Custom activity feed notifications sent from daemon(nodejs app), not getting the data assigned to subEntityId in teams mobile client - microsoft-graph-api

I'm using activityFeedNotification graph api to send push notification to the users of our teams tab app from backend using nodejs. The notification is sending successfully in both teams desktop and mobile client but we're not getting the data assigned to subEntityId in mobile client(In desktop client and browser we're getting it).
We are encoding the data(object) and assigning it to the subEntityId in teams context in our nodejs application. Then in teams client, we get that data from teams context using microsoft teams sdk and redirect user to the respective page in our application based on whatever data we get in subEntityId
In desktop, deeplinking is working perfectly but in android client, we're not getting any data in subEntityId. It is just opening the homepage of our tab app but I need to redirect user to specific page based whatever data is assigned to subEntityId.
Below I've provided how we're encoding the data and assigning it to subEntityId.
Server Side:
const context = encodeURIComponent(
"subEntityId": {
"program_id": "12345",
uid: uuidv4(),
const body = {
topic: {
source: 'text',
value: notificationTopic,
webUrl: `${TEAMS_APP_ID}/index?context=${context}`,
activityType: 'commonNotification',
previewText: {
content: notificationSubtitle,
templateParameters: [
name: 'title',
value: notificationTitle,
const url = `${userId}/teamwork/sendActivityNotification`;
await, body));
Client Side:
const context = await app.getContext();
console.log(context?.page?.subPageId); // getting undefined
Any kind of help is appreciated!

From the documentation:
{page.subPageId}: The developer-defined unique ID for the subpage this content points defined when generating a deep link for a specific item within the page. (Known as {subEntityId} prior to TeamsJS v.2.0.0).
You are using subEntityId on the backend but accessing subPageId on the client side.


Created a user pool client using Cognito Identity Provider Client SDK for JavaScript v3, but can't fetch token using (client_credentials) grant type

Created a user pool client using Cognito Identity Provider Client SDK for JavaScript v3
npm install #aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider.
The following code shows how I created the resources server and the user pool client, using the mentioned👆 SDK...
let poolName = 'UserPool';
const client =new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({
region: process.env.COGNITO_AWS_REGION
// create resource server
const createResourceServerCommand = new CreateResourceServerCommand({
Name: poolName,
UserPoolId: UserPool.Id,
Identifier: 'https://localhost:8080/api/v2',
Scopes: [
ScopeName: 'access',
ScopeDescription: 'General access to API'
const { ResourceServer } = await client.send(createResourceServerCommand);
// create the user pool client
const createUserPoolClientCommand = new CreateUserPoolClientCommand({
ClientName: 'Default',
UserPoolId: UserPool.Id,
ExplicitAuthFlows: ['USER_PASSWORD_AUTH'],
GenerateSecret: true,
AllowedOAuthFlows: ['client_credentials'],
SupportedIdentityProviders: ['COGNITO'],
AllowedOAuthScopes: [ 'https://localhost:8080/api/v2/access' ]
const { UserPoolClient } = await client.send(createUserPoolClientCommand);
...but, I can't fetch tokens using the grant type client_credentials. Therefore getting the following error.
"error": "invalid_grant"
However, if I use AWS console to navigate to the user pool > Client > Edit the hosted UI and click on the save button without making any changes...
... I am able to fetch a token using the client_credentials grant type.
Is there any setting that I might be missing in the above code that AWS console is setting? I need the following code to automate the creation of user pools.
When I switched to the old I noticed this notification
Apparently, Oauth flows are not enabled by default. Hence adding the following attribute to the CreateUserPoolClientCommandInput object AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient: true enables it. Hope this helps some newbie like me out there.

Can the MS Graph meeting link be opened directly in the browser?

I have successfully created an onlineMeeting object by using MS Graph API
POST /users/{userId}/onlineMeetings
I can extract the joinWebUrl (or the joinUrl, both seem to be the same) and get it to open on a new tab, which gives a popup asking whether I should open the Teams App on my system to join the meeting. If I say yes, the Teams App opens up and I can join the meeting through it. If I say no, the Teams launcher page is opened, where I can
a. Download the app
b. Continue on the browser, or
c. Open Teams.
My question is, how can I get the meeting opened up directly on the browser, bypassing the popup and the launcher page? Everywhere I search, questions are on how to open the meeting directly in the app, but I need it the other way around, in the browser. Is this possible through code?
I'm including my graph API code below, even though it might not be relevant.
let data = {
"startDateTime": "2022-08-16T13:20:34.2444915-07:00",
"endDateTime": "2022-08-16T13:25:34.2444915-07:00",
"subject": "Teams Meeting"
let payload = await fetch("{userId}/onlineMeetings", {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + tokenResponse.accessToken,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(data)
let json = await payload.json();;
The default behavior is: it open the Teams launcher page:
Here, you can click on checkbox to always open the links in associated app but we don't have any option to always open it in browser.

Teams Icon in Microsoft Teams Configurable Tab

I am building a teams app which is using a non-AAD based service to Authenticate. I would like to get the Teams Icon in my Configurable Tab. What are the option I have? I can not register an app, as the Teams app is going to be deployed on different tenants. Can I use microsoftTeams.authentication.getAuthToken for graph api(/teams/${teamsid}/photo/$value) without registering an app but on behalf of user ? or is there any easier way to get the teams icon.
const authTokenRequest: microsoftTeams.authentication.AuthTokenRequest = {
successCallback: function (token: string) {
//const decoded: { [key: string]: any; } = jwt.decode(token);
localStorage.setItem("token", token);
const response = await axios.get(apiConfig.endpoint + "/api/" + functionName, {
headers: {
authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken?.token || "",
failureCallback: function (error: any) {
console.log("Failure on getAuthToken: " + error);
microsoftTeams.initialize(() => {
microsoftTeams.getContext((r) => {
Through this I get below error:
Attempting to handle auth response: error:invalid_resource|AADSTS500011: The resource principal named api://xxxxx/botid-xxxx was not found in the tenant named xxxx. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You might have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant., resource:api://xxxxx/botid-xxxx, error mapped to action:resourceDisabled
You must have your app registered to be able to use graph API. It is absolutely no problem that the app will be installed on a different tenant, you just need to select "multitenant" option when registering the app to enable this scenario.
As far as I understand, logo pictures / icons are considered company data, so you need user consent to get it. For this reason, the app needs to be registered, and the user (or user admin) must agree to give the app access to the team info when adding your app.

iOS Workbox Background Sync - FetchEvent.respondWith received an error: UnknownError: Error preparing Blob/File data to be stored in object store

I have a PWA that runs offline with background sync running and it works on all browsers (Brave/Safari/Chrome/Firefox tested). I am able to add articles and upon adding an article it is stored in the indexedDB. If offline and the app can't reach the server to post the data the request goes into the workbox-background-sync as expected, and the article makes its way to my MySQL database once the network becomes active again.
However, on iOS Safari, the PWA works online but when I go offline and try post an article, the data makes its way into the indexedDB successfully but the background sync isn't added to the queue and i'm presented with the error
FetchEvent.respondWith received an error: UnknownError: Error preparing Blob/File data to be stored in object store
I'm assuming this is because the body of the request is a Blob. How would I go about storing the request and have iOS do the sync the next time the network is online?
Many thanks for any help provided.
Here are my snippets of the add article code (main.js), and my service worker code (sw.js)
function addAndPostArticle(e)
const data = {
title: document.getElementById('article-title').value,
content: document.getElementById('article-content').value
const headers = new Headers({'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
const body = JSON.stringify(data);
return fetch('/pwa/api/add.php', {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
body: body
const bgSyncPlugin = new workbox.backgroundSync.Plugin('myQueueName', {
maxRetentionTime: 24 * 60 // Retry for max of 24 Hours
plugins: [bgSyncPlugin]

How to return to app from web service

I have a web service (written in PHP) to retrieve data and return the information using JSON, however I am unsure how to integrate this web service with my PhoneGap app. How do I do this?
Original question:
I have a basic app that uses a web service to retrieve data and displays the information using JSON, however I am unsure as to how to return to the app.
It is being coded in Dreamweaver using PhoneGap.
There is a form with a single input, the user selects "search" and it uses the web service to display the information.
However I cannot figure out how to go 'back' to the app as the loaded page is now on a different server.
How can this be achieved?
You should use a JQuery AJAX request. Here is an simple example:
type: "POST",
url: "your-web-service-url-here.php",
//Optional data to send to the service.
data: { name: "John", location: "Boston" }
}).done(function( msg ) {
//This is the JSON message received from the service.
alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
Hope this helps.
