Is it possible to have global cross references on a quarto website? - quarto

Im trying to build a quarto website which consists of several QMD files.
Is it possible to have cross references between different QMD files, so that if the "link" is clicked, it takes you to an object which is located in another tab on the website?
Im using the RStudio environment.
I could only find documentation how to do it on the same website tab.

If you want to reference for instance a section in another blog article (blog01.qmd), that have been labelled ## Example section {#sec-example-section}, you can do the following:


AutoCAD CUIX: Swapping my LISP routine’s mapped drive URL link in my Macro with the Google Share Drive web based link of the same file

My LISP routines are on the Google Share Drive at my work. I have buttons in my custom ribbon that calls my routines using a mapped drive letter URL link.
URL Link example in my custom Macro:
Trying to share this with the other CAD users in the office.
Various CAD Users have different mapped drive letters (Ex: H:\ or S:\ instead of G:).
Trying to avoid going around and manually changing the drive letter to match their mapping every time I updated the CUIX file (since path would be overwritten).
Would like to use the universal Google Share Drive web based link (by selecting the file and choose "get link" in Google Drive and copy the link).
The Swap:
Current URL Mapping in my Macro example (if image above not showing):
^C^C(load "G:\shardrive\CAD_Department\CAD_menu\LISP\My_routine.lsp");My_routine;
Example of swapping with the Google Share Drive link (not working):
^C^C(load "");My_routine;
Another method I tried
^C^C(command-s "_browser" "");My_routine;
Anyone know the proper syntax for the macro?
Thanks in advance!
Sounds like a more configurable approach is needed, where the users can map the drives with whatever path they want (G:, S:\ or whatever). But they can still use the tools that are inside said drive.
To do this there are three things that would help:
1.) start using AutoCAD profiles. It's possible write a setup script to create the profile for the user. This profile would contain a support file path entry for the location of your LISP code. The path would vary depending on where the user has google drive mapped to.
2.) load all LISP from the profile when AutoCAD starts up, this can be done with the acaddoc.lsp file.
3.) remove all hard-coded load statements from the CUI buttons
For the issue I mentioned in my comment above about opening a folder through the CUIX macro only (and not through a LISP routine), I found this possible solution:
^C^C(startapp "explorer" (vl-string-translate "/" (chr 92) "C:/TEMP"));
Credit to Paul_Gander and his comments located here:
More testing needed but so far so good...
Thank you Paul!

Why does my asciidoc relative link doesn't work outside of my microservice?

I'm starting to create documentation using asciidoc on my project which is following a microservices architecture.
We have a microservice for documentation. In its files I want to link to another document in another microservice.
I can do a relative link inside my own component but when I try to go higher with ../ it does not work and the link does nothing.
Does anyone may know why ?
Could it be because asciidoc is installed in the jenkins file of my component but not the others ?
Or is it because I do not use the link correctly ?
I use it as it is describe in the doc :
I also tried the xref with no more success.
Thanks a lot for anyone who can help me
The link: macro is supposed to be used with a URL, not a file path. Generally, it does what you mean. However, Asciidoctor's safe mode prevents access to files which reside outside of the folder containing the source file specified for transformation.
So, if the documentation for your other microservices is going to be hosted separately (e.g. one URL per microservice), then you should update your link: macro usage to specify URLs instead.
If all of your microservice documentation is to be hosted under one URL, specify --safe when you invoke Asciidoctor. For more details, see::

Inserting hyperlinks to web sites in captivate 6 with a variable

Hi want to insert a few hyperlinks in captivate 6 slides. However, while doing the development of the project, these links point to a test server. I would like to replace the base part of the hyperlinks , the part with the new destination address, once the project is to be final. Is there a way to use variable or some other method to do this in captivate , where I create part of the hyperlink with a variable, and just by changing the variable value , have the hyperlink in all the slides change ? Thanks.
I'm not at a machine with Captivate installed so I can't verify this works, but if you put the base URL in a variable called base, you might be able to set the destination address to $$base$$/location/of/resource
For future reference, a fairly active forum for Captivate exists on Adobe's site here.

Component configuration file in xcode?

Lets say i want to develop an RSS Reader reusable component for iOS with a configuration file which can me updated by user. So my wish list is as follow:
Add the component to a new project in single click. Just like adding framework.
I also want that my source files are NOT visible to other user (developer).
And yes if there are resources associated with it should also seamlessly be added to new project.
And most importantly I want the developer to be able to adjust few parameters for my component eg specifying the URL for my RSS Reader.
In short after i am done all i want the developer to see are my header files and configuration file. Any ideas ?
You should use a fake framework as described here.

Create a combined view list in SharePoint 2007

I like to have a main page Web part with a link to each one of the shared documents in our portal.
The problem is that they are from different libraries and also I want the SharePoint to keep track of check in and check outs of the files. When I use, Content Editor to add the links, and then click on the list, it download a copy of file and saved changes do not change the original document.
I thought about creating a modified view in that specific library and filter out just one file. Then put that file in the front page. But, the first problem is that the file is 2 or 3 level deep in hierarchy. Also, even if I manage to do that, what should I do about different files in different libraries?
Please Advise
