Create a drop down select box with dynamic options - ios

I am trying to recreate a popular effect that all iPhone users have seen before on their settings page. Something like when selecting a wireless network. There is normally a title that says "Available Networks" with a blue arrow icon to the right. onClick there is an accordion style slide down effect to reveal the available networks.
I am trying to recreate this to use as a drop down input for my app's settings page since iPhone does not have anything like that in their storyboard builder interface. The other issue is the options will be dynamic (coming from a database).
Has anyone seen a tutorial on this or maybe an open source app I can use as reference.
I am using iOS 6.1 using Storyboards.
I should have spent a little more time researching I am sure I would have have this post that was very helpful regardind the actual code for the drop-down not so much the dynamic data. How to create DropDown in xcode?


How to change AppiumDriver focus to dropdown that appears on a different layer? iOS

I'm using Appium and I don't face this issue on Android. Only on iOS.
The app is made on React Native. Some sections of the app use a dropdown that when you tap on them, show some options but hide the rest of the app behind a shadow. Something similar to this:
When this happens, the focus of the AppiumDriver remains on the background, so I can't tap/click on the options or any of the elements that appear on the front. Similar in some way to what happens when you're using Selenium WebDriver and a new popup appears and you have to change the focus of the driver in order to interact with its elements.
I've tried with "getWindowsHandles()" or "getContextHandles()" but it doesn't work for this scenario.
The only thing that worked to click these options was using X,Y coordinates which is not very optimal, so I'm aiming to find a better solution in which I can interact with these elements setting the AppiumDriver focus on the options.
You can try locating it using the Accessibility Id in your code (not in Appium Inspector). The Accessibility Id will be similar to the text of the option like
accessibility id = "Reload"

How to create radio buttons and drop down menu bar in Swift (for iOS app development)?

I am beginner in iOS app development and am creating an app where I need to create radio button and drop sown menu bar using swift .
Please suggest me, how could I do that ??
Welcome to SO. In general, this site isn't really suited to "show me how to do <development task>" questions. It's intended for specific technical questions about code you are trying to get working.
I'll take pity on you since this is your first post.
Neither radio buttons nor drop-down menus are standard iOS controls. You should consider using iOS standard user interface elements instead.
The iOS equivalent of radio buttons is a segmented control (UISegementedControl)
The iOS equivalent of a drop-down menu is a UIPickerView.
If you really want radio buttons and drop-down menus you could create them yourself, but as a beginner that is likely over your head. You might want to look for open source components that do what you need. Try checking out CocoaControls. There are lots and lots of custom controls. You can likely find what you're looking for there under a reasonable source license like the MIT license.

How to make an iPhone spinner?

I am creating an iphone application, where i am getting confuse. I need to show a control (displaying Online option) as i have mention in below screenshot. I have seen such type of controls in Android.
When user will press, it should display Offline and Online two options in one small pop up view. Selected option text will come on to the control field. How to implement or give me suggestion to show such type of field in iphone.
Thanks in Advance.
Check the answer here: Any pull down or drop down menu for iOS?
Personally I would make a text box with an image view to make it look like a drop down box. then on tap load a UIActionSheet for the user to select from.

Trouble with Non-Native Menu in jQuery Mobile

I have a select that I'd like to use the custom menu display (rather than native) in jQuery Mobile. However, I'm just getting strange behavior out of the non-native menu (jsfiddle link). In this case, the non-native menu is only showing one of my three options.
Found the issue right after I posted it. Every option needs a value attribute set (corrected jsFiddle).
Depending on how many options you have, radio buttons groups might be a better option. The problem with any select is that it requires the user to act before ever seeing what their options are. From a user experience perspective, if you don't have a vast amount of options, use radio buttons. This section of a blog post I wrote might help.

How can I style a ListPicker to behave just like the native ListPick in the OS settings pages?

I am using the ListPicker from the toolkit. I have managed to apply a style template so that when the user is selecting from a list of items in fullscreen mode, it looks somewhat similar to the native WP7 implementation.
However, there are a few things missing that appear on the native implementation:
On full mode enter, the items appear via an animation
When at item is selected, it stays highlighted for an instant, then the items disappear via an animation
Am I missing something or is this simply just not exposed to 3rd party developers using silverlight at this point in time?
Animations are provided in November Toolkit. Download the latest version, please
Check the other posts in the same site ..
