Unable to Retrieve List of Azure DevOps Check Configurations Using the REST API - azure-devops-rest-api

I am attempting to use this ADO REST method but get a 400 (bad request) response. It complains that the resourceType and resourceId URL params are missing.
Yet, the documentation says that those parameters are optional. I, in fact, cannot call with those parameters since I do not know their values yet. I've tried with api-version 6.0, 7.0 and 7.1 all with the same result.

I suppose that you could use environment as resourcetype and environmentID as resourceID. I requested with a environment with approval check and get the result below.


What is the prebid member id?

For prebid-server the example shows json='{"pageOpts": {"member": 958,"invCode": "ast_guaranteed_prios_1","..., especially the member value. Without setting this, requests to https://ib.adnxs.com/ut/v3
fail with
{"error":"Could not find valid member in request"}
What is pageOpts.member? Which value should it be set to?
The example you gave is not for prebid-server, it is for accessing Appnexus directly. In order to setup prebid server you should follow their AMP instructions here. Also, to debug the auction on the client side you can add: &debug=1 to the url that sends the request to prebid-server, it generally is prebid.adnxs.com/pbs/v1/openrtb2/amp?, however that will be different if you use your own hosting.

Merging bitbucket pull request via API

According to Bitbucket API documentation, I should be able to merge a pull request with POST to this url:
Yet, whenever I try it, I receive response 409 Conflict and in the response, it contains this:
"message": "You are attempting to modify a pull request based on out-of-date information.",
"currentVersion": 0,
"expectedVersion": -1,
I tried passing 0 as the version number, -1 as the version number, omit version number altogether - the result is always the same. How can I get it to merge?
As it turns out, atlassian API documentation was a bit wrong (or unclear). I was doing everything correctly, but the version number needs to be passed differently. According to the docs, the format is
Whereas the correct format is
The version value should be the value from the response of the GET request as documented here
In addition you can check if the pull request can be merged by making a GET request to the merge endpoint

Why is this URI producing a runtime error in the OData service?

The following URI triggered an error in the public OData service:
http://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Suppliers?$filter=Address eq '<A'
Entity type Supplier contains property Address of type Edm.String. So, the value of Address may contain any UTF-8 character from the definition (see section 6. Primitive data types).
The server responds with:
Runtime Error: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons).
Is the there something wrong with this URI or it is really a problem on the server side (e.g. inappropriate parsing of the $filter query option)?
You should encode your query URL, e.g. with help of
How are special characters handled in an oData query?
In your special case you should try encoding "<A" with "<A"
--> found in https://web.archive.org/web/20150101222238/http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa226544(SQL.80).aspx)

Getting a Jira Issue via OAuth Authentication using Postman

I am trying to GET an issue in Jira using POSTMAN. I have selected Type as OAuth 1.0. For that it is asking me some fields mentioned below. I have generated Token and Token Secret which I am passing to it. I have also configured my generic application to Jira in Application links. I am not aware of what to be passed in Consumer Secret and Signature Method (what should be the signature method). I am currently selecting HMAC-SHA1. For rest of the fields it is generating values based on the parameters passed above.
Consumer Key : hardcoded-consumer
Consumer Secret : ?? (What should I pass here)
Token : ojn33TZALMlvp5eCa6HeErDSx9K8LL6A
Token Secret : inHfn2QFJkkYkWQ8FxT9mXkdcoNxYPf5
Signature Method : HMAC-SHA1
Timestamp : 1474290363 (Generated value)
Nonce : x1hs2v (Generated value)
Version : 1.0 (Generated value)
Realm : (It is optional)
After hitting my jira Url it is giving me oauth_problem=token_rejected error. Can anyone tell me where I am making the mistake?
Here is the Jira URL which I am hitting :
http://bmh1060149:8080/rest/api/2/issue/NWFM-1 (NWFM-1 is the Jira issue)
Please find the below screen shot for more reference.
After little bit of research I found the answer. Once we get the access token we can directly pass that to your Jira Url. There is no need to pass all those parameters.
To get all issue types we can use the following URL and passing access token as an argument.
Please see the attached screen shot for more reference.

Netflix Zuul query string encoding

When sending a request via Zuul to a client, Zuul seems to change the query String. More specifically, if the client should receive an url-encoded query String, Zuul decodes the query String once. Here is a concrete example:
If "http://localhost:8080/demo/demo?a=http%3A%2F%2Fsomething/" is sent to the client, the client receives as a query String "a=http://something/".
Looking into Zuul`s code, the function "buildZuulRequestQueryParams" uses "HTTPRequestUtils.getInstance().getQueryParams();" which decodes the query String.
Is this a desired feature or a bug?
Zuul actually offers a flag to disable this behavior.
8.9 Query String Encoding
When processing the incoming request, query params are decoded so that they can be available for possible modifications in Zuul filters. They are then re-encoded the backend request is rebuilt in the route filters. The result can be different than the original input if (for example) it was encoded with Javascript’s encodeURIComponent() method. While this causes no issues in most cases, some web servers can be picky with the encoding of complex query string.
To force the original encoding of the query string, it is possible to pass a special flag to ZuulProperties so that the query string is taken as is with the HttpServletRequest::getQueryString method, as shown in the following example:
forceOriginalQueryStringEncoding: true
[Note] This special flag works only with SimpleHostRoutingFilter.
Also, you loose the ability to easily override query parameters with
because the query string is now fetched directly on the original
8. Router and Filter: Zuul
I was facing the same issue yesterday. I think it's related to this pull request. A faster way to solve this issue (without wait for PR get merged) is rewrite the classes in your own project using the same package and class name to override the framework class.
I ran into the same issue recently. Submitted a PR to Netflix/Zuul. Basically adding the same ability that's currently available on spring cloud gateway to Netflix. Hoping it'll get addressed soon.
If accepted, you could pretty much add a config to keep the original uri encoding
