Transpose column and add separator column - google-sheets

I'm trying to transpose a column from one sheet into a row of another sheet with a new blank column separating each result
Whats the easist way to achieve this without having to add a blank row between each of the rows in the orginal sheet

I think this may be the easiest way

This answer is based on Toms answer:
I like the solution because it is simple.
More general question would be:
How to add N extra separator columns with a formula
Here's the formula:
"|" is a rare char you do not have in your dataset
rept("|",1) is to get N separator columns. Change 1 to N.
The only problem with the formula is join function limit on 50000 characters.
The final function won't give the error with a large dataset.
Please try:
query replaces join and have no limits
trim is needed because query creates spaces at the end of each line.

Going further in depth on the issue above (question):
What would you write if you want a certain text for each new column:
E.g. I have several datasets (columns) with 1) drilling resistance and 2) associated depths, all of which I will extract from another sheet into this new one.
I have a list of boreholenames which I will transpose and insert as text over the columns with 1).
Then I want to add a column for each borehole with the height (2). How do I then automatize adding text for each new column with the writing "height (m.a.s.l.) boreholenumber", where the latter could be just picked from the borehole name list.
And by the way. The split function doesn't exist in my excel-program :( How to I get it?


Unnest two columns in google sheet

I have a table like this one here (basically it's data from a google form with multiple choice answers in column A and B and non-muliple choice data in column C) I need a separate row for each multiple choice answer.
Column A
Column B
I tried to un-nest the first column and keep the remaining columns like this
enter image description here
I tried several approaches I found with flatten and split with array formulas but I don't know where to start really.
Any help or hint would be much appreciated!
You can use the split function on the column A and after that, use the index function. Considering the table, you can use:
The split function separate the text using the delimiter indicated, returning an array with 1 line and 2 columns; the index function will return the first line and the first column from this array. To return the second element from the column A, just change to
I think there's no easy solution for this. You're asking for as many combinations of elements as multiple-choice elections have been made. Any function in Google Sheets has its potentials and limitations about how many elements it can express. One very useful formula here is REDUCE. With REDUCE and sequences of elements separated by commas counted with COUNTA, you can stablish this formula:
=QUERY(REDUCE({"Col A","Col B","Email"},SEQUENCE(COUNTA(A2:A)),LAMBDA(z,c,{z;LAMBDA(ax,bx,
"Where Col1 is not null",1)
Since I had to use a "initial value" in every REDUCE, I then used QUERY to filter the empty values:

Query + Transpose based on value in Column B if Column A contains certain text

I am currently working with Google Forms and want to rearrange the way the responses are being displayed on the "Response Sheet". The only way I can think of doing this is by importing or moving the data to another sheet that would select and transpose certain columns if Column A contains key value.
This is what I'm seeing as part of the input and would like to see as the output if Column A Contains certain text:
Input & Output
Thank you in advance for your help!
I rewrite headings a2:e2,
I take whole first five columns without headings e3:e6
I display content of columns A,B,F,G,H for all the rows that have 'A1' in column 1
I take tables built in point 1 and 2 together and sort them by first column
My solution is here:
query(A3:H6,"select A,B,F,G,H where A ='A1'",0)})

Techniques to accommodate new entries in google sheets

As you can see I transpose codes into unique column headings so that debits and credits are analysed and summated. Summations are transposed in another sheet to create summary profit/loss account. I need help how to replicate the sum formula in column I to serve any expanded transposed unique codes and whether/how I should use arrayformula for the individual cell output.
Actual output looks like this:
My problem is to how to automatically accommodate new entries/codes in the totals row and main body of cells. The data belongs to a residents' committee so I can only show anonymous data as image.
Actual input is imported from bank records, then coded:
Query is pretty good for the SUM part.
Starting in column I, you can do:
"select "&
The 0+ or the VALUE in the second one (they both do the same thing here) transforms the data cells to default to 0 if blank, otherwise the query fails. This also lets us refer to the columns by sequence number, which is what we do in the second argument. We build the query into something that looks like select sum(Col1),sum(Col2),...,sum(ColN). Since this gives us a header by default, we could relabel everything in the query statement, but that gives too much extra code, so the easier thing to do is use INDEX to select the sums.
The EQ part is fairly straightforward to Arrayify. Starting in I4:
The FILTERs just filter out the blank cells, and the Array_Constrain sizes the G column to the same size as the filtered F column.

Q: Transpose -> Merge(?) on google sheets

Trying to transpose data such that rows transpose into a single column stacking on top of each other.
This formula essentially does what I want but what if I have many more rows? Would I need to enter; TRANSPOSE(Col(x):Col(y)) for every single row?
Any help is appreciated.
Please try:
textjoin will join text and skip blanks. Add spaces in column C to have an empty row.
limit of join function is 50000 characters
Max Makhrov's answer is good, but indeed subject to the 50k limit. To get around that, I have recently found another method which is explained in my
interlacing answer to another question
In your case this would look something like this (up to arbitrary 9 rows):
{arrayformula({row(A1:A9)*3, A1:A9});
arrayformula({row(B1:B9)*3+1, B1:B9});
arrayformula({row(C1:C9)*3+2, C1:C9})}
"select Col2")
Am I missing something, or why does nobody suggest Flatten?
And you can use Filter as usual to filter out blank cells, e.g.

Google Sheet - Transform two columns into one column using arrayformula (more than 50,000 characters)

I'm using Google Sheets and looking for an arrayformula that able to take a list in two columns and arrange it alternately in one column. The sheet contains about 5,000 rows, each row has more than 35 characters.
I tried this:
=transpose(split(join(" ", query(transpose(B5:C),,50000)), " "))
But then I got this message:
Please take a look at the sheet here:
Assuming your 2 columns are A and B, this formula will "interlace" them:
{arrayformula({row(A1:A3)*2, A1:A3});
arrayformula({row(B1:B3)*2+1, B1:B3})}
"select Col2")
Explanation, unwrapping the formula from the inside:
Each value gets a unique number, based on its row number times 2 (+1 for the 2nd column)
Everything is sorted based on this number
Only the 2nd column is extracted for the result.
There is a function for this called FLATTEN().
This works perfectly as a general solution since it takes an array of any size and outputs the items in the order they appear left-right-top-down (See here).
It can be combined with TRANSPOSE() to accomplish the same thing but in the horizontal case, and if needed blank cells can be omitted with FILTER().
My sincere apologies, I did not read the question carefully enough. My response is incorrect.
This should work:
just be careful to NOT change it to
This will start an infinite loop where the spreadsheet will increase the amount of rows in the spreadsheet to allow this output column to expand, but in doing so increases the length of the 2 input columns, meaning the length of the output column increases even more, so the spreadsheet tries adding more rows, etc, etc. It'll make your sheet crash your browser or something each time you try to open it.
In Row5:
Would need to be copied down however.
