ros tuetlebot3 launh file - ros

I am using ubuntu version 20.0.4
I have followed all the turtlebot simulation instruction here but don't what is the issue I also check my bashrc file all the path are correct. Can anyone help me
Update by bashrc file
Run the turtlebot launch file

You're running 20.04, which means your ROS version will be Noetic. However the tutorial you're referencing is written for Kinetic; which means you're installing a package for the wrong version.
You can either repeat the install instructions with: git clone -b noetic-devel Or cd into the cloned package and checkout the right branch via: git checkout noetic-devel.
Note that you'll most likely need to clean your workspace as it will not have built right.


How do I delete a ros/gazebo-simulation completly

I have a kinda weird problem. I'm currently messing around with the VRX-Simulator, which simulates an unmanned-watersurface-vehicle.
For the installation I followed the guide on
Then I tried to modify some of the files and tried to rebuild the project.
This was the point when I noticed it always used the "old" version of my simulation within gazebo.
From now on no matter what I did (I even deleted the whole catkin workspace folder) ROS somehow managed to always launch the original version of my simulation even without any build/src folder existing when I used roslaunch.
roslaunch vrx_gazebo sandisland.launch
So my question would be how can I get rid of my simulation/model and where does ros/gazebo cache my simulation?
You most probably installed the package with the command from the tutorial sudo apt install ros-melodic-vrx-gazebo. So the package launched with roslaunch vrx_gazebo sandisland.launch was not in your catkin workspace. If you want to get rid of it you can uninstall it with sudo apt remove ros-melodic-vrx-gazebo. But this is not strictly necessary.
There are several ways to find out where some ros package is located, try running some of these commands:
rospack find vrx_gazebo will show you where the package used is located
roscd vrx_gazebo will take you to the folder where it is installed something like
If you also followed the tutorials installing from source code then the issue most likely was not sourcing the built packages. The last line of the guide is a bit misleading. The line *Remember to run this command every time you open a new terminal. is meant to reference the command source ~/vrx_ws/devel/setup.bash
Whether the installed package or the package built from source is used depends on which order they are listed in the environment variable ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. This variable is modified by both source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash and source ~/vrx_ws/devel/setup.bash. So have a look at the variable after each step with printenv | grep ROS or echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. Theoretically if you source your terminal in the order I had the source commands it should be using the package built from source, you can verify with the rospack find ... and roscd ... commands mentioned earlier.
In the end it is probably easier to add the sourcing commands to your .bashrc file so you would not forget to source the terminals as mentioned in the ROS installation tutorial. You can add the sourcing of the workspace to the the same file, you will just have to be aware that you would need to change the file, should you want to use a different workspace.
relevant command from the tutorial:
echo "source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
you could do the same for the workspace:
echo "source ~/vrx_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
And after running those commands run exec bash to get the changes into the current terminal. All future terminals will have those commands already loaded.

Pybind11 - Failing in Travis / Virtualenv

My Pybind project seems to be compiling fine on my system, but when I perform unit testing on travis, it throws the following error:
-- Found PythonInterp: /opt/pyenv/shims/python3.7 (found version "1.4")
CMake Error at 3rdparty/pybind11/tools/FindPythonLibsNew.cmake:95 (message):
Python config failure:
pyenv: python3.7: command not found
The `python3.7' command exists in these Python versions:
This seems to be something to do with virtualenv which I have never used. I currently have no idea how to solve this issue, and given that its in a travis instance, i'm not sure how to recreate it on my system so I may fix it
What is happening in your case is that the wrong Python version is being used by travis.
For example, if you are using Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) in your .travis.yml configuration, you have to specify the version you want for Python when you call CMAKE.
For example, something like
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$(python-config --prefix)/bin/python3.5 -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=$(python-config --prefix)/lib/ -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$(python-config --prefix)/include/python3.5m ..
Other versions of Ubuntu will have different versions of Python.
just to add to Murilo's answer, you could use Miniconda as a workaround as well, and configure CMAKE in a similar way by just changing the paths to the ones in your Miniconda env. I ran into issues when using multiple jobs for different Ubuntu distributions (xenial and bionic), which had somewhat different paths to the python libraries and headers.
Here there's a link to a travis with miniconda snippet which you could use to setup miniconda along a travis build.
You can then use the following CMAKE configuration in your travis.yml file (note that the environment with name travis_env was created with python=3.6):
# ...
- cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$HOME/miniconda/envs/travis_env/bin/python3.6 -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=$HOME/miniconda/envs/travis_env/lib/ -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$HOME/miniconda/envs/travis_env/include/python3.6m ..
# ...

Cryptogen tool not found. Hyperledger fabric installation in Windows 10

I followed the Hyperledger fabric documentation to install and configure it in Windows 10. However when I run the command - "./ -m generate" for first-network sample application, I get the following error,
I have gone thru all StackOverflow questions regarding this and made sure following steps are done,
Have set the $PATH variable correctly to include bin folder.
Have downloaded the platform-specific binary and my bin folder looks like this,
I have doubts about following steps,
I have installed Docker for Windows and was able to verify the docker installation by running hello-world image in Docker. However, I have not shared any of my local drives in Docker. Not sure whether this is the cause of this error.
Please note that this is my first question in StackOverflow. Forgive me for any mistakes/redundancies. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I'd suggest making sure that you run the script to download / install the binaries and images from within the fabric-samples directory.
The $Path is exported every time you run the script, confirm that the path configuration in the is correct and points to your correct bin location
# prepending $PWD/../bin to PATH to ensure we are picking up the correct binaries
# this may be commented out to resolve installed version of tools if desired
export PATH=${PWD}/../../bin:${PWD}:$PATH

Setting Ros package path

I just began exploring ROS from the I'm having some trouble setting the environment in Ubuntu. I get the following error while trying to set up a workspace automatically every time a new shell is launched.
bash: /opt/ros/fuerte/setup.bash: No such file or directory
bash: /opt/ros/fuerte/setup.bash: No such file or directory
Probably your ROS installation added this to your ~/.bashrc file and somehow the setup.bash file got (re)moved.
Try to locate that file and change the path accordingly. This should set the required enviroment variables in order to run ROS (core) etc.
Check for ROS-related Q&A. The wiki is also a good source of information:
First, open terminal and type the following command:
gedit .bashrc
Then press Ctrl + F and search fuerte. Delete everything about fuerte. Fuerte is old, download the new version groovy..
Check which version of ROS have you installed. There are newer versions of ROS like ROS groovy.
Probably you installed a new one, but follow the guide for the old ROS fuerte. First make sure which distro have you installed.

is symfony system wide?

i have a directory with some .php files in i need to install symfony in that directory so that i can run symfony commands from that directory?? i tried: pear channel-discover
and got:
Channel "" is already initialized
the i tried: pear install symfony/symfony
and got:
WARNING: configuration download directory "/build/buildd/php5-5.3.2/pear-build-download" is not writeable. Change download_dir config variable to a writeable dir to avoid this warning
Cannot install, php_dir for channel "" is not writeable by the current user
how do i fix this please? must i run it as sudo??
If I remember well, Symfony is "system-wide" if installed through PEAR (like you are trying to do).
Now it is recommended by the manual to do a "standalone" install through SVN. See
As well, the sandbox will bring a "standalone" installation of Symfony (you will have to be in the project root directory to be able to run the symfony commands)
Example of quick install using SVN:
mkdir /path/to/symfony
cd /path/to/symfony
svn checkout .
but it should be better to follow the manual and configure the external SVN sources.
I run servers where I have applications that use different versions of symfony simultaneously. I found it much easier to deal with the SVN checkout than the PEAR insteall.
So what I've done is do an SVN checkout of each revision that I need
into it's own folder. In my case i check them out to
Then I configure the ProjectConfiguration.class.php to reference whatever version is needed, using the line:
require_once '/usr/share/symfony/1.x.x/lib/autoload/sfCoreAutoload.class.php';
If I need to switch to a different symfony version, I can just change that config.
That is, assuming all my code is compatible with that version
