How to dismiss or suppress permission issue automatically related to Contacts, Camera, Microphone in iOS Application - ios

I have been working on a project wherein i made a framework where i automatically test the SDK my company is developing.
I have created my dummy sample application for all the platforms(iOS, Android, OSX, Windows) which makes use of this SDK and i thereby test this SDK, call the SDK API's do my work.
Now my question is for iOS i get permission alerts for Contacts, Camera and Microphone first time whenever i use the API's of my SDK which internally is invoking something in iOS framework. Is there a way i can automatically give this permission to my application ?? i know it's iOS own Security concern and it's correct. But how do i bypass it.
I see there is Apple's XCUITest framework but i don't want to open my application via it.
Right now i handle this alert manually but i need to implement Continuous Integration(using ios-deploy), i have done everything but i can't handle these alerts automatically.
Can someone please help me.. Thanks!!


Fetch App referrer when iOS App opened from other iOS app

Did some research but haven't found way to detect app referrer in iOS app(App is based on Swift Language), Flow is
Someone has posted some web link on FB i.e. link is
Assume our iOS app is already installed on user's
device, hence when someone click on that link it will trigger ourapp(via
deep linking flow), and its working fine but also would like to know
source from which app user land to our iOS app.
Looks like in android there is way to achieve this using AndroidAppUri but haven't found way for iOS, let me know if anybody has any suggestion\input.

where to write the code that does force on an iPhone user to update iOS application in his iPhone?

I need how Can I force on an iPhone user to update iOS application in his iPhone?
after searching I get the answer of this issue the fallowing link:
Can I force an iPhone user to update iOS application
But I do not have any idea where to write this code and I want to display the message that says the new version is ready at the first time the application runs before launch page.
can any help me this issue.
please help me.
I added a viewController which behave as a splash screen. In this viewController I get current application version and sent to server for validation and show alert to user if his application is not updated. If user click on update then redirect user to appStore.
For reference image is attached.
I suggest you to use This library where you can use in both Objective C and Swift. And you can use it by using CocoaPods and manually.
And it supports
A three number versioning system (e.g., 1.0.0)
Also supports two-number versioning (e.g., 1.0)
And also supports four-number versioning (e.g.,
Check the link for more features.

Swift - how to access all pdf files on device

I am trying to build an app that will allow users to see all pdf files that are on the device (in some kind of a list with a preview) [Regardless of which app it belongs to on the device, all should be shown]. Is there anyway to achieve this?
Sorry but this is not possible on an iOS device because of a feature called sandboxing. Apple does not allow an app to access the sandbox of another app. Each app sits inside a sandbox of its own. This is iOS's security feature. There is no way to go around this feature.
Reference - About App Sandbox

How can I automate WiFi testing using Xcode Instruments?

I want to automate the UI flow on iOS, specifically below steps:
User taps on Settings
Opens WiFi options
Taps on the desired SSID
Enters Username and Password
Taps connect
Opens up a browser
I can do similar flow on Android with Android Debug Bridge. In Xcode Instruments, I don't see any WiFi options listed. Do we have any other tool to automate UI flow on iOS?
The standard is now to use UI Unit tests from XCode. Automation via instruments is deprecated (as far as I know).
However you can automate iOS itself, only the app you are testing. So accessing the settings like this will not work.
I'm also wondering why you need to test this. It's part of iOS and not your app. Therefore it's Apple's job to test it. You can just assume it works.
There is no way to do this on iOS. You may want to look into something like
Also ui_automation is remove from Xcode 8, so theres that.
I'm having pretty good luck with

Open Siri using private API's in iOS 8

I want to make an app that won't be released on the App Store. I want this app to open siri through private API's, basically inject a home button press and hold into the events queue. I have tried using GSEvent(GSSendEvent - Inject Touch Event iOS), but it no longer works(it silently fails) after iOS 7. I believe it is possible through SBUIController but I can't figure how to use SBUIController in iOS 8. To be clear, I want to do this on a non-jailbroken phone.
How can I go about doing this in iOS 8?
You should check out the runtime headers of all the private/public apis here.
I found a method hidden in accessibility, which could possibly work in your case. Have a look at it here: . The method is named -(void)openSiri, which suggest that it might open Siri, I haven't tried though.
