Vaadin 7 - Widgetset does not contain an implementation for org.vaadin.addons.comboboxmultiselect.ComboBoxMultiselect - vaadin

Project is using Vaadin 7.
My gwt.xml contains :
<inherits name="org.vaadin.addons.comboboxmultiselect.WidgetSet" />
also ivy.xml contains:
<dependency org="org.vaadin.addons" name="vaadin-combobox-multiselect" rev="1.2.2" />
and still after recompiling the widgets I'm getting error message:
Widgetset '...Widgetset' does not contain an implementation for org.vaadin.addons.comboboxmultiselect.ComboBoxMultiselect. Check the connector's #Connect mapping, the widgetset's GWT module description file and re-compile your widgetset. In case you have downloaded a vaadin add-on package, you might want to refer to
I tried using older version but still getting the same problem.


How to force Delphi to use D8.bat instead of dx.bat to compile Java 1.8 bytecode into DEX bytecode

Today I faced a problem. My project needs to use some libraries (*.jar) that use Java 1.8 features. I see more and more libraries use now Java 1.8 features (like webRTC, exoplayer, etc.). In this way, we must do desugaring.
Desugaring allows you to use these features on older devices by replacing new bytecodes and language APIs with older ones during the build process
With d8.bat (replacement of dx.bat), desugaring is turned on by default. So you can now use most of the latest language changes while targeting older devices.
When we compile a project, in the background Delphi does this:
dx.bat --dex --output="C:\Dev\output\libwebrtc-dexed.jar" "C:\Dev\lib\libwebrtc.jar"
And this fails with a library that contains Java 1.8 features.
So Delphi must do this instead:
d8.bat --lib C:\SDKs\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-28\android.jar --output="C:\Dev\output\libwebrtc-dexed.jar" "C:\Dev\lib\libwebrtc.jar"
Any idea how I can tell Delphi to use d8.bat instead of dx.bat?
I found a solution modifying the "CodeGear.Common.Targets" file (Delphi's bin folder), creating an alternative command to be used only for dex generation using the d8.bat instead of the dx.bat:
1) Close the IDE
2) Edit the "CodeGear.Common.Targets", localize the DxCmd definition, and add this two new lines, creating a new command for d8.bat:
<D8Cmd>PATH $(JDKPath)\bin;$(PATH) %26 "$(JavaD8Path)" --output=</D8Cmd>
3) Now localize the target used to generate the dex files and replace the DxCmd by the new D8Cmd
<!-- Generate a "dexed" version of the customized jar files if they doesn´t exists -->
<Target Name="BuildPredexedJar" DependsOnTargets="GetProjectJars">
<Exec Condition="( '#(_JarsLocations)'!='' And !Exists('%(_JarsLocations.PredexedJar)') )"
Command='$(D8Cmd)"%(_JarsLocations.PredexedJar)" %22%(_JarsLocations.FullPath)%22'/>
4) Now the dex generation will use the d8.bat compiler, where "desugaring" is turned on by default.

BUILD FAILED : a module is not authorized to depend on itself: com.vaadin.external.atmosphere#atmosphere-compat-jbossweb;2.0.1-vaadin1

my project is VaadinFramework based project.I was run build.xml file through jenkins.
i struck with error like this.
/build.xml:28: impossible to resolve dependencies:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: a module is not authorized to depend on itself: com.vaadin.external.atmosphere#atmosphere-compat-jbossweb;2.0.1-vaadin1,
if you know the answer please help me out
the above three addons i was added in ivy.xml problem was salved.
Becouse my project is vaadin based it using vaadin dependencies in compile and runtime.
anyhow im also looking otherways to soughtout this problem inspite of addons.

vaadin 7: Widgetset does not contain implementation

I am trying my hands on vaadin and would like to use gantt chat add-on in my vaading 7 project.
since this is not compatible with vaadin 7, I am trying to fix some code from the add-on to make it compatible with vaadin 7.
I checked out source code of vaadin-6.8 from repository and vaadin-gantt (add-on) from available downloads.
I changed the code a bit in vaadin-6.8 and built. I am using this customized vaadin-6.8 jar inside vaadin-gantt add-on. Now I am able to build vaadin-gantt add-on by using customized vaadin-6.8 jar. I want to use this add-on inside vaadin-7 project.
compiling went through, but i am getting below message on console while displaying gantt chart
"Widgetset does not contain implementation for ru.bazon.vaadin.ganttdiagram.canvas.GanttDiagramCanvas. Check its component connector's #Connect mapping, widgetsets GWT module description file and re-compile your widgetset. In case you have downloaded a vaadin add-on package, you might want to refer to add-on instructions."
I compiled the gantt widgetset using eclipse plugin and could see the below entry in my projects *.gwt.xml file
I would like to make use of gannt chart add-on for vaadin-7. I didn't find any other add-on for vaadin-7 apart from this which is not compatible with vaadin 7.
any pointers?
Please make sure You have added #Widgetset("path of *.gwt.xml") on your main UI class.I have solved by adding this
I just had this error as well and it was caused by missing source files in the addon jar. Both .java and .class files must be present in the addon jar file as GWT compiles from sources. But most likely the addons form vaadin directory should include also the sources. And ofcourse don't forget to compile the widgetset and themes after importing your addon to your project.
Just leaving this here in case someone has the same case as I had. Our project is in Vaadin 8, and we already had #Widgetset("") as annotation on our UI-extending class.
However, I still received the same error as OP when accessing a pop-up of a separated component. Although we did try to migrate this component of ours to Vaadin 8 in the past, due to lack of time to do this properly, it was still mostly using Vaadin7 imports and functionality.
Because of this I had to add the following to our OurWidgetSet.gwt.xml file (within the <module>-tag) in our main project, to fix the functionality of the used component:
<inherits name="com.vaadin.v7.Vaadin7WidgetSet" />
just had the same issue as well, another thing to make sure if you use vaadin is the web.xml inside the WEB-INF folder of deployed resources.
Make sure the widgetset is also specified there:
When using Java Config with Annotation #VaadinServletConfiguration an additional Solution is to add this as Annotation-Parameter widgetset:
#VaadinServletConfiguration(ui = MyUI.class, productionMode = true, heartbeatInterval = 500, closeIdleSessions = true, widgetset = "com.myapp.MyWidgetset")

NoClassDefFoundError while preverify the jar files in BlackBerry

I have also asked this question on the BlackBerry support forums, under the thread "NoClassDefFoundError while preverify the jar files in BlackBerry"
I am adding a library files(jar files) in my BlackBerry Project and and try to run it. But it is giving me the below error : Error!: Missing stack map at label 77. So i try to find out the issue and find this link: Preverify Link
So i tried to fix this issue using preverifier. As i am using BlackBerry eclipse plugin, i have tried in this way:
Copy the jar file in the bin folder of my eclipse 6.0 plugins (eclipse-SDK-3.5.2-win32\eclipse\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpack6.0.0_6.0.0.29\components\bin)
Execute the following command in the command line:
preverify -classpath "<path to SDK>\net_rim_api.jar" "ArcotOTP-Lib-Java-Test-2.0.0.jar"
But after running this line, i am getting the below error:
Error preverifying class Mypackage.API$1
java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: Mypackage/Test
BlackBerry devices are running on the Java-ME platform, so you can't use modern java features. Typical Java jar files these days use newer features that are not backward compatible with the Java-ME platform. Some projects do go out of the way to be backward compatible, like Bouncy Castle. But that is rare.
This question, duplicated on the BlackBerry forums, was also answered on the BlackBerry forums, which I will capture here:
and is it a j2me library?
Arindam Mukherjee:
No it is java library..all classes are basically java classes. The same library i am using for android also and it is working fine fro me..
BlackBerry uses J2ME as a base, Android uses J2SE.
You cannot use an Android library on BlackBerry unless you re-compile it (and resolve all the errors due to missing reflection, lists etc)

Compilation of firefox extension with xulrunner-sdk-9.0.1

I have a FF toolbar working in all previous versions. I've compiled it with xulrunner-sdk-9.0.1 and created new xpi. Now on attempt to install the toolbar (dragging xpi onto browser) I'm getting a following error:
ToolbarName could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox 9.0.1
Can somebody tell what's special with Firefox 9.0.1?
This error message indicates that the extension is not marked as compatible with Firefox 9.0.1, it is really only about extension metadata. Typically the install.rdf file of your extension will contain something like this:
<!-- firefox -->
In your case it seems that maxVersion is some smaller value - update it and try again.
