Ar foundation + Oculus quest2 Is it available in Unity? - arcore

I want to use the Oculus quest2, not a mobile phone, and use the AR foundation package in Unity.
Is this possible?
I attached AR foundatiom scripts to OVRcameraRig and only passthrough works. I want to use image tracking function.

I try it too, but I have the same issue.
I noticed in my console log there are 2 warning:
"No active UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems.XRSessionSubsystem is available."
"No active UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems.XRCameraSubsystem is available."
Like AR Foundation don't support Oculus so it can't initialize the XR Session.


View in your space option missing in Realme X2 for google scene viewer

I recently got the Realme X2 by Oppo and tried out using the AR funtionalities with google scene viewer .
I do get the view in 3d option by searching animals like dog , cat , shark etc. , however I am not getting "view in your space" option. I read somewhere that we need play services for ar to be installed for this option to be available and in my case i do have it installed yet I am not getting this option.
Also just to clarify, google has listed realme x2 as supported device for ar services.
Any insight on this issue is highly appreciated.
The problem is with an outdated version of Google Play Services for AR. You can manually update it from play store. Also, if it does not solve the issue, try updating the Google app as well from play store.
Google Play Services for AR:
Google App:

How to dismiss or suppress permission issue automatically related to Contacts, Camera, Microphone in iOS Application

I have been working on a project wherein i made a framework where i automatically test the SDK my company is developing.
I have created my dummy sample application for all the platforms(iOS, Android, OSX, Windows) which makes use of this SDK and i thereby test this SDK, call the SDK API's do my work.
Now my question is for iOS i get permission alerts for Contacts, Camera and Microphone first time whenever i use the API's of my SDK which internally is invoking something in iOS framework. Is there a way i can automatically give this permission to my application ?? i know it's iOS own Security concern and it's correct. But how do i bypass it.
I see there is Apple's XCUITest framework but i don't want to open my application via it.
Right now i handle this alert manually but i need to implement Continuous Integration(using ios-deploy), i have done everything but i can't handle these alerts automatically.
Can someone please help me.. Thanks!!

Google play game service Saved Games API data cannot be sync to other devices

I want add Google play Saved Games API to my game, to sync game data to different devices, but when I run sdk sample(“SavedGames” and "CollectAllTheStars2",I found the data just can be sync at local device,when uninstall the app or install app to another device and use same account to login,the game data can not be sync, the sample's data select page just show message:
"there are no saved games at this time"
I don't know what's going on.
ps: I'm using eclipse,so the sdk library what I using is get from the path:
I Extract the jar files manually from .aar file(eg. play-services-base-9.4.0.aar)
so finally I use these jar files:
I don't know where is the problem,why the data cannot be sync when I use the same google account to login at different device
someone please help me?
Be aware that Eclipse is no longer officially supported for Android Development. Using Eclipse may be preventing you to quickly creating apps and finding the necessary resources to build a project. So I recommend you to not use Eclipse in doing Android project. So maybe it is one of the reason that you encountered this problem.
Also, make sure you read this documentation about Adding Saved Games to Your Android Game, it explains here all the things you need to do in order to work your Saved Games in your project. It includes sample code that you can copy or follow.
NOTE: Make sure you enable the Saved Games service in the Google Play

Making my IOS application show up an an option to import from camera

How can I make my IOS application appear as an option to import from the camera once a photo is selected?
EDIT: Let me be more clear. I am developing a DropBox-like application. I would like to be able to import any file pe of any type into my application from any other application. By adding "" to "Document Content Type UTIs", I am able to import attachments from email, for example, into my application, but I still cannot import photos from the Camera app. My app doesn't appear as an option when trying to open the photo in other apps.
It turns out that importing files like this is not the intended use for the Actions section of the Camera (or any other application). This is very disappointing. The kind of "open in" ability you get in apps like Mail worked very well with importing file attachments into my app, but it doesn't look like I can get that same behavior from the photo library.

Is NSPortMessage in the iOS API?

I am trying to write a demo according to Thread Programming Guide about run loops.
When I implement NSPortDelegate's - (void)handlePortMessage:(NSPortMessage *)portMessage; method it prompts an error:
Receiver type 'NSPortMessage' for instance message is a forward declaration
So I try to import by "Foundation/NSPortMessage.h", after which it says:
Foundation/NSPortMessage.h file not found.
So I wonder whether we can use NSPortMesssage in iOS?
NSPortMessage doesn't seem to be in the iOS documentation so is presumably a private API. Xcode does code completion of NSPortMessage for me when I try to use it, presumably because of the forward declaration. However, if I ask Xcode to show me the definition of NSPortMessage it says the symbol is not found which would confirm that it is a private API.
The class exists in the Objective-C Runtime on my iPhone 4s so it is on the device. However NSPortMessage allows inter-process communication which I assume would be against the iOS sandboxing security. Perhaps it will work for inter-thread communications though.
I certainly wouldn't try and use it in an app that is intended for the App Store.
Since the iOS version of distributed object programming guide and certain APIs are also deprecated, it seems that all stuff related to port-based input source are discouraged to be used for iOS development. But setting up a port-based channel to communicate between threads using Core Foundation function still be an available choice.
