4j enterprise edition 2.0.0

I am a developer at a company. We started using Neo4j recently. We have been using Neo4j community editions till now. We use Amazon as our cloud. We put up the neo database onto cloud and we are using ubuntu instance for this. I was able to put Neo4j community editions onto the cloud till now and put data on it. We have now bought the enterprise edition of Neo4j (Neo4j Enterprise edition 2.0.0) . I am trying to put the new enterprise edition onto the cloud using ubuntu.
I have downloaded the enterprise version and extracted the contents of it on ubuntu. Now I am trying to install Neo database using the command:
var/lib/neo4j/ neo4j-community-2.0.0 $ sudo ./bin/neo4j-installer install
This gives me output as:
WARNING: this installer is deprecated and may not be the optimal way to install Neo4j on your system.
Please see the Neo4j Manual for up to date information on installing Neo4j.
Press any key to continue
Graph-like power should be handled carefully. What user should run Neo4j? [neo4j] ubuntu
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/etc/init.d/neo4j-service’: File exists
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/neo4j-service: file does not exist
This does not install neo database now. The same command was working fine with Neo4j community editions. Please let me know what should be done for this? I am stuck on this for several hours now. I have no clue what should be done.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
As you are a customer, probably best to open a support ticket, and then add an answer here, so that other people can learn about it?
Did you remove the community installation first? It could be a clash of the two versions.
Because the manual actually says the same thing here:
