How to style the transform anchors on a Konva element? - konvajs

How do I style the transform anchors (e.g., blue boxes) on a transformable Konva element? Note I'm using Konva with konva-react.
Example 1:
In other words, what if I wanted to make the boxes grey, and semi-transparent? Or change the size?
Example 2:
Or, what if I waned to remove the anchors and make the entire edge of a Rect able to be grabbed to resize? In other words, make the anchor transparent and full-height/full-width.

Iā€™d start your research using the elements from this example:
It shows that the transformer has various bits you can style in your own way. Good luck with that.


Karaoke-like progress highlight for iOS

I would like to implement karaoke-like progress highlight for iOS.
I know I could use NSAttributedString and highlight the text character by character. However, I would like the highlight to progress pixel by pixel, not character by character.
Any ideas?
P.S. No need for sample code, just point me to the right direction.
Here is an example:
I can't think of any automatic way to do that. There would be several problems to solve. It would be pretty hard, I think.
The hardest would probably be figuring out the pixel position of each word so you can pace the coloring to match the timing within the music. With text and attributed layout, you could probably get the text engine to give you the boundaries of each word and then apply the color attribute to each word as it's spoken/sung. You'd have to have data about the time offset for the beginning and end of each word's being sung.
You might have to use Core Text to get layout information about the bounding rectangles of each word.
Once you get that you could build a path (UIBezierPath or CGPath; they're pretty interchangeable) that follows the flow of the text, and then install that path in to a shape layer. You could then make the text transparent, make the shape layer a colored background that shows through, and animate the shape layer's strokeStart and/or strokeEnd properties to make it fill the text. You might need to do it word by word with a short animation that interpolates between one word and the next to get the timing right.
You probably want to have a look at Core Text, which is the lower level framework used for laying out text, using this you can obtain necessary paths that you need to render said effect (I suggest starting from answers similar to this)
There are plenty of answers for alternative, perhaps simpler answers, for example character by character or word-by-word, which may be easier to implement.

Rounded textBox

Is ShapeRenderer class has the ability to do this,I would like to create boundaries for a custom object (such as a rectangle with rounded corners) and then fill it.And after that some text on that filled rounded box.
shapeRenderer.curve(x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2, segments);
Any suggestion to do it in libgdx.
As Lestat said, you can use Scene2d.
Whether you are using Scene2d or not, a NinePatch would probably be suitable if you want to draw a rounded rectangle that scales well (check this link).
If you want to be able to set the color of your image/control, you can use NinePatch.setColor().
Here are two example scenarios regarding colors:
You will always have a black stroke/outline, and an arbitrary fill. In this case make the original image have black stroke/outline and white interior. When you 'tint' the image using NinePatch.setColor(), the stroke/outline will be unaffected and will remain black, while the interior (fill) will be the same as the color provide to the mentioned method.
You have arbitrary fill and arbitrary stroke. In this case you need 2 separate original images. First one would contain the 'fill' and would be completely white. Second one would contain the 'stroke' in white color and would be transparent inside. When drawing you would draw first the fill with its tint and then the stroke with its tint and that's all.
If for some reason you needed different corner curve radii, you would probably need separate images (or image pairs) for each radius to get the best result.

WP7.5 Mango Tile BackContent alignment

Is it possible to center-align the BackContent of a tile?
For example:
I want the above two lines aligned centered on the back side of a tile. Is this possible?
You have to draw the text manually onto your BackBackgroundImage as you cannot adjust the placement of the BackContent.
It is not possible to update your Tile with animations or sound. The
placement of the Tile properties is not customizable.
MSDN Source
Edit: Have a look at this question, there is example code showing how to do it.
Draw a image, where it's aligned, and use that as a back property. I've written a guide about it.
(For the front tile, but the backtile is no different).

CSS sprite position problem

I trying to create a fixed border to the site that dynamically change size with the browser window from this sprite (it isn't perfect I know.):
DEMO on jSFiddle
My problem as you can see is the vertical wall part. As the #falJ and #falB are height:100% they include the bottom wall's end too with the space between the two wall sprites. Is there a way to force backround-position to only use vertical wall part without bottom wall's end?
Thanks in advance.
It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but it achieves what you want. Check out the source code & direct link for the background images to see what you'll need to do. It's currently set at 299px wide; I imagine you'll be using something wider.
I'd also suggest adding some padding around your content (either with a p tag, span, another div, etc.) - the way it is currently set up isn't what I'd recommend for readability.
The only way I can imagine achieving a fluid width + height box with the borders that you have in the way that you want is to use a second image for the west and east containing divs. This should work with your current method.

How to modify the focus-box color in TVirtualStringTree?

I need to modify the focus-box's border color of TVirtualStringTree,
just like this pic:
You can't control the color of the dotted focus rectangle. That's determined automatically by inverting the color of whatever it's drawn on. The OS provides ā€” and the tree control uses ā€” an API for that. (You could edit the source code and replace calls to DrawFocusRect with your own function, if you want.)
If you're talking about the color of the whole node, then first check to make sure the toUseBlendedSelection paint option is set the way you want it. It defaults off, but since it makes the selection rectangle look cool when dragging a box around items, you might have turned it on without realizing what it does to ordinary selected nodes, too.
If that's not it, then adjust one of the values in the tree control's Colors property, probably either FocusedSelectionColor or UnfocusedSelectionColor. But please don't make such a change lightly; the user has chosen the selection color through the OS options, so you probably shouldn't change it. If you do use a different color, make sure the text is still readable against whatever new color you select.
You can set treeview's option toHideFocusRectangle to true and paint your focus rectangle by yourself in one of several paint events (basically it is enough to use OnBeforeCellPaint).
