iOS Workbox Background Sync - FetchEvent.respondWith received an error: UnknownError: Error preparing Blob/File data to be stored in object store - ios

I have a PWA that runs offline with background sync running and it works on all browsers (Brave/Safari/Chrome/Firefox tested). I am able to add articles and upon adding an article it is stored in the indexedDB. If offline and the app can't reach the server to post the data the request goes into the workbox-background-sync as expected, and the article makes its way to my MySQL database once the network becomes active again.
However, on iOS Safari, the PWA works online but when I go offline and try post an article, the data makes its way into the indexedDB successfully but the background sync isn't added to the queue and i'm presented with the error
FetchEvent.respondWith received an error: UnknownError: Error preparing Blob/File data to be stored in object store
I'm assuming this is because the body of the request is a Blob. How would I go about storing the request and have iOS do the sync the next time the network is online?
Many thanks for any help provided.
Here are my snippets of the add article code (main.js), and my service worker code (sw.js)
function addAndPostArticle(e)
const data = {
title: document.getElementById('article-title').value,
content: document.getElementById('article-content').value
const headers = new Headers({'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
const body = JSON.stringify(data);
return fetch('/pwa/api/add.php', {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
body: body
const bgSyncPlugin = new workbox.backgroundSync.Plugin('myQueueName', {
maxRetentionTime: 24 * 60 // Retry for max of 24 Hours
plugins: [bgSyncPlugin]


Custom activity feed notifications sent from daemon(nodejs app), not getting the data assigned to subEntityId in teams mobile client

I'm using activityFeedNotification graph api to send push notification to the users of our teams tab app from backend using nodejs. The notification is sending successfully in both teams desktop and mobile client but we're not getting the data assigned to subEntityId in mobile client(In desktop client and browser we're getting it).
We are encoding the data(object) and assigning it to the subEntityId in teams context in our nodejs application. Then in teams client, we get that data from teams context using microsoft teams sdk and redirect user to the respective page in our application based on whatever data we get in subEntityId
In desktop, deeplinking is working perfectly but in android client, we're not getting any data in subEntityId. It is just opening the homepage of our tab app but I need to redirect user to specific page based whatever data is assigned to subEntityId.
Below I've provided how we're encoding the data and assigning it to subEntityId.
Server Side:
const context = encodeURIComponent(
"subEntityId": {
"program_id": "12345",
uid: uuidv4(),
const body = {
topic: {
source: 'text',
value: notificationTopic,
webUrl: `${TEAMS_APP_ID}/index?context=${context}`,
activityType: 'commonNotification',
previewText: {
content: notificationSubtitle,
templateParameters: [
name: 'title',
value: notificationTitle,
const url = `${userId}/teamwork/sendActivityNotification`;
await, body));
Client Side:
const context = await app.getContext();
console.log(context?.page?.subPageId); // getting undefined
Any kind of help is appreciated!
From the documentation:
{page.subPageId}: The developer-defined unique ID for the subpage this content points defined when generating a deep link for a specific item within the page. (Known as {subEntityId} prior to TeamsJS v.2.0.0).
You are using subEntityId on the backend but accessing subPageId on the client side.

Is it possible to send blob from client to server via Actioncable for Rails?

I have searched everywhere for this and haven't come across anyone else with this issue: I am unable to send a blob over a web socket using Actioncable. For whatever reason the channel always receives that data as an empty object. Here is the related code.
A blob:
var blob = new Blob(['something'], {type: 'text/plain'});
Active cable subscription js:
App.messageChannel = App.cable.subscriptions.create(
channel: "MessageChannel",
id: some_id
received: function(data) {
return console.log("The data is " + data);
I try to send that from the client to the server and it does send via websocket successfully, but it just sends back data: "{}". It doesn't actually send the blob data. Interestingly if I inspect the network web socket requests, it shows an empty object as being sent (so I don't believe the server is receiving the blob, even though it's being created in the script).
Any ideas? Does ActionCable only support JSON data or am I missing some other obvious element?

React-Native FormData File Requests being sent to the server as [object Object]

I am currently using React Native 0.48 and react-native-image-crop-picker 0.16.
I'm attempting to take a file uri, and send it to a server using FormData and Fetch.
Here is a code snippet of what I am doing:
var image = await ImagePicker.openPicker({
width: 500,
height: 500,
cropping: true,
includeBase64: true,
var media = {
uri: image.path,
type: 'image/jpeg',
name: 'file.jpg',
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", media);
fetch("", {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
body: formData
console.log("Success", r);
console.log("Error", e);
Unfortunately when the request gets sent to the server instead of sending the file contents in the "file" form data field, it's just sending "[Object object]".
Depending on where you send the request to, that either results in the file contents becoming "[object Object]" or the request erring out.
I am unable to determine if this is a problem with my own code, or with react native itself. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I am using for my test server. (Note: Go doesn't ever use the notation [object Object] when stringifying an object, so I do not believe the problem lies with the server. In addition I saw this when uploading a file to S3 as well.)
An example of a request that ends up getting sent out is:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"
[object Object]
This problem had to do with another package React-Native Debugger hijacking fetch requests in order to allow for inspection in the debugger.
Complete information on the workaround can be found here:
I was able to successfully bypass it however by going back to the Google Chrome debugger.

Service worker to save form data when browser is offline

I am new to Service Workers, and have had a look through the various bits of documentation (Google, Mozilla,, Github, StackOverflow questions). The most helpful is the ServiceWorkers cookbook.
Most of the documentation seems to point to caching entire pages so that the app works completely offline, or redirecting the user to an offline page until the browser can redirect to the internet.
What I want to do, however, is store my form data locally so my web app can upload it to the server when the user's connection is restored. Which "recipe" should I use? I think it is Request Deferrer. Do I need anything else to ensure that Request Deferrer will work (apart from the service worker detector script in my web page)? Any hints and tips much appreciated.
Console errors
The Request Deferrer recipe and code doesn't seem to work on its own as it doesn't include file caching. I have added some caching for the service worker library files, but I am still getting this error when I submit the form while offline:
Console: {"lineNumber":0,"message":
"The FetchEvent for [the form URL] resulted in a network error response:
the promise was rejected.","message_level":2,"sourceIdentifier":1,"sourceURL":""}
My Service Worker
/* eslint-env es6 */
/* eslint no-unused-vars: 0 */
/* global importScripts, ServiceWorkerWare, localforage */
//Determine the root for the routes. I.e, if the Service Worker URL is, then the root is
var root = (function() {
var tokens = (self.location + '').split('/');
tokens[tokens.length - 1] = '';
return tokens.join('/');
//By using Mozilla’s ServiceWorkerWare we can quickly setup some routes for a virtual server. It is convenient you review the virtual server recipe before seeing this.
var worker = new ServiceWorkerWare();
//So here is the idea. We will check if we are online or not. In case we are not online, enqueue the request and provide a fake response.
//Else, flush the queue and let the new request to reach the network.
//This function factory does exactly that.
function tryOrFallback(fakeResponse) {
//Return a handler that…
return function(req, res) {
//If offline, enqueue and answer with the fake response.
if (!navigator.onLine) {
console.log('No network availability, enqueuing');
return enqueue(req).then(function() {
//As the fake response will be reused but Response objects are one use only, we need to clone it each time we use it.
return fakeResponse.clone();
//If online, flush the queue and answer from network.
console.log('Network available! Flushing queue.');
return flushQueue().then(function() {
return fetch(req);
//A fake response with a joke for when there is no connection. A real implementation could have cached the last collection of updates and keep a local model. For simplicity, not implemented here.
worker.get(root + 'api/updates?*', tryOrFallback(new Response(
text: 'You are offline.',
author: 'Oxford Brookes University',
id: 1,
isSticky: true
{ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }
//For deletion, let’s simulate that all went OK. Notice we are omitting the body of the response. Trying to add a body with a 204, deleted, as status throws an error.
worker.delete(root + 'api/updates/:id?*', tryOrFallback(new Response({
status: 204
//Creation is another story. We can not reach the server so we can not get the id for the new updates.
//No problem, just say we accept the creation and we will process it later, as soon as we recover connectivity. + 'api/updates?*', tryOrFallback(new Response(null, {
status: 202
//Start the service worker.
//By using Mozilla’s localforage db wrapper, we can count on a fast setup for a versatile key-value database. We use it to store queue of deferred requests.
//Enqueue consists of adding a request to the list. Due to the limitations of IndexedDB, Request and Response objects can not be saved so we need an alternative representations.
//This is why we call to serialize().`
function enqueue(request) {
return serialize(request).then(function(serialized) {
localforage.getItem('queue').then(function(queue) {
/* eslint no-param-reassign: 0 */
queue = queue || [];
return localforage.setItem('queue', queue).then(function() {
console.log(serialized.method, serialized.url, 'enqueued!');
//Flush is a little more complicated. It consists of getting the elements of the queue in order and sending each one, keeping track of not yet sent request.
//Before sending a request we need to recreate it from the alternative representation stored in IndexedDB.
function flushQueue() {
//Get the queue
return localforage.getItem('queue').then(function(queue) {
/* eslint no-param-reassign: 0 */
queue = queue || [];
//If empty, nothing to do!
if (!queue.length) {
return Promise.resolve();
//Else, send the requests in order…
console.log('Sending ', queue.length, ' requests...');
return sendInOrder(queue).then(function() {
//Requires error handling. Actually, this is assuming all the requests in queue are a success when reaching the Network.
// So it should empty the queue step by step, only popping from the queue if the request completes with success.
return localforage.setItem('queue', []);
//Send the requests inside the queue in order. Waiting for the current before sending the next one.
function sendInOrder(requests) {
//The reduce() chains one promise per serialized request, not allowing to progress to the next one until completing the current.
var sending = requests.reduce(function(prevPromise, serialized) {
console.log('Sending', serialized.method, serialized.url);
return prevPromise.then(function() {
return deserialize(serialized).then(function(request) {
return fetch(request);
}, Promise.resolve());
return sending;
//Serialize is a little bit convolved due to headers is not a simple object.
function serialize(request) {
var headers = {};
//for(... of ...) is ES6 notation but current browsers supporting SW, support this notation as well and this is the only way of retrieving all the headers.
for (var entry of request.headers.entries()) {
headers[entry[0]] = entry[1];
var serialized = {
url: request.url,
headers: headers,
method: request.method,
mode: request.mode,
credentials: request.credentials,
cache: request.cache,
redirect: request.redirect,
referrer: request.referrer
//Only if method is not GET or HEAD is the request allowed to have body.
if (request.method !== 'GET' && request.method !== 'HEAD') {
return request.clone().text().then(function(body) {
serialized.body = body;
return Promise.resolve(serialized);
return Promise.resolve(serialized);
//Compared, deserialize is pretty simple.
function deserialize(data) {
return Promise.resolve(new Request(data.url, data));
var CACHE = 'cache-only';
// On install, cache some resources.
self.addEventListener('install', function(evt) {
console.log('The service worker is being installed.');
// Ask the service worker to keep installing until the returning promise
// resolves.
// On fetch, use cache only strategy.
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(evt) {
console.log('The service worker is serving the asset.');
// Open a cache and use `addAll()` with an array of assets to add all of them
// to the cache. Return a promise resolving when all the assets are added.
function precache() {
return (cache) {
return cache.addAll([
// Open the cache where the assets were stored and search for the requested
// resource. Notice that in case of no matching, the promise still resolves
// but it does with `undefined` as value.
function fromCache(request) {
return (cache) {
return cache.match(request).then(function (matching) {
return matching || Promise.reject('no-match');
Here is the error message I am getting in Chrome when I go offline:
(A similar error occurred in Firefox - it falls over at line 409 of ServiceWorkerWare.js)
ServiceWorkerWare.prototype.executeMiddleware = function (middleware,
request) {
var response = this.runMiddleware(middleware, 0, request, null);
response.catch(function (error) { console.error(error); });
return response;
this is a little more advanced that a beginner level. But you will need to detect when you are offline or in a Li-Fi state. Instead of POSTing data to an API or end point you need to queue that data to be synched when you are back on line.
This is what the Background Sync API should help with. However, it is not supported across the board just yet. Plus Safari.........
So maybe a good strategy is to persist your data in IndexedDB and when you can connect (background sync fires an event for this) you would then POST the data. It gets a little more complex for browsers that don't support service workers (Safari) or don't yet have Background Sync (that will level out very soon).
As always design your code to be a progressive enhancement, which can be tricky, but worth it in the end.
Service Workers tend to cache the static HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files.
I need to use PouchDB and sync it with CouchDB
Why CouchDB?
CouchDB is a NoSQL database consisting of a number of Documents
created with JSON.
It has versioning (each document has a _rev
property with the last modified date)
It can be synchronised with
PouchDB, a local JavaScript application that stores data in local
storage via the browser using IndexedDB. This allows us to create
offline applications.
The two databases are both “master” copies of
the data.
PouchDB is a local JavaScript implementation of CouchDB.
I still need a better answer than my partial notes towards a solution!
Yes, this type of service worker is the correct one to use for saving form data offline.
I have now edited it and understood it better. It caches the form data, and loads it on the page for the user to see what they have entered.
It is worth noting that the paths to the library files will need editing to reflect your local directory structure, e.g. in my setup:
The script is still failing when offline, however, as it isn't caching the library files. (Update to follow when I figure out caching)
Just discovered an extra debugging tool for service workers (apart from the console): chrome://serviceworker-internals/. In this, you can start or stop service workers, view console messages, and the resources used by the service worker.

Is there an API method in Slack-Api to set (change) Events API Request URLs so I can do this in code?

To use Events API for Slack App development, there is a setting for "Events API Request URLs" as described in doc:
In the Events API, your Events API Request URL is the target location
where all the events your application is subscribed to will be
delivered, regardless of the team or event type.
There is a UI for changing the URL "manually" at under
"Event Subscriptions" section in settings. There is also url_verification event after changing the Request URL described here.
My question - Is there an API call (method) so I can update the endpoint (Request URL) from my server code?
For example, in Facebook API there is a call named subscriptions where I can change webhook URL after initial setup - link
Making a POST request with the callback_url, verify_token, and object
fields will reactivate the subscription.
PS. To give a background, this is needed for development using outbound tunnel with dynamic endpoint URL, e.g. ngrok free subscription. By the way, ngrok is referenced in sample "onboarding" app by slack here
Update. I checked Microsoft Bot Framework, and they seems to use RTM (Real Time Messaging) for slack which doesn't require Request URL setup, and not Events API. Same time, e.g. for Facebook they (MS Bot) instruct me to manually put their generated URL to webhook settings of a FB app, so there is no automation on that.
Since this question was originally asked, Slack has introduced app manifests, which enable API calls to change app configurations. This can be used to update URLs and other parameters, or create/delete apps.
At the time of writing, the manifest / manifest API is in beta:
Beta API — this API is in beta, and is subject to change without the usual notice period for changes.
so the this answer might not exactly fit the latest syntax as they make changes.
A programatic workflow might look as follows:
Pull a 'template' manifest from an existing version of the application, with most of the settings as intended (scopes, name, etc.)
Change parts of the manifest to meet the needs of development
Verify the manifest
Update a slack app or create a new one for testing
API List
Basic API list
Export a manifest as JSON: apps.manifest.export
Validate a manifest JSON: apps.manifest.validate
Update an existing app: apps.manifest.update
Create a new app from manifest: apps.manifest.create
Delete an app: apps.manifest.delete
Most of these API requests are Tier 1 requests, so only on the order of 1+ per minute.
API Access
You'll need to create and maintain "App Configuration Tokens". They're created in the "Your Apps" dashboard. More info about them here.
Example NodeJS Code
const axios = require('axios');
// Change these values:
const PUBLIC_URL = '';
let access = {
slackConfigToken: "xoxe.xoxp-1-MYTOKEN",
slackConfigRefreshToken: "xoxe-1-MYREFRESHTOKEN",
slackConfigTokenExp: 1648550283
// Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a new access token with the refresh token
async function refreshTokens() {
let response = await axios.get(`${access.slackConfigRefreshToken}`);
if ( === true) {
access.slackConfigToken =;
access.slackConfigRefreshToken =;
access.slackConfigTokenExp =;
} else {
console.error('> [error] The token could not be refreshed. Visit and generate tokens.');
// Get an app manifest from an existing slack app
async function getManifest(applicationID) {
const config = {headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${access.slackConfigToken}` }};
let response = await axios.get(`${applicationID}`, config);
if ( === true) return;
else {
console.error('> [error] Invalid could not get manifest:',;
// Create a slack application with the given manifest
async function createDevApp(manifest) {
const config = {headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${access.slackConfigToken}` }};
let response = await axios.get(`${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(manifest))}`, config);
if ( === true) return;
else {
console.error('> [error] Invalid could not create app:',;
// Verify that a manifest is valid
async function verifyManifest(manifest) {
const config = {headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${access.slackConfigToken}` }};
let response = await axios.get(`${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(manifest))}`, config);
if ( !== true) {
console.error('> [error] Manifest did not verify:',;
// Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function main() {
// [1] Check token expiration time ------------
if (access.slackConfigTokenExp < Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000))
// Token has expired. Refresh it.
await refreshTokens();
// [2] Load a manifest from an existing slack app to use as a template ------------
const templateManifest = await getManifest(TEMPLATE_APP_ID);
// [3] Update URLS and data in the template ------------
let devApp = { name: 'Review App', slashCommand: '/myslashcommand' };
templateManifest.settings.interactivity.request_url = `${PUBLIC_URL}/slack/events`;
templateManifest.settings.interactivity.message_menu_options_url = `${PUBLIC_URL}/slack/events`;
templateManifest.features.slash_commands[0].url = `${PUBLIC_URL}/slack/events`;
templateManifest.oauth_config.redirect_urls[0] = `${PUBLIC_URL}/slack/oauth_redirect`;
templateManifest.settings.event_subscriptions.request_url = `${PUBLIC_URL}/slack/events`; =;
templateManifest.features.bot_user.display_name =;
templateManifest.features.slash_commands[0].command = devApp.slashCommand;
// [5] Verify that the manifest is still valid ------------
await verifyManifest(templateManifest);
// [6] Create our new slack dev application ------------ = await createDevApp(templateManifest);
Hope this helps anyone else looking to update Slack applications programatically.
No, such a method does not exist in the official documentation. There might be an unofficial method - there are quite a few of them actually - but personally I doubt it.
But you don't need this feature for developing Slack apps. Just simulate the POST calls from Slack on your local dev machine with a script and then do a final test together with Slack on your webserver on the Internet.
