Unable to add a script button as a left sidebar new tool item in Tabletop Simulator - lua

I am preparing a mod for a tabletop simulator game, and I will be using clickable buttons as there are many options and different setups depending on the number of players that come and how they want to play the game. However, the game is extensive in the number of pieces in the table, so I was trying to add the buttons (that run the setup scripts) as left sidebar tool add-ons so we didn't stretch the table further to the sides to house the setup buttons.
I have looked through the app documentation and I found no way to script-force the buttons into left sidebar tool icons. All I could find was to add some dropdown menus by using XML in the CUSTOM UI but nothing specific that would create a left sidebar new buttons and items.
Is there something I missed and there is a possibility to do it?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Luis Lima

I stumbled upon this workshop
in it there's a section of coding under the UI tab that if you modify it then the created floating button can be moved over to the left side. I believe with this you could create your own drop down menus as well. Note I did edit the below line of coding to put the button on the left below the rest of the menu buttons. Hope this helps you achieve what you want.
offsetXY="00 -525"


Is there a specific name for iOS list-like buttons?

I'm gonna make a half presented modal like you all can see in the iPhone's note app, but I was wondering there is a specific name for making this button like the image below?
(It's not related to this post but...) I was watching the UIDatepicker's video the other day, and the guy on the video also talked about the pull-down menu. I know the pull-down menu is not the one I'm trying to make, but its appearance looks similar to what I want to create now (I mean buttons in a list), so I was wondering if there is a specific UI for making this list like buttons or is it just like a normal button in a row and I need to customize them like a list?

How to implement the "instagram explore page" top buttons?

If you open the instagram app on your mobile and go to the explorer page you can see couple of buttons on the top of the page like "IGTV", "Travel", ... The interesting part for me is that you can scroll these buttons to the left or right. My question is how do we implement this feature in swift? do we use standard buttons in a specific container or use totally different things. thanks

How to create radio buttons and drop down menu bar in Swift (for iOS app development)?

I am beginner in iOS app development and am creating an app where I need to create radio button and drop sown menu bar using swift .
Please suggest me, how could I do that ??
Welcome to SO. In general, this site isn't really suited to "show me how to do <development task>" questions. It's intended for specific technical questions about code you are trying to get working.
I'll take pity on you since this is your first post.
Neither radio buttons nor drop-down menus are standard iOS controls. You should consider using iOS standard user interface elements instead.
The iOS equivalent of radio buttons is a segmented control (UISegementedControl)
The iOS equivalent of a drop-down menu is a UIPickerView.
If you really want radio buttons and drop-down menus you could create them yourself, but as a beginner that is likely over your head. You might want to look for open source components that do what you need. Try checking out CocoaControls. There are lots and lots of custom controls. You can likely find what you're looking for there under a reasonable source license like the MIT license.

Create a drop down select box with dynamic options

I am trying to recreate a popular effect that all iPhone users have seen before on their settings page. Something like when selecting a wireless network. There is normally a title that says "Available Networks" with a blue arrow icon to the right. onClick there is an accordion style slide down effect to reveal the available networks.
I am trying to recreate this to use as a drop down input for my app's settings page since iPhone does not have anything like that in their storyboard builder interface. The other issue is the options will be dynamic (coming from a database).
Has anyone seen a tutorial on this or maybe an open source app I can use as reference.
I am using iOS 6.1 using Storyboards.
I should have spent a little more time researching I am sure I would have have this post that was very helpful regardind the actual code for the drop-down not so much the dynamic data. How to create DropDown in xcode?

iPhone/iPad UI: seeking drop-down control

My universal app has a settings page, wherein the user must choose a theme from a dozen available themes.
Problem is, if I am using a picker-view, it takes up most of the screen on an iPhone.
I think what I want is something like your standard Windows drop-down menu, where it just displays on a single line the current selection, and clicking it expands into a scrollable list of possible items. Selecting an item collapses the list back into the original form.
So my question is: What is my best method for handling this situation? Can anyone point me to pictures or code examples of how this situation is handled successfully?
This is the behaviour I'm looking for:
only the currently selected profile is displayed
when the user taps on this, it expands into a list
when the user selects an item (or taps outside of the view) it collapses back to its original form, now displaying the new selection
ie functionally equivalent to a dropdown.
Firstly, this question is a duplicate of:
(not much good) Picker view as subview
(same) How to make an iPhone dropdown-looking button
(better) How to create drop down list box for an iphone app
(even better) Creating a drop-down list in iPhone app
(that last one links to some handy code)
Secondly, Google image search for 'dropdown control iphone' restricting the image size to 320x480 shows how everyone is doing this.
Basically a picker view scrolls in from the bottom, the same way as the keyboard does.
