Unnest two columns in google sheet - google-sheets

I have a table like this one here (basically it's data from a google form with multiple choice answers in column A and B and non-muliple choice data in column C) I need a separate row for each multiple choice answer.
Column A
Column B
I tried to un-nest the first column and keep the remaining columns like this
enter image description here
I tried several approaches I found with flatten and split with array formulas but I don't know where to start really.
Any help or hint would be much appreciated!

You can use the split function on the column A and after that, use the index function. Considering the table, you can use:
The split function separate the text using the delimiter indicated, returning an array with 1 line and 2 columns; the index function will return the first line and the first column from this array. To return the second element from the column A, just change to

I think there's no easy solution for this. You're asking for as many combinations of elements as multiple-choice elections have been made. Any function in Google Sheets has its potentials and limitations about how many elements it can express. One very useful formula here is REDUCE. With REDUCE and sequences of elements separated by commas counted with COUNTA, you can stablish this formula:
=QUERY(REDUCE({"Col A","Col B","Email"},SEQUENCE(COUNTA(A2:A)),LAMBDA(z,c,{z;LAMBDA(ax,bx,
"Where Col1 is not null",1)
Since I had to use a "initial value" in every REDUCE, I then used QUERY to filter the empty values:


SUMIFS and ARRAYFORMULA within Google Sheets

I have a google sheet with multiple tabs, one of the tabs is for holding each observation of data while another needs to combine data based on certain criteria. I am trying to use a SUMIFS within and ARRAYFORMULA to get the correct information and it will only pull "0" no matter what I try.
I have set up a test google sheet with some dummy information to show an example of what I need to do in a more complex situation.
In this example, the data tab is the individual observations and the sums tab is where I'm trying to pull combinations. I need column D to sum the totals in column E on the data tab if the Month and Year and Type all match what is on the sums sheet. In this example, cell D3 on the sums tab should equal 11.
you cannot use SUMIFS() in Arrayformula(), along with many other functions, though there is no formal documented list.
In your case you can use a SUMIF() instead by &'ing the condtions together.
I've demoed the concept on a new tab called MK_Help in cell D2:
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ROW(A2:A) = ROW(A2), "# TOTAL TYPE", IF(A2:A = "", , SUMIF(data!A:A&data!B:B&data!C:C,A2:A&B2:B&C2:C,data!E:E))))
Note that I made a couple of other small changes to your formula.
Namely, that you should always use a true "empty" instead of double quotes in your IF() mask up front tor return empty when there's no value in A. Double quotes("") is actually not quite empty for many other things in Google sheets.
Also I modified your header conndition from ROW(A2:A)=2 to ROW(A2:A) = ROW(A2). I find that this is a more flexible condition for the header as it allows you to potentially insert/delete rows above the header without breaking things.
It seems QUERY() may be good choice. Try-
=QUERY(data!A2:E,"select A,B,C, sum(E) where A is not null group by A,B,C",1)
If you need specific month then you can add criteria to where clause like-
=QUERY(data!A2:E,"select A,B,C, sum(E) where A =5 group by A,B,C",1)

Google Sheets Filter + Match? Not sure

I have two tabs in a sheet, that have different ranges. One is preset data, the other is an import from a program we use. I'm trying to figure out a way, if possible, to pull specific data from sheet 1, and match it with values in sheet two, that aren't sorted the same.
Example sheet
I'm trying the formula =sort(filter(Sheet1!B1:B,match(B1:B, Sheet1!B1:B ,0)),2,TRUE), but it's just putting the results in order. If I replace the column # on the sort with 1, it sorts it out of order but it doesn't match column B, like I need it to.
The documents i'm working with are 2000+ rows each, I'd rather not manually do this if at all possible.
Please assist? Either way, thank you for reading.
=arrayformula(iferror(vlookup(MATCH( B1:B,Sheet1!$B$1:B,0),{(ROW(Sheet1!A1:A)),Sheet1!A1:A},2,0)))
step#1 =arrayformula(MATCH( B1:B,Sheet1!$B$1:B,0)) will give the row where each value column B will be found in Sheet1!column B
step #2 =arrayformula({ROW(Sheet1!A1:A),Sheet1!A1:A}) will build a virtual matrix whith in column#1 the row and in column#2 the value of Sheet1!column A
finally: join the two formulas as vlookup(___step#1____,____step#2______)

Transpose column and add separator column

I'm trying to transpose a column from one sheet into a row of another sheet with a new blank column separating each result
Whats the easist way to achieve this without having to add a blank row between each of the rows in the orginal sheet
I think this may be the easiest way
This answer is based on Toms answer:
I like the solution because it is simple.
More general question would be:
How to add N extra separator columns with a formula
Here's the formula:
"|" is a rare char you do not have in your dataset
rept("|",1) is to get N separator columns. Change 1 to N.
The only problem with the formula is join function limit on 50000 characters.
The final function won't give the error with a large dataset.
Please try:
query replaces join and have no limits
trim is needed because query creates spaces at the end of each line.
Going further in depth on the issue above (question):
What would you write if you want a certain text for each new column:
E.g. I have several datasets (columns) with 1) drilling resistance and 2) associated depths, all of which I will extract from another sheet into this new one.
I have a list of boreholenames which I will transpose and insert as text over the columns with 1).
Then I want to add a column for each borehole with the height (2). How do I then automatize adding text for each new column with the writing "height (m.a.s.l.) boreholenumber", where the latter could be just picked from the borehole name list.
And by the way. The split function doesn't exist in my excel-program :( How to I get it?

Google Spreadsheet Function That Sums Numbers In A Column When the Row Contains An EXACT Text

I've been at this problem for a while now. I am trying to sum numbers under a specific column when the rows equal a certain text and then display that sum on a different sheet. So far I came up with this formula: =IF(EXACT(A2,Table!A2:A)=TRUE,SUM(Table!C2:C)); however the only problem is that is sums everything in column C (which makes sense).
I wish there was a way to do something like the following: SUM(Table!C2:C where EXACT(A2,TABLE!A2:A)=TRUE). I've also tried the SUMIF(), DSUM(), and QUERY() functions to no avail. I must be getting logically tripped up somewhere.
Figured it out: =SUM(FILTER(Table!E4:E, EXACT(Table!A4:A,A4)=TRUE)).
=sum ( FILTER (b1:b10, a1:a10 = "Text" ) )
// the above formula will help you to take the sum of the values in column B when another column A contain a specific text.
The formula is applicable only in Google Spreadsheets

pulling row number into query google spreadsheet

I have a data set that looks like this: starting on A1 with "1"
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
Column A is an arrayformula =arrayformula(row(b1:b))
Column B is manual input
i want to query the database and finding the row of the item by match column B so i have code as such
=query("A1:B","select A where B like '%c%')
this should give me "3"
My question:
is there a way to pull the 1-4 numbers into the query line? with something like array formula row(b1:b). I don't want to waste an extra column on column A
so basically I want just the manual input and when i query it gives me the row number.
No script code please.
I've tried a few things and it didn't work.
Looking for a solutions that starts with
You can also use a formula to pull in more than one row in the dataset which matches the condition, if this is important to you:
=arrayformula(filter(row(B:B); B:B="c"))
And you can have wildcard type operators, under certain circumstances (you are going to match text or items that can look like text (so numbers can be treated as text - but boolean will need more steps); that the dataset is not huge), using regular expressions. e.g.
=arrayformula(filter(row(B:B); regexmatch(B:B, "(c|d)")))
You could also use standard spreadsheet wildcard operators, e.g.
=arrayformula(filter(row(B:B); countif(B:B, "*c*")))
Explanation: In this case, the filter will be true when countif is greater than zero, i.e. when it sees something with a letter c in it, since spreadsheets see a value greater than zero as a boolean true and so, for that row where there is a countif match, there will be a a filter match, and so it will display that row (indeed, it is a similar situation with the regexmatch creating a true when there is a match of either c or d, in the case above).
Personally, I wanted to learn regex a bit, so I would go towards the regexmatch option. But that is your choice.
You can also, of course, create the match outside of the cell. This makes it easy to create a list of matches that you want to satisfy elsewhere on the sheet. So you could have a column of words or parts of words, from Z2 downwards, and then join them together in cell Z1 for example like this
Then your filter function would look like this:
=arrayformula(filter(row(B:B), regexmatch(B:B, Z1)))
If you want to use like operator in the query function, you can try something like this:
=arrayformula(query(if({1,0}, B:B,row(B:B)),"select Col2 where Col1 like '%c%' "))
You can also use the regular expressions in the query function, for example:
=arrayformula(query(if({1,0}, B:B,row(B:B)),"select Col2 where Col1 matches '(.*c.*|.*d.*)' "))
I'm not entirely clear on the question, but as I understand it, you want to be able to enter a formula, and have it return the row number of the matched item in a range? I'm not sure where array formulas come in.
If I've understood your question correctly, this should do the trick:
In your example, this returns 3.
Please forgive me if I've misunderstood your question.
Note: If there are multiple matches, this will return the row number for the first instance of your search.
