Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'correctFloat' of undefined - While upgrading highchart version to 10.3.3 - highcharts

Getting Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'correctFloat' of undefined.
While upgrading highchart version to 10.3.3
We have added the require('./plugins/roundedPlotBand')(Highcharts) plugin
Application not running due to this error


Flutter iOS app not running after updating Firebase to latest versions - Terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

After updating Firebase versions, iOS Flutter app does not run (even after building successfully).
The error I'm getting is:
libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Object for handle already exists: 1'
terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
As of today, these are the latest versions I've updated.
firebase_core: 2.4.0
firebase_crashlytics: 3.0.8
firebase_analytics: 10.0.8
firebase_performance: 0.9.0+8
firebase_remote_config: 3.0.8
P.S: Android version builds and runs with no problem after this update.

How to resolve' h.Animated.Text.propTypes.style is undefined' when it doesnt exist anywhere in react-native project?

I just upgraded to RN v0.63.3 and the endless upgrade nightmare continues.
so far I have: manually upgraded from 0.61.5 -> 0.63.3 run npm install run pod install added arm64 to Excluded Architectures for debug and release variants
Now xcode will build (after the arm64 exclusion), but running fails with a JS exception:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'RCTFatalException:
Unhandled JS Exception: TypeError: undefined is not an object
(evaluating 'h.Animated.Text.propTypes.style')', reason: 'Unhandled JS
Exception: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating
'h.Animated.Text.propTypes.style'), stack: #1179:2569 v#2:1473
#1175:312 v#2:1473 #1174:186 v#2:1473 #1171:296 v#2:1473 #1170:185
v#2:1473 #1131:354 v#2:1473 #658:3564 v#2:1473 #626:215 v#2:1473
#422:206 v#2:1473 #421:195 v#2:1473 #418:228 v#2:1473 #6:57 v#2:1473
d#2:875 global code#1353:3 ' terminating with uncaught exception of
type NSException CoreSimulator 732.17 - Device: iPhone 11
(43CE6CFD-B48A-45AA-B0D4-9BC99E70C55B) - Runtime: iOS 14.0 (18A372) -
DeviceType: iPhone 11 (lldb)
Any idea what this means and how to fix?
NOTE: I no longer have react-native-material-textfield in my node_modules. so even though initially editing that module cleared this error, i ended up removing the module, because the patch described in #1208 of #react-native-community/cli didnt work for me.
running stills fails with same error. a search of h.Animated.Text.propTypes.style only exists in the main.jsbundle. not sure how why thats out of sync, but i deleted the main.jsbundle file as well. the error persists. Ive cleaned react-native chache, cleaned build folder.
Xcode: v12.0.1 | iOS: 14.0.1 | React-native: v0.63.3

TypeError: Cannot read property 'sdkVersion' of undefined on emit in Nativescript

I'm trying to implement Nativescript-Webview-Interface. In my case, everything is working fine on the IOS emulator, but getting an error on the Android when emit/callJSFunction from Native app to Webview.
chromium: [WARNING:dns_config_service_posix.cc(342)] Failed to read DnsConfig.
System.err: An uncaught Exception occurred on "main" thread.
System.err: Calling js method onTouch failed
System.err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'sdkVersion' of undefined
System.err: StackTrace:
System.err: WebViewInterface._executeJS(file: node_modules/nativescript-webview-interface/index.android.js:78:32)
System.err: at push.../node_modules/nativescript-webview-interface/index-common.js.WebViewInterface.emit(file: node_modules/nativescript-webview-interface/index-common.js:153:9)
System.err: at goToPage(file: app/components/Home.vue:145:0)
System.err: at tap(file: app/components/Home.vue?499f:93:0)
System.err: at invokeWithErrorHandling(file: node_modules/nativescript-vue/dist/index.js:1862:25)
System.err: at invoker(file: node_modules/nativescript-vue/dist/index.js:2526:13)
System.err: at _executeCallback(file: app/packages/core/ui/gestures/index.android.ts:414:20)
you are probably using updated version of nativescript but outdated version of nativescript-webview-interface just like me. We have solve this by
tns plugin update nativescript-webview-interface
then delete this file or you will have permission denied error

Unhandled JS Exception: null is not an object (evaluating 't.languages')

I am trying to build my react-native app in ios but getting following error:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'RCTFatalException:
Unhandled JS Exception: null is not an object (evaluating 't.languages')',
reason: 'Unhandled JS Exception: null is not an object (evaluating 't.languages'),
I am using RNI18n module for Multilingual. I have imported module successfully but still getting this error. I am able to run app on debug mode which is working absolutely fine but now workin in archive or device

mvvmcross 5.0 Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

After updating mvvmcross to version 5.0.1 application crashes during start with exception
No native Android stacktrace (see debuggerd output).
[mono-rt] Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
[mono-rt] a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
[mono-rt] used by your application.
Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2, fault addr 0xc5c3ff70 in tid 9451 (Thread-5)
No any stacktrace or error message appeared
What changed on this framework version?
